Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 37 How to use five hundred taels

In the evening, two brothers, Jing Rui and Jing Hao, each carried a box of pastries, twisted two grass carps with straw ropes through their mouths, and each walked into the house holding a wooden box.

Seeing that they were alone, Xiaoer asked, "Where are Brother Zixuan and Mr. Li?"

"Brother Li has something to do at home, so he is leaving now. He said he would visit next time. These are pastries made by Brother Li's family, and he also gave us two sets of pens and ink."

"Our family also prepared a basket of fruits for him. Since he has left, we can only give him some gifts in return next time." Mrs. Liu liked Li Zhewei very much and felt that he had no airs.

Xiaoer stepped forward and took the fish from Jingrui's hand, "Let's eat pickled fish tonight."

She planned to cook a plate of pickled fish and a pot of fish soup. Mrs. Liu also had to breastfeed her little sister. Recently, Mrs. Liu had enough food and milk, and her little sister had gained a lot of weight because she had eaten so much. , go to bed after eating, and sleep for an hour and a half. When I wake up, I play by myself for a while, and only cry when I am hungry. I have no sense of existence.

When Xiaoer was cooking, she replaced the fish with fish raised in the space. The taste was simply addictive.

"I originally said that our family couldn't finish eating two such big fish, but I didn't expect that I could eat even one more."

Going up to the house, the old man and Shen Zhuang didn't like to eat fish, but they ate so much that they even swallowed the bones.

After the family had dinner, Xiaoer washed a plate of fruit and put it on the table. Then she took out all the pens, inks, paper, inkstones, books and the money she earned today. She cut the paper and made account books and said, "I I bought two enlightenment books, one is "Three Sons" and the other is "Hundred Family Surnames". Today I sold two porcelain design drawings and earned a total of 500 taels of silver. Next year in the spring, brother and My younger brother can go to school, and let’s study at home before going to school.”

"Dad also knows two words, and he will teach you in the evening. But the money Xiaoer earned will be kept for dowry, and none of us will use it." Shen Chengyao expressed his thoughts.

Xiaoer didn't expect Shen Chengyao to think like this. When shopkeeper Yao gave the banknote to her before, Shen Chengyao said he would give it to her. She just thought that he thought it was safer to put the money with her, so he let her hold it. After all, no one would have thought A child dressed in coarse cloth would carry hundreds of taels of money.

Mrs. Liu and her two brothers both nodded. Their mother was always embarrassed by her grandmother because she did not have a dowry. A dowry can allow a woman to raise her chest and straighten her waist in her husband's family.

Xiaoer had to praise the character of this family again, but now they are a family, and whoever has the ability should contribute more, and it is the last word to make a fortune together.

"We'll talk about my dowry later. I'm still young now, so it's too early to talk about dowry."

"It's too early. My sister-in-law has been saving since she was born!" Jing Hao felt that his sister had saved too late.

"Now that my family is rich, I want to send my brother and Jing Hao to study at a college in the county next year. Then we will buy some fields and build a new house. How about that?" Xiaoer directly bypassed the dowry and ignored her own plan.

"I study, buy fields, and build a house. Is this money enough?" Jingrui was a little worried about spending all the money.

"If you don't have enough, you can make money! It's not like you can't make money. Mom can make silk flowers, dad and you can hunt and dig herbs, and I can draw pictures. There are many ways to make money, as long as you are diligent enough."

"I must be very diligent. Next time Steamed Bun comes to play with me, I won't go either." Jing Hao hurriedly stretched out his hand to promise.

"Why don't you buy some land first? I have some land at home, so I won't panic."

Xiaoer actually wants to build a new house and move out. She wants a relatively quiet and peaceful living environment. Here, with so many people living together, Mrs. Li will make trouble every now and then. Although she is not afraid, she feels uncomfortable when dealing with it. It's a waste of time and life, but she cherishes time and life very much.

