Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 36 It’s all the fruit’s fault

There was Wenyuan Study Room opposite the second-hand shop. Xiaoer thought of buying some paper and pens to go back and keep accounts: "Dad, I want to buy some paper and pens to go back and keep accounts. Just wait for me." After that, she ran over.

Xiaoer walked into the study. The clerk in the study was a little disappointed when he saw Xiaoer wearing coarse clothes, but he still greeted her: "Little girl, do you want to buy a book?"

"I want some enlightenment books." Since they have money now, it will not be a problem for Jing Rui and Jing Hao to study. They asked Shen Zixuan to teach them while he was on vacation during the New Year. Moreover, Shen Chengyao is also literate, so he can do it if he has time. You can teach them how to read.

"Yes, the Three-Character Classic and the Thousand-Character Classic are both for enlightenment. They cost one or two silver each." The clerk was not in a hurry to find the book. He felt that Xiaoer didn't have the money to buy it, so he waited for her to listen. The price will take care of itself.

"I want these two books. I'll pick out where to put your pens, inks, papers and inkstones." Xiaoer took out 10 taels and put them on the counter.

The shopkeeper immediately stood up and glared at the waiter: "Hurry up and get the book." Then he said to Xiaoer with a smile on his face: "Little girl, I will take you to pick out pens, ink, paper and inkstones."

Xiaoer put the money away and came to put the pens, inks, paper and inkstones. Xiaoer picked some pens, inks, papers and inkstones with medium and low prices, and bought three copies of each. Adding two books, it cost 11 taels of silver. It was really expensive. Xiaoer clicked her tongue.

Back home, Mrs. Liu had wiped off the burrs from all the golden cherry blossoms, washed them and put them in the backyard to dry in water. The wine jar was also delivered, and Mrs. Liu just cleaned it.

She had a headache when she saw the two father and daughter coming back from buying another cart of things. Why did the two father and daughter come back and buy a cart of things every time they went out? If so, the money would be enough.

"The child's father, Xiao'er is young and immature, are you immature too? There is nothing missing at home, so why did you buy so many things?"

"Mom, these fruits I bought are used to make wine and fruit vinegar. Once the wine is brewed, I can sell them to make money."

Mr. Shen Zhuang just came out of the upper room. Hearing this, he sneered, "I've heard that rice can make wine. Fruit can make wine. It's a wonder in the world. When you lose those ten taels and have no money to eat, don't come. Find me!"

Mrs. Liu had never heard that fruit could be used to make wine, but she remembered that Xiaoer had a mysterious master, so she was doubtful.

After hearing what Shen Zhuang said, Xiaoer was not angry. She took a basket, picked some of each fruit, filled a large basket, and handed it to Shen Zhuang, "Mistress, these fruits are for you and me." Give it a try. I know grandma is also worried that we will be hungry in the future. We must be careful not to spend money frivolously in the future."

Xiaoer thinks that she should use a smoothing strategy when dealing with Shen Zhuang. If her hair is combed, things will be easier to handle.

After hearing this, Mrs. Shen Zhuang took the basket, her face and tone improved a lot: "It's good to know. If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer the consequences."

"Yes, that's why everyone says that if a family has an elder, if there is a treasure, grandma and grandpa are the two treasures of our family."

Mrs. Li heard the commotion and pulled Shen Jingzhi out. She saw the fruits in the yard, which were both juicy and fresh. She couldn't help but swallowed her saliva, "How can Xiaoer make wine with this fruit? It's such a waste to waste it. Why don't we give some to the two of them?" Auntie, you can’t finish eating anyway.”

"Mom, I want to eat these fruits. I have never eaten such big and beautiful fruits."

Mrs. Shen Zhuang had just been coaxed to be happy by Xiaoer. How could she let Mrs. Li, who didn't like it, bully the third room? Have you passed it? Do you know it? You don’t even know what kind of fruit it is, and you know you can’t make wine? Don’t cause trouble here, go and cook, I’m already hungry.”

