When Shen Chengzu saw his sister, who was disheveled and smelly, he felt a pity in his heart even after she was in trouble. But after hearing her words, the pity in his heart disappeared without a trace. But he had always been dull and didn't know what to say.

But Lu's was different. She immediately sighed after hearing Shen Yuzhu's words: "Aren't you also a loser, you are also the biggest loser in the old Shen family! Even if you die, my daughter can live for another hundred years. Woolen cloth!"

The child who was just one month old was cursed to death when he was taken out of the house for the first time. It was really unlucky!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Lu sighed a few more times to get rid of bad luck!

The same goes for the emperor. This family has been plundered, so why don’t you behead them? It's true that good people don't live long, and disasters last for thousands of years! Mrs. Lu was so angry that she couldn't help but think about it.

"Ms. Lu, you bitch, you dare to curse me to death! I'll fight you!" After hearing this, Shen Yuzhu threw the candied haws in her hand at Mrs. Lu's face.

Even though Mrs. Lu immediately turned around to protect Xiao Yue'er after she reacted, but the distance was too short, Xiao Yue'er's little face was still inserted by one of the candied haws bamboo sticks, and her delicate face immediately popped out. A drop of blood!

The baby's pain-sensing nerves are relatively slow. She paused for a moment, probably realizing that she was being attacked, and then she burst into tears.

"Shen Yuzhu! How could you beat your sister-in-law and niece!" Shen Chengzu didn't expect that his little sister would become so unruly. She took action as soon as she disagreed. She had been rude in the past, but I had never seen her hit anyone.

Xi'er in Shen Chengzu's arms was so frightened that he cried loudly: "Dad, be afraid, fierce, so fierce! Bad guy! Xi'er is afraid!"

"Xi'er is not afraid. Daddy is holding her. Don't be afraid! Daddy will protect Xi'er and prevent bad people from bullying Xi'er." Shen Chengzu hurriedly comforted the eldest daughter in his arms.

Mrs. Lu burst into tears when she saw the blood on her little daughter's face. She ferociously picked up the candied haws on the ground and threw it at Shen Yuzhu.

"You lose money, who are you calling a bad person? Fourth brother, why are you helping an outsider and not your own sister...well..."

Shen Yuzhu was hit in the mouth by a bunch of candied haws. The candied haws fell to the ground and were covered with sand. Her mouth was filled with sand all at once.

"Bah, bah, bah..." She quickly spat out the sand in her mouth, "Lu, I will fight you to the death!"

Shen Chengzu quickly grabbed Shen Yuzhu and prevented her from beating Lu!

At this time, Mrs. Tan, who was watching the excitement, came out, "Indecent! This man molested my sister-in-law! I'll beat you to death, you slut! I'll beat you to death!"

Mrs. Tan scolded and hit Shen Chengzu with her baggage.

Shen Chengzu was still holding Xi'er in his arms. He quickly let go of Shen Yuzhu's hand and used one hand to block the baggage that Mrs. Tan was hitting.

Mrs. Lu was dumbfounded, why did another crazy woman suddenly appear?

As soon as Shen Yuzhu was let go by Shen Chengzu, she rushed towards Lu.

Mrs. Lu was still holding Xiao Yue'er in her arms. She couldn't care about Shen Chengzu anymore and ran quickly.

Mrs. Lu saw a group of patrolling policemen in the distance. She ran and called for help: "Help! Sir, there are two crazy women chasing us here! Help!"

"The official is here!"

"The official is here!"

The onlookers said as they quickly stepped aside.

Shen Yuzhu also saw the patrolman. Now when she saw the patrolman, she ran away like a cat seeing a mouse.

When Mrs. Tan heard that the official was coming, she hurriedly took off Shen Chengzu's purse hanging from his waist and ran away.

Shen Chengzu breathed a sigh of relief. This was his first time being grabbed and beaten!

Xi'er cried out of breath in Shen Chengzu's arms! Shen Chengzu was busy coaxing her.

Mrs. Lu pointed to the direction in which Shen Yuzhu and Mrs. Tan escaped and said, "Master, where did they run to!"

Lu was relieved when the officer chased him. It felt like a battle, so thrilling.

Shen Chengzu came to Lu's side and the two of them said in unison: "Is Xi'er (Yue'er) okay?"

Both little girls couldn't stop crying.

"I'm probably scared!" they both said in unison.

"Hurry up to Third Brother's house and put some medicine on Yue'er's little face, otherwise it will be bad for scars in the future."

Shen Chengzu also knew that it would be difficult for a girl to find a good husband if she had scars on her face, so he nodded hurriedly.

The two of them no longer had the leisurely atmosphere they had at the beginning, and both ran towards Shengpinghou Mansion.

Among the onlookers, there was a woman who happened to have seen the farce at the gate of Shengpinghou Mansion in the morning, and she did not see the beginning of this scene. She only saw Shen Yuzhu chasing the Lu family, Mrs. Tan beating Shen Chengzu, and when the official came They were so frightened that they left quickly.

She couldn't help but pat her chest: "There are so many crazy people recently. I must tell the old man not to be fooled!"

After Shen Chengzu and Mrs. Lu arrived at the Shengping Marquis Mansion, Mrs. Liu saw that the two of them were in a mess and were quite embarrassed. There was also a small wound on Yue'er's face, so she asked what happened. Then he ordered Zijing to get some ointment and apply it on Yue'er's little face.

"Poor little Yue'er, she was injured the first time she went out on the street. Your parents are too careless!" Mrs. Liu took Yue'er from Mrs. Lu's arms and coaxed.

Lu was full of complaints and was waiting to vent. After hearing this, she angrily told how she met Shen Yuzhu and how Shen Yuzhu went too far!

"I finally got out of confinement and took Yue'er out for a walk. I didn't expect to encounter such an unlucky thing! Her father's wallet was robbed by her sister-in-law. Shen Yuzhu is definitely marrying someone of the same profession this time. Oh, I used to be an official’s wife! I didn’t expect that she would be beaten on the street and robbed of my purse!”

Ms. Liu shook her head after hearing this: "I have figured it out now. Anything related to the second bedroom of the big house is definitely not good! If you take away your wallet, you will take it away. As long as everything is fine!"

"It's an advantage for them. There are still more than five taels of broken silver in the purse!" Mrs. Lu thought of being beaten and scolded, and finally robbed of her silver. Those people took their own silver and ate and drank. She couldn't help feeling so happy, but she was so depressed!

"No, from now on, the money the father of the child carries must not exceed ten cents a day! You can't get any advantage, evil man!" Lu said fiercely.

After Mrs. Tan snatched the purse, several people rented a carriage and went straight to Shengping County.

This is Master Tan’s consideration after careful consideration! Even his ancestral home is gone in his hometown. They are related to Shen Chengguang's family. Moreover, he was dismissed from office just to help Shen Jingwen and his house was confiscated. Who should he turn to if he doesn't turn to Shen Chengguang!

It is said that Shen Jingwen had only been the county magistrate for more than a month, and he became a wealthy businessman. The squire gave him a lot of money and villagers. After tasting the benefits, he was thinking about flexing his muscles and marrying a rich girl as his wife. Thinking of it, I woke up from a sweet dream! All is gone!

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