Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 35 Hidden Bai Tian and Tian Bai

Manager Chen was surprised that Xiao'er, a child who grew up in the countryside, spoke in such an orderly manner. Looking at her dining etiquette, she was elegant, decent and flawless. To be honest, his daughter followed Xiaoer's footsteps. The master learned etiquette together, and the female official who taught the little master etiquette was an old nun who came from the palace. She even praised her daughter for learning etiquette and rules well, but he felt that compared with the little girl in front of him, her daughter was simply abandoned. Out of a street.

The little girl sat there quietly, smiling at him with slightly raised corners of her mouth, waiting for his answer. She was dressed in coarse clothes, but it could not affect the calm, calm, and confident temperament that exuded from the inside out. It makes people feel at ease and trust her. He feels that she can definitely grow those flowers: "Little girl, I'll leave it to you."

"Mr. Chen, you're welcome. I will do my best to cultivate you." Xiaoer smiled slightly and made a promise.

Several people were chatting and laughing while eating and talking about other things. During this period, shopkeeper Yao asked Shen Chengyao what he was doing just now. Shen Chengyao said that he wanted to find someone to find out the whereabouts of the family whose daughter was poisoned three years ago after eating sword beans. He wanted to ask him something, but he couldn't find anyone who knew them. . Shopkeeper Yao heard this and asked to help find out.

After dinner, Manager Chen left a small packet of seeds for Xiaoer and said goodbye. He had to rush back to the county. There were a lot of things waiting for him to deal with every day in the government.

After bidding farewell to Shopkeeper Yao, Shen Chengyao took Xiaoer and left in a bullock cart. Shopkeeper Yao of the wine jar said that he would arrange for someone to send him there in the afternoon. Xiaoer wanted to buy things after earning so much money, and there were so many things in the space that she had to find opportunities to use them.

I was really dozing off. Someone handed me a pillow. Shen Chengyao saw the person he came to the town to find. He immediately stopped under a tree on the side of the road. "Xiao'er is here guarding the oxcart and waiting for Dad. I saw the person I was looking for." Yes." After explaining, he chased after him.

Xiaoer led the ox cart to the door of a grocery store, quickly went in and bought a few baskets and a few linen bags, and then led the ox cart to a secluded alley to take out the things in the space.

Just as he had this thought, Tian Bai's voice sounded in his mind: "Master, someone can see you."

Xiao'er was slightly surprised, pretending that she had gone the wrong way, and turned around and went out.

"Tianbai, can you see anyone nearby?" Xiaoer was extremely pleasantly surprised. It's really great, isn't it? It will be much safer to take things from now on.

"I can feel it." Tian Bai's voice came to mind again.

"Then why didn't you tell me before?"

"You didn't ask, and I forgot." Tian Bai felt that it didn't matter whether he said it or not.

"Then what else do you want?" Xiaoer felt it was necessary to ask clearly so that he could make good use of it in the future to avoid wasting resources.

"Does being able to predict the weather count?" Tian Bai tilted his neck and thought for a moment.

"Forget it, why don't you count it? It's great!" There are no satellites here and there is no weather forecast. This skill is very easy to use, okay?

"Can you sense natural disasters?" Xiaoer felt that her life was perfect, "Tianbai, you are so awesome."

"Don't you know anything during the day?"

"I will sense the presence of the treasure."

"So powerful?" Tian Tian proudly raised his head and looked at the sky, of course!

"anything else?"

"If you can fly, how can you become invisible?" He said this so loudly that it was almost inaudible. This is really not a skill.

"Forget it, why don't you count it!" Xiaoer gave them a thumbs up in her mind: "You guys are so awesome!"

To verify, Xiaoer asked, "Are there any treasures nearby?"

"There's a junk shop in the next street, and there's a gem in it."

"Then I'll go take a look when I have time. There's no one there right now. I'll take out some things in the space first."

"The alley just now is deserted."

