Little Yue'er encountered a bloody disaster as soon as she came out of confinement. Mrs. Lu felt uneasy, so Mrs. Liu suggested that she go to the Guofu Temple to pay her respects.

"I heard that going to the Guofu Temple to ask for a fortune is very effective. I haven't worshiped the Buddha since I came to the imperial capital. It's time to go and worship. Xiaoer, do you have anything to do on the ninth day of the lunar month next month? I'll talk to you if you don't. Let’s go together!” After dinner, Mrs. Liu asked Xiaoer for her opinion after talking about Mr. Lu’s intention.

The ninth day of next month is the Double Ninth Festival. There will definitely be many people going to the Guofu Temple on the Double Ninth Festival. I might as well accompany them. Thinking of this, Xiaoer nodded.

"Mom, my eldest brother and I will not accompany you. We are going to Kuixing Tower!"

Mrs. Liu looked at Shen Chengyao.

Shen Chengyao shook his head, "There's something going on at the Yamen that day, so I can't leave. After I leave the Yamen, I'll pick you up and take you home."

Yun'er was just inspired, but she said she wouldn't go.

"Okay, then we, mother and daughter, will go on our own. Rui'er and Hao'er, you must be careful when going to Zhuangyuan Peak and don't conflict with other people, you know?"

The two brothers nodded.

Guofu Temple is located halfway up Yueyun Mountain. There is a Yueyun Tower on the top of Yueyun Mountain. The place is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round, and it is quite mysterious.

Xiaoer wanted to take the opportunity to go up and have a look.

Yueyun Tower was built by Emperor Taizu for Master Yunfa’s master, Master Yuanhui. Master Yuanhui flew to the immortal queen on a crane, and Yueyun Tower became Master Yunfa’s residence in the imperial capital. However, Master Yunfa’s nature He likes to wander around, so Yue Yun Tower is empty.

The empty Yueyun Tower, Master Yunfa has instructed, can be opened to the public every year during the Double Ninth Festival, so that everyone can enjoy the high altitude and view the far distance.

It's just that the Yueyang Tower is too high, and not many people are willing to go up there.

Moreover, most of the people who went up there were royal nobles. When common people met them, they all deliberately avoided it, thinking that doing more was better than doing less. As time went by, ordinary people stopped going.

Fortunately, there are many places in the Imperial City for people to go hiking.

There is the Great Buddha Temple in Yueyun Mountain, the Guanyin Temple in Xiangshan Mountain, the Yaowang Temple in Dafu Mountain, the Yuelao Temple in Xiyue Mountain, and Kuixing Tower in Zhuangyuan Peak.

Kuixing Tower is a place dedicated to the three gods Wenchang Emperor, Wenquxing and Kuixing. It is also the place where most students go during the Double Ninth Festival.

These temples are all located halfway up the mountain, which not only satisfies people's need to climb high and see far away during the Double Ninth Festival, but also satisfies everyone's desire to pray to gods and Buddhas.

As for which temple to go to, it depends on everyone’s needs.

Many young ladies go to Guanyin Temple because there is a golden statue of Guanyin to send their children.

Some girls will make a special trip to pay homage a month before they get married, in order to have a baby soon after marriage.

On the day of the Double Ninth Festival, even though Xiaoer's family started leaving the city at dawn, when they arrived at the foot of Yueyun Mountain, there were already cars and horses parked nearby.

Yue Yunshan can be said to be crowded today, and both Liu and Lu regretted choosing to come here today.

Mrs. Lu looked at the crowds of people on the way up the mountain, then glanced at her little daughter in her arms, and said, "How about we come back on the fifteenth day of the month!"

"But we have already reached the foot of the mountain. If we don't go up to burn incense sticks, will the Buddha blame us?" Mr. Liu is relatively pious, but she feels a little embarrassed when looking at the mountain road with so many people.

Mrs. Lu didn't know how to answer this. How could she know whether the Buddha would blame him or not.

It was okay if Mrs. Liu didn't say anything. Mrs. Liu was worried when she said this.

