After the heaven-sacrifice ceremony, the eldest prince's marriage was naturally cancelled.

Since the eldest prince said that Master Yunfa suggested that he marry a girl born in the Year of the Monkey, the Month of the Monkey and the Day of the Monkey, the Queen Mother would not dare not listen to Master Yunfa’s advice!

It's just that among the big families in the imperial capital, apart from Ruan Weizhen, there really is no girl who meets the requirements.

When the eldest princess saw that the Queen Mother was worried about this, she said: "Marriage matters are all brokered by Yue Lao. It is arranged by God. Or maybe the destined daughter-in-law of the emperor's nephew is among the daughters of hundreds of officials who have been sent to various states and counties."

"I can only choose among them. Fortunately, there are many aristocratic families in various places." The Queen Mother said impatiently, but she was quite unwilling in her heart.

The Queen Mother ordered someone to bring out the roster of state and county officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs.

The information about their family members is recorded above.

The Queen Mother, the eldest princess and Aunt Gui searched for a whole day before they found a suitable woman. Compared with Ruan Weizhen in the portrait, she was a bit ugly, but there was no one more suitable.

This girl is Lan Yue, the daughter of the magistrate of Jihe County.

"Is this girl a bit ugly? And isn't the status of the county magistrate's daughter too low?" The Queen Mother was dissatisfied. She was even more dissatisfied with the Blue Moon than the Lord Ruian!

Why do all the monkey girls from such aristocratic families get married so early?

The Queen Mother didn't even think about it. Women born in the Year of the Monkey are already seventeen years old this year. If they don't get married, they will be old girls at the age of eighteen, and no one will want them!

"Why don't you listen to Master Yunfa and choose one for the eldest prince in the imperial family?" After choosing for a whole day, the eldest princess had no patience to choose any more. Just marry a virtuous wife. There are so many. Be particular! Besides, isn’t there a concubine? What does it matter if you are ugly!

"That won't work. Master Yunfa is an eminent monk. There are many people from other countries who seek advice from him, but he is unwilling to do so. It's rare for the eldest prince to win his favor, so he naturally has to listen to the master's words."

When she was a child, the imperial master approved the eldest prince's destiny and said that he had a bad life, so she felt more compassion for him. Now I have finally found a solution, just marry a girl born in the Year of the Monkey, Month and Day of the Monkey. Even if she is the daughter of a wealthy businessman, she has to ask for it for him. Of course, this is a last resort only when you really have no choice~

So the poor eldest prince got an ugly girl who was the daughter of a county magistrate as his concubine because of his bluster, and became the laughing stock of the entire imperial capital.

After learning that the Queen Mother had chosen such an unworthy daughter-in-law for him, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood and died.

Forget it, and because of those two visions, there are rumors among the people that the future emperor will definitely be the sixth prince. Only the sixth prince can bring peace and contentment to the people!

We firmly oppose the eldest prince’s succession to the throne in the future!

After hearing this, the eldest prince returned to the palace angrily. As soon as he entered the room, he turned over a table and destroyed a set of fine jade pots!

The eldest prince continued to want to sweep the things off the Bogu shelf.

When the other maids saw this, they were so frightened that they knelt aside and did not dare to take a breath.

A big eunuch hurriedly stepped forward to pull the eldest prince, but he kicked him away.

"First Prince, you must not do this! All the items in the palace are registered and have a certain number. It would be bad if the emperor finds out." The eunuch covered his painful chest and stopped him.

The eldest prince was about to sweep all the things off the Bogu shelf, but when he heard these words, he stopped abruptly.

Then he punched the round table hard: "Get out! Get everyone out of here."

After hearing this, the palace maid and the eunuch quickly stepped back.

The eldest prince walked around the room, the anger in his heart still roaring!

Finally, he couldn't help but leave the palace and went straight to Zuifang Tower.

Such rumors are not good for the eldest prince, but they are also aimed at the sixth prince!

Shangguan Xuanyi listened to Xiao Fuzi's words, thought for a moment and said: "Let Twelve spread this word: Five-color auspicious clouds are the dragon's energy, but the seven-color auspicious clouds are the true dragon's energy!"

Xiao Fuzi said yes and stepped back.

Soon rumors spread that the colorful auspicious clouds were the real dragon's energy.

Are the colorful auspicious clouds the real dragon spirit? I can say it! In a certain courtyard in the palace, the owner of a pair of slender white hands gently turned the pages of a book and murmured.

The emperor ignored these matters and his attitude towards all his sons did not change.

He knew clearly in his heart that the future throne must be inherited by one of the princes, and he didn't mind if they wanted to be the emperor!

He only has six princes and one princess in total. Compared with the emperors of previous dynasties, it can be said that his heirs have withered away! If in his later years, only one of his sons dies, this is definitely not something he would like to see!

One day after the morning court, Master Yin of Shuntian Prefecture handed a sign to the palace to ask for an audience with the emperor.

In the imperial study, Lord Fu Yin bowed to the emperor and then presented a piece of paper: "Your Majesty, a student from Shengping County is suing Zhu Jiawen for cheating in the imperial examination. After the official retrieved the examination papers and verified, it was found that there were five students in Shengping County who had cheated in the imperial examination. He was suspected of cheating, and one of them even donated his official position.”

"Where's the evidence?" the emperor asked after reading the petition.

Mr. Fu Yin immediately presented the list of scholars and examination papers in the imperial examination in Shengping County. Among them, the examination papers of the five suspected cheating candidates and the examination papers of the complainant were released separately.

After the emperor read it, he was furious, "Check all the examination papers from various states and counties. If anyone cheats, his or her qualifications as a student will be revoked! Those who cheat and have donated their official positions will be dismissed from their official positions, demoted to common people, and will never be hired! Related leaks All the officials’ homes will be confiscated and their property will be confiscated! They will be demoted to common people! Generations of descendants will not be allowed to serve as officials! In addition, this imperial examination will not count, and there will be no exams next year! Dear Sir, please investigate this matter together with the people from the Ministry of Punishment, the Imperial College, and the study room!"

"Doesn't the imperial examination in Imperial City also count?" The examination papers in Imperial City are different from the local examination papers. This year, the emperor has nothing to do, and he personally writes the questions according to his mood.

As for the Imperial Capital, no one dared to cheat under the Emperor's nose, especially this year when the Emperor personally set the questions.

After hearing this, the emperor pondered for a moment and said: "Check it again. If no one is cheating, then let it remain unchanged! It's just that the provincial examination and the joint examination have been postponed to next year with other scholars.

In this case, students from Imperial City had to study for one more year when taking the provincial examination than students from other places!

The emperor also wanted to give local students a warning about cheating, so he did it deliberately.

Mr. Tan's home was immediately confiscated, his whole family was demoted to common people, and all his property was confiscated!

The family was hiding in a broken house, and Mrs. Tan was chasing Shen Yuzhu! Beating and scolding at the same time!

Shen Yuzhu has been miserable these past few months! In the past, she dared not speak out when she was angry! Now that the whole family has been demoted to common people and lost their official positions, what else does she have to fear! He directly grabbed Mrs. Tan's hair and slapped her several times! Quite like a mother-in-law! Even better than the old!

Thank you Forever Love for the reward, and thank you book friends for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets

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