The sky was getting brighter, and the Shengping Marquis Mansion was located in an area where the dignitaries of the Imperial City gathered. At this time, many of the housekeepers and servants of the neighboring families began to go out to buy or do errands.

If Shen Yuzhu continues to scold, it will probably attract many people to watch.

Just when Xiaoer was about to send someone to call for arrest, a team of patrolmen happened to be patrolling here. They saw someone dared to cause trouble in the Shengping Marquis Mansion and hurriedly stepped forward to arrest the person.

Seeing the patrol officer coming, Shen Yuzhu remembered her previous imprisonment, couldn't help but shuddered, and ran away quickly.

Master Tan and Mrs. Tan, who were hiding not far away, quickly chased after them.

When the concierge saw the policeman coming, he opened the door and said to the patrolmen and spectators: "A crazy woman came to my door and knocked on the door before dawn. I thought it was haunted at first! Thank you, Mr. Patrolman, for helping me scare the crazy woman away." Let's go. Everyone should also pay attention. If you encounter such a person one day, don't open the door. If you accidentally let the person in and disturb the masters, then we will be derelict in our duties."

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized that she was a crazy woman. No wonder! It seems that they have to remind the concierge when they get home, not to accidentally let a madman into the house!

"Such a crazy woman is the most difficult to deal with. If you try to reason with her and she doesn't understand, just call the servants to chase her away. It will inevitably lead to a fight! Uninformed people may think that we are bullying the people. If not, we will Our master is in trouble and will be punished by officials, are you right?" A housekeeper said.

"No, some people even pretend to be crazy and come to our house to recognize their relatives, just to deceive the concierge, let him in, and then cheat him into a meal of tea and food. Which concierge has never encountered such a thing! But... When something like this happens, the concierge has to pay a monthly fine, and sometimes he even loses his job! My old man tried it, so no matter whether this person is really stupid or pretending to be crazy, he must not open the door to let them in. "

"My old man has just become a concierge. No, I have to finish shopping and go back home to give him a heads up!" After saying this, she hurried away.

"Hey, I've been delayed here for a long time, I have to leave."

After hearing this, the leading patrol officer said: "We will arrange more people to patrol this area in the future, please don't worry."

This area is where the rich and powerful gather, and it would be of some benefit to me to be able to help these people one day.

Everyone expressed their gratitude after hearing this.

"With this small amount of money, I can buy some drinks for the officials. Thank you for all the hard work of the officials. I also want to thank the officials for their help!" The concierge took out a tael of silver and thanked the patrolman before closing the house. Door.

The patrolman took the money and left happily.

Xiaoer gave the concierge three taels of silver as a reward: "Well done!"

The concierge hurriedly saluted and thanked him.

Two taels of silver is equivalent to his monthly salary.

Since he came to work as an errand in the Shengping Marquis Mansion, he has received high salary, good food, monthly bonuses, quarterly bonuses, year-end bonuses, annual gifts during festivals, and some rewards from time to time. He has been working for more than a year and has saved all the money. I paid more than fifty taels of silver, but I couldn't find such a good job even with a lantern.

Xiaoer felt that Shen Yuzhu would never give up. It would be troublesome if she hid in the dark and waited for Shen Chengyao to appear.

She arranged for two more servants to pick up Shen Chengyao, lest he become soft-hearted and take him back to the house.

Now Shen Yuzhu is a member of the Tan family. A large part of the reason why Mr. Tan cheated in the imperial examination was to find a wife for his younger brother. Not counting the past grudges between the two families, if you turn around and go to rescue the person the emperor just punished, isn't this a slap in the emperor's face?

Besides, people like Shen Zhuang and Shen Yuzhu are better kept at a distance.

Shen Yuzhu ran to the next street and was caught by Mr. Tan who ran out of another alley, "Bah! Why is Shengpinghou your third brother! He will definitely not leave you alone! They won't even let you in!" "

"My third brother must not be at home, otherwise he would not leave me alone."

Mr. Tan also remembered that it was still morning court time. Marquis Shengping, who concurrently held the post of minister of the Ministry of Works, had to attend the morning court, and he was indeed not at home now.

"Let's find an inconspicuous place, hide and wait." Mr. Tan has been an official for many years and is naturally familiar with the road conditions in the imperial capital. The two of them escorted Shen Yuzhu and hid on the road that must be passed by Shen Chengyao's lower office. Wait.

After waiting for most of the day, Shen Yuzhu was so hungry that she felt dizzy and wanted to give up waiting. However, she didn't have money to buy anything until Shen Chengyao showed up.

Lu and Shen Chengzu walked to Shengpinghou together.

Because she had just finished her confinement, Mrs. Lu seemed to have gained a lot of weight and her face was rosy, which showed how nourishing her life was.

She was holding little Yue'er, who was just one month old, and Shen Chengzu was holding Xi'er. The two of them were walking forward, talking and laughing like an ordinary and happy couple.

Shen Chengzu also taught Xiao Xier about various gadgets sold on the street while walking.

"Dad, candied haws on a stick! Candied haws on a stick!" Xiao Xi'er shouted excitedly when she saw the vendor selling the candied haws, pointing to the red candied haws on top.

"Xi'er, do you want to eat candied haws on a stick? Dad will buy them for you! Let's also buy a few bunches for Brother Rui and the others, okay?"


Shen Chengzu carried Xi'er to buy candied haws, and Lu followed him.

Shen Chengzu bought a total of seven bunches of candied haws. He was holding Xi'er and counting the coins to the vendor. It was not convenient for him to receive the candied haws from the vendor.

Mrs. Lu stretched out her hand and took the candied haws.

Shen Yuzhu's eyes lit up when she saw her fourth brother's family buying candied haws. She quickly ran out and snatched several bunches of candied haws from Lu.

Mrs. Lu was pulled hard by her, and she took a few steps forward, almost accidentally dropping the little Yue'er in her arms to the ground.

Fortunately, Lu reacted quickly and fished it back.

"Robbing something! There is a crazy woman grabbing something!" The young candied haws seller shouted loudly when he saw this.

Shen Chengzu was startled and hurriedly walked to Mrs. Lu and looked at the little daughter in her arms, "Are you okay?"

Lu's face was still a little pale. Hearing Shen Chengzu's words, he shook his head: "Fortunately, I caught it!"

Only then did Shen Chengzu look at the man who had snatched away the candied haws and was eating it wildly.

"Are you crazy? Do you know that you almost caused my daughter to fall to the ground! Yuzhu?!"

Shen Yuzhu heard Shen Chengzu scolding her and raised her head to look at him.

"Fourth brother, I'm very hungry, buy me some meat buns!"

When Mrs. Lu saw it was Shen Yuzhu, she thought that her little daughter almost fell to the ground. She couldn't help complaining: "You want to eat candied haws, just say it, why do you have to grab it so hard? Just now Yue'er almost fell to the ground, such a small baby The child will die if he accidentally falls on the ground, don’t you know?!”

"I don't know! So what if I just robbed it? This belongs to my old Shen family, why can't I rob it! Is this another loser? If his life is gone, it will be gone! Why are you so nervous!"

Thank you for the weird tips, thank you for your monthly votes and recommendation votes~

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