Is it a windy ear again?

Xiaoer frowned slightly, "Next time he comes to you again, you go to Shengpinghou Mansion and tell me! Don't try to do anything bad without telling me, otherwise I will not only not let you go, I won't even let your bedridden grandma go." Yes, do you understand?"

Xiaoer's voice was as cold as ice, making the boy kneeling on the ground shiver inexplicably.

"Let's go!" Xiaoer waved her hand in a benevolent tone.

"Thank you, girl!" The boy kowtowed after hearing this and ran away quickly.

Zhao Yong looked at the boy who ran away and hesitated, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Yang Liu had already found a carriage at this time: "Girl, let's go back home."

Xiaoer nodded and asked Mrs. Liu and others to get on the carriage and go back home.

Back in the house, Xiaoer released the golden python, and then called Yangliu, "Tell Zhao Yong and ask him to arrange for someone to follow Xiao Huang, and it will take him to find the boy. Remember not to alert the snake!"

"Yes." Yang Liu respectfully took the golden python from Xiaoer's hand without even frowning.

She knew there must be a reason why the girl let the boy go so easily.

Yangliu took the golden python without changing his expression and Xiaoer was filled with envy in his heart. Yangliu's heart is really big enough and he is not even afraid of snakes!

"Yangliu, aren't you afraid of snakes?" Xiaoer was curious as to why you weren't afraid.

"Not afraid." Yang Liu looked at the little golden snake in his hand, his eyes full of joy: Such a cute little snake, what's there to be afraid of!

"Then what are you afraid of?" She's not afraid of snakes, so there shouldn't be anything she's afraid of.

"Afraid of people." Yang Liu answered honestly.

After hearing this, Xiaoer was silent and had no words to refute.

Indeed, humans are the scariest thing, so what’s so scary about snakes? The scariest thing is the human heart!

Yang Liu went to find Zhao Yong and told Xiaoer what he said.

"The girl is really smart. It turns out she has some tricks up her sleeve." Fortunately, he didn't say anything at the time. He will definitely trust the girl even more in the future.

"Be careful, that boy is not simple, he is cunning. I almost let him run away! And I think he wanted me to catch him on purpose!" Yang Liu couldn't help but remind him.

"Of course I know the importance!" Humph! Flirty ears! How come there are so many windy ears!

Do you really think that his girl is so young that she can be easily deceived?

After dinner, Xiaoer sat at the desk and drew out the relevant memories of the boy she met during the day.

Just as I put down my pen, the wind howled outside the window. It was obvious that a storm was coming.

Xiaoer came to the window and looked at the lightning in the sky, lost in thought.

After the Queen Mother came back, her troubles continued.

Although it is not a big deal, it is still disturbing.

And she just wants to live a stable and peaceful life in this world.

Heavy raindrops were falling, and the rain curtain blocked Xiaoer's view of the distance. She closed the window and went back to bed and lay down.

Shangguan Xuanyi opened the window and jumped in.

"Who!" Xiaoer jumped up.

"It's me." Who else but him could break into her boudoir late at night.

"Brother Shangguan, why do you always like to jump out of the window?" Xiaoer got out of bed and frowned when she saw that his whole body was wet.

"It's not yet time to enter your boudoir openly."

Xiaoer: "..."

"Were you injured during the day?" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Xiaoer from head to toe.

"No, the horse got it under control quickly."

She walked to the cabinet, took out a set of clothes and handed them to him: "I just made them and will give them to you in two days. Brother Shangguan, please put them on first."

Shangguan Xuanyi took it and then went into the inner room to change out of his clothes.

After Shangguan Xuanyi came out, Xiaoer took a look at his clothes and handed him a cotton towel to wipe the water from his hair.

Shangguan Xuanyi sat down and looked at her.

Xiaoer came up behind him resignedly, carefully untied the crown on his head, and wiped his hair carefully.

"Did you encounter trouble at Guofu Temple today?" Shangguan Xuanyi's tone was a little sour.

Xiaoer tilted her head slightly and thought for a while, wondering why he was so sour.

"It's just that I met the future eldest princess." Xiaoer felt a little chill when thinking of this unique eldest princess.

"Did Zhao Youwei help you solve it?" It feels really bad to have another man help solve your woman's troubles.

"Well, the maid of the eldest prince concubine brought him here and prepared to show off to us. I never thought that Mr. Zhao would salute us first when he saw us."

Thinking of the unique personality of the eldest princess, Xiaoer started to pick up her tongue, hoping that Shangguan Xuanyi would also be shocked.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Xiaoer's quirky look and felt that the fatigue of the day was gone.

After helping Shangguan Xuanyi tie up his hair again, Xiaoer handed Shangguan Xuanyi a piece of paper with only a token drawn on it.

"This is what I saw on the boy. Only a corner was exposed. I guessed it was an identification token, so I drew it. Has Brother Shangguan seen it?"

Shangguan Xuanyi picked up the paper and looked at it for a while. After making sure that he had no impression, he shook his head.

"I haven't seen it, but this should be the pattern from Xiyue Kingdom. I have seen something similar before."

"The boy appeared in the form of a somersault cloud. When Yang Liu caught him, he kicked him and kneeled in front of me. Only a third of the token was exposed but it did not fall out."

Shangguan Xuanyi's eyes narrowed after hearing this.

"I asked him who instigated it, and he said he didn't know who it was. He only remembered that he had a pair of wind-catching ears. We have never been able to find the wind-catching ears. Maybe he is really from the Xiyue Kingdom, or maybe he is also a person. Deliberate frame-up, after all, the fisherman wins when the fish and the clam fight!"

"Girl, what do you think the truth is?"

Xiaoer poured a glass of water and handed it to Shangguan Xuanyi, and then told her guess: "Zhao Feng'er is indeed someone close to the eldest prince, but maybe he is no longer alive. And today's boy, although he doesn't seem to be alive anymore, His identity has been exposed, but he shouldn’t be contradicting himself with his words and deeds!”

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded, no one would confess his accomplice, and what is the purpose of confessing his accomplice?

Sometimes too much inadvertence can become deliberate.

If you want to frame someone up, you have to be smarter.

Shangguan Xuanyi stood up and picked up the image of the boy on Xiaoer's desk. As expected, it was lifelike again. Shangguan Xuanyi felt sour in his heart!

It's really annoying that this girl has a photographic memory, remembering so many unimportant men so clearly!

"Girl, from now on, you can draw a portrait of me every day and give it to me! I want it with different expressions!" He wanted her to only remember herself.

"No!" Xiaoer almost jumped when she heard this. Shangguan Xuanyi's face went paralyzed. How could she get him to paint with so many expressions!

"I'll come and get it tomorrow night!" Shangguan Xuanyi left these words and left.

Sure enough, the human heart is the scariest thing. She was asked to do such an embarrassing thing! The clothes I made for him were in vain!

Oh my God, why did it stop raining so quickly? He should have been showered again and his clothes would have been ruined!

This chapter is a little late tonight, good night everyone~

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