"All the temples in the Imperial City are crowded with people on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month. Since you are here, you should go up with the crowd." Seeing this, Xiaoer said.

Ruan Weizhen also went climbing with her mother today.

Her mother asked her to come over and thank the Buddha, because the Buddha protected her from having to marry the eldest prince.

As soon as she got off the carriage, she saw Xiaoer and others standing aside, and then she and Mrs. Ruan came over to salute.

Xiaoer had a good impression of her, and there was a hint of enthusiasm in her voice: "Mrs. Ruan and Miss Ruan are also here to climb? What a coincidence."

"Yes, it's no coincidence. Lord Rui'an, let's go together. It just so happens that I also want to ask you something."

"Okay." Xiaoer happily accepted.

Seeing this, Ms. Liu said: "Then let's go together. We will take care of each other."

The group came to the Guofu Temple. Mrs. Lu, Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Ruan finished offering incense, asking for signatures, adding money for sesame oil, and then hurriedly went to line up to get signatures.

To show her sincerity, Mrs. Liu also lined up the queue herself without having a maid do it for her. Seeing this, Mrs. Ruan also queued up herself.

Xiaoer and Ruan Weizhen found a place under the shade of a tree, stood chatting, and waited for them.

"Does Lord Ruian County grow a lot of medicinal materials at his home?"

Xiao'er nodded after hearing this: "It's not too much. At the beginning of this year, I bought two hills in Chengxiao specifically for growing medicinal materials. There is also a barren hill full of medicinal materials in my hometown in Shengping County."

Her family already has medicinal herbs stores in all major state capitals across the country. Can she not buy more medicinal herbs?

"What does Miss Ruan usually do at home?" Xiaoer asked.

She wanted to find a wife for the compulsory school, and maybe Ruan Weizhen would be suitable.

"I spend most of my time at home studying medicine."

Xiaoer thought she would hear about practicing piano and calligraphy, but she didn't expect that she would learn about medicine.

Sensing Xiaoer's surprise, Ruan Weizhen explained: "My grandfather was Luo Taiyi. I probably inherited his hobby, so I have been interested in medical skills since I was a child."

Yes, Ruan Weizhen is the granddaughter of Imperial Physician Luo, why did she forget it!

Seeing Xiaoer's expression of sudden realization, Ruan Weizhen smiled and said, "When my grandfather returned to Beijing this time, he often mentioned the Ruian County Lord's family, so I couldn't help but feel a little more affectionate towards you. Don't blame me for being abrupt. Also. I’m so grateful to the Lord Ruian’s family for taking such good care of my grandfather!”

"Miss Ruan, you're welcome. Doctor Luo is my savior."

"Master Ruian County, please call me Wei Zhen. That's my duty as a doctor. It's my duty to save people." Ruan Weizhen smiled peacefully.

"Master Rui'an, can I teach you how to grow medicinal materials? To be honest, I grow medicinal materials, and whatever I grow will die." Ruan Weizhen blushed in embarrassment at this point.

She heard from her grandfather that the medicinal herbs grown in the home of Lord Ruian County were very good, so she wanted to ask for advice.

"Okay! Wei Zhen can come to see me at Shengpinghou Mansion when you have time. Don't worry, I will tell you everything I know. You can also call me Xiao'er!" Xiao'er said with a naughty tone.

Ruan Weizhen smiled and nodded.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, let my young lady sign the sign first, otherwise my young lady's skin will be tanned by the sun, and none of you can afford it!" In the queue not far away, there was a maid who had just turned to her The old woman who interpreted the signature said fiercely.

Xiaoer looked over and frowned.

Mrs. Liu has been standing behind the old woman. Everyone has been waiting under the sun for a long time, and everyone is half-heated to death.

Moreover, the old woman was a little shaky after standing for a long time. When she heard the maid's words, she raised her head and glanced at her, and then at the young lady standing behind the maid with a curtain. Worried about offending the noble lady, she just sighed inwardly and wanted to walk away.

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