Shen Yuzhu got up in the middle of the night and wanted to escape, but unfortunately, Master Tan's brother noticed him.

"Brother, that stinky bitch has escaped!" Master Tan's younger brother saw a familiar figure running out of the ruined temple while half asleep and woke up his elder brother quickly.

Master Tan and Mrs. Tan immediately woke up with a jolt and ran after them without even having time to put on their shoes.

Mrs. Tan ran even more furiously! I can’t do it without running! Shen Yuzhu ran away, and now that there is no maid, doesn't it fall on her to take care of Master Tan's younger brother?

The fear in her heart at the thought of caring for someone with limited mobility made her run faster.

Master Tan felt that he lost his official position and had nothing because he donated his official position to help Shen Yuzhu and her nephew cheat in the child exam.

Now if she still wants to leave her brother and run away, then she is not trying to draw water from a bamboo basket but in vain! Don't even think about it!

After all, Shen Zizhu was in great pain after being held in the palm of Shen Zhuang's hand. Apart from her fragile appearance, she had no ability. She tripped and fell after running a few steps.

Her knees and palms were scraped, and the pain made her cry. Just as she was about to get up and continue running, Mrs. Tan caught up with her and jumped on her.

She was really crying now, she was crying because of her miserable life, begging them to let her go. Unfortunately, Master Tan and Mrs. Tan were not Mr. Shen and Mr. Shen Zhuang, so how could they pity her!

Shen Yuzhu thought of her third brother's family, so she raised her tear-stained face and said: "I didn't want to run away, I just wanted to go to my third brother and ask him to help us, really! You let me go Find him!"

"Your third brother? Marquis Shengping?"

"Yes, yes, yes, my third brother is Marquis Shengping. He has always been soft-hearted and will definitely help us."

Master Tan and Mrs. Tan looked at each other, maybe this is their only hope?

Although Shen Yuzhu definitely wanted to escape by herself at this moment, rather than asking Marquis Shengping to save her family.

But they were dismissed from office by the emperor's order, their homes were ransacked, and they were left penniless. Even if they could return to their hometown, they still had to pay for it!

Now that the situation is in full swing, no family in the entire Imperial City dares to help their family, but Shen Yuzhu went to ask for help, and it would be great if he could get some money back!

As long as they secretly watched Shen Yuzhu from the side, it would be difficult for her to fly even with her wings.

Master Tan thought of this, nodded and threatened: "Tomorrow at dawn you go to Shengpinghou Mansion to beg for help. We are watching from the side, don't even think about leaving us, I lost my official position because of you! You are born as a Tan family member, and die as a Tan family ghost. If you dare to leave us alone, I will dare to kill you!"

Shen Yuzhu didn't take it seriously after hearing this. When she finds her third brother and hides in Shengpinghou Mansion, she won't care about them!

The next day, at dawn, Shen Yuzhu knocked on the door of Shengpinghou Mansion.

The concierge quickly got up from the bed, rubbed his eyes, cleared his throat, and then said, "Who is outside the door?"

No one answered.

The concierge asked again: "Who is outside the door?"

Still no answer.

This person is so rude.

The concierge opened a small square door (a cat's eye specially designed by Xiaoer), looked out, and saw an unkempt female ghost standing outside. He was so frightened that he quickly locked the small door, ran back to the gatehouse, and hid under the quilt. Shivering!

This female ghost is so fierce, the sun is almost out, and she still dares to show her head.

Shen Yuzhu knocked on the door again, but no one answered her.

She just saw that everyone inside had seen her, but she still dared not open the door. This was definitely because Mrs. Liu had specifically told the concierge not to open the door for her as long as she came to the door.

She is not a mother, an eldest brother or a sister-in-law, or a second brother or a second sister-in-law. She has never done anything to disgrace the third brother's family, and the third brother will definitely not ignore her!

Thinking of this, Shen Yuzhu slapped the door with her hands and kicked the door with her feet: "Open the door! Open the door for me, Mrs. Liu, I know it's you, you must have ordered someone to stop me outside!"

Shen Yuzhu kicked the door a few more times, and the gray footprints on the red lacquer door were particularly obvious.

"Ms. Liu, open the door for me. This is my third brother's house! This house belongs to our Shen family. Why don't you, Liu, open the door for me? Open the door. I want to find my third brother!"

The concierge sat up from the bed, something was wrong! Can this ghost still curse? Third brother? Do you mean the master? Does Liu mean the wife? Who is this person?

"Ms. Liu, you stinky bitch, open the door for me quickly! Otherwise, I will ask my third brother to divorce you!"

"Third brother, I am Yuzhu! Come and open the door for me! That stinky bitch Liu actually dared to ask the concierge to block me from the door!"


It turns out she’s not a female ghost!

The concierge hurriedly went to report that Shen Yuzhu knew that he had come to live in the Marquis Mansion for a while at first, but after a lawsuit, they stopped communicating with her. Now he came to visit her again and didn't know what the matter was.

Now she was making a big fuss in front of her house, and her house's reputation was being ruined.

In the inner courtyard of the Liu family, even if Shen Yuzhu slapped her hand off, she would not hear it.

And Shen Chengyao had already gone to court.

The two brothers Xiaoer and Jingrui had already finished practicing kung fu in the martial arts field and were preparing to practice archery.

The martial arts training ground is in the outer courtyard closer to the gate, so all three brothers and sisters heard it.

"Is this Shen Yuzhu's voice?" Jingrui frowned. What did she want when she came to the door again?

"Who else is there besides her? I'll go and see." Xiaoer took the handkerchief from Yang Liu and wiped her sweat.

The two brothers also quickly wiped away their sweat and followed.

Xiaoer stopped them: "No, I won't go out. I just want to tell the concierge a few words."

"Let's go together."

Xiao'er didn't force it. The three of them walked to the door and saw the concierge running to pass the news and stopped him.

"No need to tell Madam, just tell the people outside the door: I don't have a sister, only a younger brother. She has found the wrong person! If she still makes trouble outside the door, have someone go out through the back door to report to the officials and let the officials arrest her. !”

After hearing Xiaoer's words, the concierge quickly ran back to reply.

After the concierge finished what Xiaoer had told him, Shen Yuzhu scolded her even more fiercely.

"Ms. Liu, you are a black-hearted, rotten, filthy bitch, hurry up and open the door..."

The three brothers and sisters stood outside the door and were speechless listening to Shen Yuzhu's curses.

This is indeed a complete inheritance of Shen Zhuang's curse.

Others say that eating a little will make you wiser. After Shen Yuzhu suffered such a big loss, he still only has a temper but not a brain!

She came to the door today obviously to ask for help. She actually dared to scold Mrs. Liu like this outside the door. It was so confusing!

Shen Zhuang dared to scold her like this because she was her mother-in-law, and Shen Yuzhu, as a sister-in-law, really didn't have a reputation for scolding her like this.

But what is fame to her? It can't be used as food or money, so she doesn't want it!

Thank you everyone for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. It’s the end of the month! I finally stopped updating records this month! It’s so embarrassing. Constant updating is the highest requirement I have for myself!

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