Xiaoer quickly led the cow back to the place where it was just now, looked left and right, up and down, and saw no one, so like magic, she filled each basket with fruits, apples, and grapes. Each basket was filled with two large baskets. Mangoes, dragon fruits, lychees, longans, and bananas were put into a basket; then cotton and goose feathers were put into four large bags respectively; some vegetables, melons, and fruits were also taken out and placed on the oxcart. After waiting for a while, he led the ox cart out and waited for Shen Chengyao at the original place.

Xiaoer saw Shen Chengyao's figure from a distance and looked a little excited.

Shen Chengyao walked to the bullock cart. If Xiaoer hadn't been sitting on it, he wouldn't have dared to recognize it as his own.

"Xiao'er, did you buy these things?"

"Yes, Dad, what news did you find out?"

"The family said that the couple is from Litou Village, Taiping Town, Wanhe County. The man's name is Fang Daniu. Dad will leave tomorrow to visit the neighboring county."

"What are these? Why did you buy so many?" Shen Chengyao opened the linen bag covering the basket and found that it was apples. He opened several other baskets and looked at them, and found that they were still fruits. Shen Chengyao's head was covered with black lines: "Xiao I bought so much fruit that I can’t finish it all. The fruits are only stored for a short time and will be wasted if they rot.”

"Dad, don't you think these fruits are beautiful?"

"Oh, she is very beautiful." Shen Chengyao took another look, "But beauty cannot be eaten."

"Didn't I buy a lot of wine jars? I can use them to make wine if I can't finish them all."

"Can these fruits make wine?" He had only heard of rice wine and sorghum wine, but never of fruit wine.

"Of course, you will know when the time comes."

After hearing this, Shen Chengyao stopped talking, got on the bullock cart and started to go home.

After passing the winery, Xiaoer bought another 40 kilograms of liquor, and then directed Shen Chengyao to go to the secondhand shop mentioned during the day.

"Dad, stop by the secondhand shop in front of me so I can buy something."

"Whatever Xiao'er wants to buy, you can buy new ones." Now that the family has some savings, it should meet the child's reasonable requirements.

"I'll see if there's anything suitable. The stuff at the thrift store is cheaper."

Xiao'er walked into the shop, and the shopkeeper just took a look at it and said, "You can choose what you want to buy, and you can just bring it over and give me the money."

Xiaoer saw that the shopkeeper's service attitude was so poor and lazy, no wonder Youbao didn't know about it.

She looked around in the old grocery store and picked up a low-quality white magnolia hosta. The jade was really bad, but the carving was superb and very expressive, as if there were really a bouquet of flowers blooming on it; and then another one. I found a copy of "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" in a pile of old books; I continued to look here and there, and then I came to a pile of stones and picked up a stone that looked slightly green. In fact, Xiaoer fell in love with this stone at first sight. , I always feel that this stone exudes a simple atmosphere, carrying a strong sense of heaviness accumulated from the passage of time.

"The essence of the star of the year fell on Jingshan Mountain and turned into jade. It looks blue when viewed from the side and white when viewed directly..." If this is true, then you have really picked up a rare treasure. Putting down the excitement in her heart, Xiao'er studied the pile of stones on the ground again, picked out two, and asked Tian Tian whether there was jade in these two stones. Tian Tian gave an affirmative answer.

Xiaoer brought three stones, a book, and a hosta to the shopkeeper and asked him to settle the account.

The shopkeeper took a look and said, "The rough stones are twenty taels each, the hosta is twenty taels, and the book is five hundred liters, a total of eight and a half taels." After speaking, he closed his eyes again.

"So expensive!" Xiaoer smacked her tongue, no wonder there is no business here.

Hearing Xiaoer's words, the shopkeeper didn't even raise his eyelids. He obviously didn't care whether you wanted to buy it or not.

Xiaoer could only put down eight and a half, and then went out holding the things. Anyway, she's got the advantage.

After Xiaoer left, the shopkeeper opened his eyes, with a flash of light in his eyes, looking at the oxcart's retreating figure, thoughtfully.

"Master, what is a destined person?"

"People who are destined to be together can be recognized at a glance as being destined to be together."

Master, have you finally waited for so many years?

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