The next day, the sky cleared after the rain, and the sunshine lazily spread over this busy land.

The water vapor in the weather evaporated all of a sudden, and soon the heat wave hit us.

After Xiaoer finished breakfast, Yang Liu told the results of Zhao Yong's finding someone to follow the boy last night.

"The boy's name is Lin Yong... There is indeed a bedridden grandma at home, and the two depend on each other. He didn't go out to see anyone else all night, and no one came to the door. After dawn, he went to work in Huarong Yuemao, where he worked as a porter. work."

Isn’t Huarongyuemao selling rouge and gouache? Why would a man like him choose to have a beautiful face?

"Continue to keep people watching in secret!" Xiao'er thought for a while and then changed her mind: "It's better not to call back the people sent out! Investigate the beauty and moon appearance, and give me the relevant information. The more detailed the better."

It would be safer to leave the matter of glaring at people to the golden python.

Hearing Xiaoer say that there was no need to stare at Yang Yong anymore, Yang Liu didn't ask any more questions, respectfully obeyed her instructions and exited.

After the matter was settled, Xiaoer saw that there was nothing to do today, so she told the maid that she wanted to rest for a while.

Then she hid in the space and began to sort out the things harvested in the space.

Tian Bai and Tian Bai’s goose eggs didn’t know how long they had been hatched. The cave was full of things harvested in the space. It had been a long time since the goose had helped her take care of it, so she had to rely on herself for everything.

Xiaoer took out a medical book from the study and put some medicinal materials into the processing workshop according to the prescription above, and asked the processing workshop to process some pills.

As soon as he finished this action, there was a knock on the door, and Xiaoer quickly left the space.

Yang Mei's voice sounded outside the house: "Girl, the Queen Mother has sent a message asking you to come into the palace immediately to see her."

"Come in." Xiaoer pretended to have just sat up from the bed.

"Did you find out why the Queen Mother summoned me to the palace?" Xiaoer got out of bed.

"The person coming is the eldest maid from the Queen Mother's side."

Xiao'er nodded, that means it's not convenient to inquire. Even if you inquire, you won't be able to find out anything!

Yang Mei found a dress from the closet and asked, "Girl, can I wear this new dress that I made two days ago?"

Xiaoer turned around and took a look at the tender green gauze skirt and nodded.

Although it is already September, the weather today is still extremely hot. Wearing this outfit is breathable and makes people feel cool without feeling stuffy.

After dressing up, Xiaoer took Yangmei and Yangliu into the palace.

Cining Palace

The Queen Mother looked at Lan Yue, who was dressed in a fiery red palace robe and heavily made up, but still had dark skin, her eyebrows twitching.

What kind of dressing up is this! Are those waiting on you dead?

The palace was originally full of colors, and there were ice basins placed everywhere in Cining Palace to cool down. But since the arrival of the future eldest princess, the Queen Mother felt that Cining Palace, which was originally relatively cool, suddenly became hotter to a new level. .

"The Queen Mother, this is the tea brewed by my daughter. Please drink it while it's hot." Lan Yue brewed the tea herself on the coffee table to show her filial piety.

The Queen Mother was already feeling a little irritable, but after hearing these words, she became even more angry. She said angrily: "Let it go."

Drink it while it's hot? It was so hot and she drank it while it was hot. Didn't she break out in a sweat?

There is really no wink at all!

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother hesitated again. If her eldest grandson marries such a troubled eldest princess, will there be too many days of gambling in the future?

Could it be that Master Yunfa's words are sometimes inaccurate?

"The Queen Mother, Lord Ruian County has arrived." The Queen Mother's thoughts were interrupted by the maid's voice.

"Please come in!" The Queen Mother said weakly due to the gambling of the people in front of her.

Xiaoer stepped on lotus steps and appeared in front of the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother finally felt the coolness of the spring breeze blowing on her face.

After Xiaoer saluted, the Queen Mother hurriedly asked her to sit next to her.

Xiaoer was a little surprised. The Queen Mother seemed to be too enthusiastic towards her.

Lan Yue was not the eldest princess yet, she bowed to Xiao'er, and after Xiao'er sat down, she sat down again.

But when she saw that her position was as far away from the Queen Mother's as nine continents away, but the Lord Ruian and the Queen Mother were very close, she said: "Aunt Gui, please move my stool to the Queen Mother's side. Come on, so that I can fulfill my filial piety to the Queen Mother."

Aunt Gui glanced at the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother only felt that the fever she had just gone down had resurfaced. Now her expression became even worse, and her tone was stern: "Sit still and don't move!"

The Queen Mother turned to Xiaoer and said straight to the point: "The Ai family of Rui'an County heard from the Sixth Prince that you are responsible for recruiting the ladies of Zhixin Academy?"

Zhixin College is divided into men's and women's schools. Di Shaowei is in charge of the men's school and Xiao'er is in charge of the women's school.

Xiao'er nodded, but she was thinking in her heart that she wanted Lan Yue to become a wife. Wouldn't that be misleading?

"Ran Hui's piano skills are pretty good. She heard that Zhixin Academy is looking for a female concubine, and she also wants to give it a try. It's just that she just came back from Jiangnan with me and has never been friends with you. She is embarrassed to come to see you. After I find out, I will ask her what you mean."

The daughter of the eldest princess? The impression is pretty good. It's just piano skills. Zhixin College does not offer this course.

"Back to the Queen Mother, Zhixin Academy does not offer piano skills as a course." Xiaoer replied honestly.

"There are no piano skills classes, so why should the girls go to Zhixin Academy to learn?" The Queen Mother frowned, and it was not like the Lord Rui'an was making excuses.

Besides, she will know this once she investigates it, so there is no need for her to lie now.

"Going back to the Queen Mother, the courses at the women's school include: agricultural courses, cooking skills, pharmacology, female beauty, as well as literature courses and arithmetic. Zhixin College is a free enlightenment college for ordinary people's children. It is only open to poor families, and only Some basic survival skills are taught, but knowledge that cultivates one’s temperament, such as piano skills, is not taught.”

After hearing this, the Queen Mother nodded. If we only teach children from poor families, then there is indeed no need to teach piano skills.

The Queen Mother thought of the poor children she had seen among the people. Most of the clothes on her body are dirty, and there are always two slugs flowing from her nostrils. I'm afraid Hui Ya can't stand it, so she wants to be a mistress? It's better not to.

"If you don't have piano skills lessons, forget it. That girl is only good at piano skills."

Fu Ranhui, who was hiding in the inner room, stamped her feet after hearing this. When did she only have the piano skills to be good at it? The Queen Mother was unreliable. She couldn't help but walked out: "County Master Ruian, I not only know piano skills, but I also know how to be a female celebrity."

Xiaoer was not surprised to see her coming out from behind the screen, but she looked at the Queen Mother after hearing this.

The Queen Mother frowned: "Hui'er, don't be ridiculous!"

Fu Ranhui didn't care. Cousin Hao was working as a master of pharmacology in the men's school. She had to go to the women's school and become a master! In this way, the first to get the most advantageous!

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