Xiaoer and others were relieved after getting rid of Lan Yue.

Xiaoer even got goosebumps when she thought of her as a younger brother and sister.

She can't think about it anymore, she can't think about it anymore, otherwise she will die of coldness. Xiaoer shook her head.

"How much the Queen Mother hates the eldest prince, she chose such a eldest prince concubine for him." Lu has been in the imperial capital for almost a year, and she has never seen the appearance of the powerful ladies and young ladies she has seen. So ordinary!

And she always believed that as a princess, she must be as beautiful as a flower! Just look at Xiaoer and you will know.

"What matters when choosing the eldest prince's concubine is not appearance or temperament." Mrs. Ruan explained.

"What's more important than appearance and temperament?" Lu didn't know why.

"Birthday and horoscope."

"How hard is the life of the eldest prince? Can't even a slightly good-looking girl impress the audience?"

After hearing Lu's words, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Xiao'er got some inside information from Shangguan Xuanhao, so she said: "Master Yunfa gave some advice to the eldest prince and suggested that he should marry a girl born in the year of the monkey, the month of the monkey, and the day of the monkey."

"No wonder, but Miss Lan really looks like a monkey. Not only does her horoscope match, but her appearance also matches. The Queen Mother really has good intentions!"

Several people wanted to laugh again after hearing this. The image of Miss Lan Yue appeared in their minds, and then they all nodded in agreement: "It's true."

"There are a lot of people talking here, so let's not discuss this matter anymore." Ruan Weizhen said, and she was instinctively disgusted with the topic of the eldest prince.

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

"Since we can't climb Yueyun Tower, let's go back." Xiaoer said with regret.

The main reason she came here today was to go up to Yueyun Tower and have a look.

Just now Lan Yue said that after clearing the sign, she would go to Yueyun Tower and asked a few of them to go up together.

After hearing her words, all of them stopped thinking about continuing to climb higher.

I just want to go home quickly and never meet again.

They went back early, and the road was much smoother than when they came.

Xiaoer, Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Lu were sitting in a carriage.

Mrs. Ruan also wanted to go to Zhuangzi, so they separated outside the city.

The carriage entered the city smoothly. After entering the city, suddenly a boy somersaulted and rolled across the middle of the road.

Zhao Yong quickly reined in the horse, and the horse's hoof narrowly missed stepping on the boy.

"Yangliu go and capture him!"

Zhao Yong looked at the boy running away quickly and felt that something was wrong with the boy.

Yang Liu quickly jumped out of the carriage.

Sure enough, as soon as the horse's hoof hit the ground, the horse lost control and began to run rampant.

Zhao Yong controlled it to prevent it from hitting people, and he also tried hard to stop it.

Too bad it's like crazy.

When the people saw this, they all screamed and fled.

Seeing that the horse was about to trample the stall of a sixty-year-old man under its feet, Xiaoer shot out a poisonous needle, and the horse immediately stopped.

Mrs. Liu firmly held onto the carriage wall with one hand, and held Ms. Lu tightly with the other hand. Mrs. Lu was still holding Little Yue'er in her hands. Mrs. Liu was worried that she might not sit firmly and fall out of the carriage.

Until the carriage stopped, Ms. Liu was still frightened and did not dare to let go for a long time.

"Mother is fine. Fourth aunt, please stay in the carriage with mother. I'll go down and take a look."

Lu was also in shock, but nodded subconsciously.

After Xiaoer jumped off the carriage, many people gathered around and pointed:

"How are you driving a carriage? Someone almost died!"

"I have pity on the owners of those two stalls. I can't ask for anything anymore, so how much money will I lose! Whenever these people damage other people's things, they will pay for it!"

"Say less. Can you afford to offend these people? Be careful of getting into trouble!"

Zhao Yong stepped forward to help the old man who was so frightened that he fell to the ground.

"Old man, are you okay?"

The old man waved his hand and shook his head: "It's okay, Old Bones. It's like this. It'll be fine in a few days!"

Xiaoer also came over.

She saw that the old man kept rubbing his lower back and pretending to be nonchalant. Probably because he was afraid of getting into trouble, he didn't even dare to tell the truth.

Xiaoer first apologized to the old man and handed over a small bottle of healing pills: "Old uncle, I'm sorry that my horse lost control and caused you to be injured. This bottle is healing medicine. Take one pill every morning and evening. After taking the medicine, your injury will be healed." That’s fine too.”

The old man looked at Xiaoer but didn't dare to reach out to take it. Can the medicine be taken randomly? Who knows if it is poison!

Xiao'er saw his concern and poured out a pill, put it in his mouth and swallowed it.

"Old man, this medicine is not poisonous. You can pay for one pill in front of everyone. If it is poisonous, I won't be able to run away in front of everyone, right?"

After hearing this, the old man took it and ate one doubtfully.

Everyone looked at him without speaking.

Xiaoer made another evaluation of the goods of the two stalls that were knocked down by Ma'er, and then personally compensated each of them five taels of silver.

Now the two people were happy. They couldn't make even five taels of silver from selling all their things!

Zhao Yong was checking the reason why the horse suddenly became unrestrained.

"Girl, look!" Zhao Yong pulled out a long human pin from the middle of the horse's hoof.

Zhao Yong put it to his nose and smelled it, "It smells like ecstasy."

Xiaoer nodded.

At this time, the old man who had taken the medicine also stood up: "Thank you, little girl, that medicine is really amazing. My lumbar spine is not so painful anymore! It is really a miracle medicine."

"As long as it doesn't hurt." Xiaoer smiled at him.

At this time Yangliu also brought the boy back.

"Girl, I caught you!" Yang Liu brought him to Xiaoer, kicked him over, and he knelt down.

"Hey, isn't this the boy who just somersaulted and was almost trampled under the horse's hooves?" A woman recognized him.

"Why do you put big spikes on the road to make my horse lose control?" Xiaoer looked at him condescendingly. The noble and cool temperament she released at this moment was completely different from the approachable one just now!

Even the people watching were a little scared.

"I don't know what you said! I was just picking up the silver that fell on the ground!"

"Quiet, there is the juice of Ecstasy on the tack. The scent of Ecstasy is unique and long-lasting. Believe it or not, I will report it to the officials now and let the officials arrest you!"

The boy smelled his hand, and sure enough, there was still a strange smell.

What a miscalculation!

He immediately kowtowed and confessed, "Girl, please forgive me! Someone gave me money to do this. I have an old grandma at home who is bedridden. I really have no choice but to earn this black-hearted money! Please show my filial piety, girl." Please forgive me for your sake!"

"It turns out that someone deliberately framed this girl! This girl is also kind-hearted. When she got off the carriage just now, she immediately apologized."

"That boy was also forced by life..."

Xiaoer ignored the people's comments.

"You tell me who instigated you, and I will spare you!"

The boy kept his head lowered and rolled his dark eyes after hearing this.

"I don't know who he is, but he has a pair of ears."

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