"We have to buy fields and homesteads. If we build a new house, we can build a chicken coop and a pig house, and we can catch more chickens and pigs to raise. The chickens can sell eggs, and the pigs can be sold again when they are grown. Now, we have another income, and the room where my brother and younger brother live is too small, and my fourth uncle’s house only has one room. When we build a new house, we can give our current house to our fourth uncle. Now is the time During the off-season, it’s convenient to hire someone to build a house. We can move to a new home before the New Year. In the spring next year, my brother and brother will have their own study room when they study, so we don’t have to worry about being disturbed.”

After hearing this, Shen Chengyao and Mr. Liu also thought of Mr. Li and wanted to move. They couldn't be distracted from studying, so he nodded, "Then build a house."

He loved his children very much. When he saw his children starving and freezing, with sallow faces and skinny muscles, he felt very sad that his children were suffering along with him. Even their clothes were either made from adults' old clothes or made from old clothes. Just pick up what your nephews or nieces don’t want. They have never had a new piece of clothing. However, my nephews and nieces all have new clothes every New Year, except for my own children. Now that the family has been separated, I can be the master of the family. Everything should take the children's wishes as priority and make up for the shortcomings over the years.

"Dad, where else in our village can we find a homestead suitable for building a house? We need a bigger one."

Shen Chengyao thought for a while, "There is no large unclaimed land in the village anymore, but there is a piece of wasteland at the end of the village. The wasteland can also be bought to build houses, but the wasteland is full of stones and grass. People in the village have also tried to cultivate it in the past. Grain, vegetables, etc., but grass always grows faster than crops, so no one will go to open up wasteland anymore, and seeds and energy will not be wasted."

"How much is an acre of father's wasteland?" Xiao'er also knew that the wasteland was very large and uneven. It should be more than 40 acres, and it connected two hills.

"An acre of wasteland costs one tael of silver."

"Dad, let's buy the entire wasteland and the two hillsides." Those two mountains are like twin mountains. Xiaoer plans to use them to grow fruits and medicinal materials. When the time comes, the fruits and medicinal materials in the space will be taken out. There is also a reason for selling.

After hearing this, Shen Chengyao was shocked, "This is too much, how much money will it cost? Do we have enough money?"

Mrs. Liu was shocked when she heard this, "Xiao'er, it's hard to take care of wasteland. If you buy too much, we won't be able to do it. Just buy two or three acres and it's enough to build a house."

Xiao'er thought for a while and decided to buy the wasteland first and then buy two hills later. "Then let's buy the wasteland first. When the time comes, ask someone to clear out the wasteland. I have a way to fertilize the land."

Shen Chengyao originally disagreed, but after hearing this he kept silent. If there was a way to fertilize the land, buying wasteland would be a huge profit.

"Okay, let's buy it all. Anyway, fields are much more expensive than wasteland, so we won't buy fields anymore."

Xiaoer smiled bitterly, buying wasteland instead of fields, Shen Chengyao was really used to it.

Mrs. Liu thought about her family, because Xiaoer could now sell land to build a house, and her son could also study. She really felt that God had treated their family well. She also thought about going to the temple to fulfill her vow, so she said, "The fifteenth day is It’s the 100th anniversary of the Five Temples, let’s go and pay our respects, and buy some sesame oil money by the way.”

Shen Chengyao nodded quickly after hearing this, "Yes, all of them go, no one is missing."

"Tomorrow I have to go to the neighboring county to find out about Yun'er. It will take a few days to go back and forth, and the family will depend on you." Shen Chengyao said to Mrs. Liu

Xiaoer wanted to say that she wouldn't go, but she was not interested in this, so she nodded after hearing this.

Suddenly Shen Chengguang's voice came from outside: "Father, mother, we are back."

Xiaoer was surprised that it was so late. What would happen if Shen Chengguang came back?

Shen Chengyao was also worried that something had happened to the shop, so he stood up and said, "I'm going to see if there's anything wrong with my brother coming back so late."

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