Xiaoer also took a basket and picked a basket of fruits for Li. "Second aunt will take it for my cousins ​​to try."

Mrs. Li was dissatisfied when she saw that the fruit in the basket was much less than that of Mr. Shen Zhuang. There were many more people in her family than the two old guys. Why was she given less? "It's so little, who can eat it?"

When Jing Zhi saw Xiaoer handing it to her mother, he immediately reached for an apple and ate it in big gulps. He swallowed it without even chewing, and then continued to bite.

"If it's too little, don't ask for it. Give it to me." After hearing this, Mrs. Shen Zhuang reached out and took away a bunch of grapes.

Shen Jingjie stopped eating when he saw it. He sat on the ground and started crying: "You black-hearted, rotten old man, please pay me for your fruit. If my father hadn't gone out to work to earn money and go to farm, I wonder if you would have had so much." If you use the money, will you have food to eat? I will ask my father not to give you any money from now on."

After hearing this, Mrs. Shen Zhuang was so angry that she raised her hand and slapped Mrs. Li, and took the basket from Li's hand: "Go, take this wolf cub back to your parents' house, my Shen family can't afford you!" I don’t dare to ask for it!”

"Mom, listen to me..."

"Get out, get out!" Shen Zhuang yelled with all his strength, his face turned the color of pig liver.

Li was so frightened that she pulled Jing Zhi and ran back into the house.

Shen Chengyao and Mrs. Liu were both frightened and rushed forward to give her some relief. Xiaoer ran to the kitchen and poured a bowl of water out of the room, "Grandma, don't be angry, drink some water first."

Mrs. Liu took the water and handed it to Mrs. Shen Zhuang's mouth. Mrs. Shen Zhuang took a sip from the edge of the bowl. She felt a little better and drank the entire bowl of water.

Old Shen also came out when he heard the commotion, and looked at his old wife worriedly. At this moment, he was also extremely disgusted with Mrs. Li, and he had brought his good grandson down, and he was so angry that his old wife almost couldn't recover.

After drinking the water, Shen Zhuang's complexion improved a lot. Shen Chengyao and Mrs. Liu helped Shen Zhuang back to the upper room and lay down while Xiaoer ran to call the doctor.

Doctor Luo's house is located at the foot of the mountain. The house is a large blue brick house with tiles. It is the largest and best house in the village. Xiaoer knocked on the red lacquer door, and an old woman's voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

"I am the granddaughter of Shen Rengui's family. My grandma is sick and I would like to ask Dr. Luo to take a look."

"Creak." The heavy door slowly opened a crack, revealing an energetic old woman with half white hair. "It's Xiao'er. Wait, I'll call the master."

Through the door, Xiaoer saw that the open space in the front yard of the house was full of herbs. The rows and rows were well organized, which showed that the people who took care of them were very attentive.

Xiao'er was looking at the scenery, and Shangguan Xuanyi, who was wearing a silver all-over flat embroidered cloud-patterned brocade arrow-sleeved robe today, was also looking at her from the window on the second floor.

Xiaoer seemed to be aware of it and looked in his direction. Xiaoer was not surprised to see it was him, but she was just blessed.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded, and the secret guards in the dark were extremely surprised when they saw it. When their master would respond to the salute of ordinary people, it was simply more surprising than the money in the world.

Doctor Luo walked out quickly. Xiaoer told him about Shen Zhuang's situation just now. Doctor Luo went into the room again to get some medicinal materials and silver needles.

Xiaoer looked up again and found that Shangguan Xuanyi was no longer at the window. After Doctor Luo came out again, the two of them walked quickly to Shen's house.

Shangguan Xuanyi, who was at the desk on the second floor, opened the note that Fei Ge had sent him this morning, "No surveillance, no investigation, just protection and full cooperation."

Shangguan Xuanyi then recruited a secret guard. You are responsible for protecting the girl with all your strength.

"Yes." After saying that, the secret guard flew out.

I've been out and about all day today, so there's only one update tonight. Thank you all for your favorites and recommendations.

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