Returning to Shengpinghou Mansion, Zhao Yong gave Yang Liu the investigation information on Huarongyuemao.

After Xiaoer changed her clothes and washed herself, Yangliu presented the investigation data of Huarongyuemao to Xiaoer.

"So fast!" Xiaoer took it and opened the wooden box. There was not only a stack of information, but also various products of Huarongyuemao.

"Many well-known shops in the imperial capital have their own investigation records. Just call them out when you need them!" Yang Liu explained.

Xiaoer nodded after hearing this.

Yangliu quietly retreated, allowing Xiaoer to observe quietly.

Beauty and beauty are the property of General Dingyuan's mansion. General Dingyuan is a fifth-grade general. He and General Li are stationed in the west.

The rouge and gouache produced by Huarongyuemao is of very good quality and is available in all continents and counties across the country.

Not only are they sold in Minze country, but they are also sold to other countries to make huge profits.

Because it was just rouge gouache, and not important food, seeds... and other livelihood necessities (the country was also short of livelihood necessities, there was no reason to sell them outside), so the imperial court did not stop it, and even supported it.

After all, it is a good thing to earn more money from other countries and return to your own country, isn't it?

The news that Zhao Yong sent people to investigate also showed that another batch of rouge and gouache would be sold to Xiyue Kingdom the day after tomorrow. A large batch was sold just over three months ago.

Xiyue Country has strong winds and sand and a dry climate. It is not surprising that such a useful thing is in high demand.

Or she can try to make money from other countries like this.

Xiaoer picked up a bottle of facial cream, picked out a little and applied it on the back of her hand. She smelled it again. It was quite moisturizing and the smell was light and elegant. No wonder it sold well.

Xiaoer looked at the powder, lipstick and Kou Dan again and found that the quality was good.

Sure enough, it has been true since ancient times that only good quality products can travel around the world.

Huarongyuemao's products are not only of good quality, but also beautifully packaged, especially the paintings on the labels, which are very interesting.

Good packaging can improve the quality of the product.

It seems that there is a master of painting among the beautiful faces.

Xiaoer looked at the labels on the outer packaging of these things. Hey, could they be puzzle pieces?

If you look closely at the label on this, you will find that it is incomplete.

"Yangliu." Xiaoer called out loudly.

"What are your orders, young lady?" Yang Liu walked in quickly.

"Look at the label on it. Is there anything strange?" Xiaoer handed her a box of facial cream.

"Girl, are you trying to say that the pattern on the label is incomplete?" Yang Liu pointed to the pattern on the label.

"Well, the reason?"

"Huarongyuemao has such a promotion method. The labels on the packaging of each batch of their products are different. The labels on each product are cut from a picture into several small labels and pasted on. As long as When a customer successfully collected a complete picture, Huarongyuemao gave the customer a set of their products. A set of products also costs more than one hundred taels, so many people buy several boxes of gouache at once, just to be able to collect it. One picture together." Yang Liu explained to Xiaoer carefully.

Everyone in the world is hustle and bustle for profit, and if there are gifts, many people will spend more money for the gifts, not to mention the value of this gift is more than one hundred taels.

Xiaoer nodded after hearing this. She stroked the label with her finger and saw that it was really a puzzle. There were quite a lot of capable people in this pretty girl. She didn't know if the corner could be pried open.

Xiaoer read the investigation information from beginning to end and put it down after finding no other abnormalities.

Early the next morning, Fu Ranhui came to Shengpinghou Mansion to report, followed by Gu Qiqi and Ruan Weizhen.

Gu Qiqi is the teacher of literature class, and Ruan Weizhen is the teacher of pharmacology.

The wind has picked up today. It's pleasant to stay in the garden. Xiaoer took them to the pavilion, and then ordered someone to bring out the lesson plan she made for them to refer to.

Xiaoer's lesson plans are simple, vivid and interesting.

Xiaoer is working on a sample lesson plan on pharmacology, and her modern Chinese herbal medicine ballad is fascinating.

Hollow grass and trees can cure wind, and the leaves and branches facing each other can cure redness,... swallowing breath to check for internal injuries.

Xiaoer also drew commonly used herbal medicines to make it easier for students to understand.

"We are just an enlightenment college, and the knowledge we teach is relatively simple. My purpose is to teach those children to identify some common herbal medicines. In the future, they can go to the mountains to collect herbs and sell them to support their families. By the way, we can also discover some talented children and continue to train them. The young man is strong, Only when the country is strong can we have a family!" Xiaoer's last sentence can be regarded as a reminder to them.

Everyone will have their own selfish motives, but under this premise, we must not forget the great righteousness.

The three of them were all shocked when they heard this.

The news that Zhixin College was recruiting a tutor came out, and the news that Shangguan Xuanhao was appointed as a tutor in the School of Medicine and Pharmacology also spread.

The second prince personally became his wife, which shocked the major families, and in a blink of an eye, they understood what it contained from their shock.

The reason why many children and girls from aristocratic families rush to sign up and choose to come here to become masters is to discover talented children.

The lasting prosperity of a family requires the support of capable talents.

Now that there is such a platform that allows them to openly discover talents and show kindness to this kind of people, why would they not do it!

Talents are important to a family, but also to a country!

Shangguan Xuanhao clapped his hands and walked over: "As the saying goes, a strong young man will make a strong country, and only a country will have a family. This girl has the world in mind, which makes me feel a little guilty."

When the three girls saw that it was the second prince, they quickly stood up and saluted.

"Then you're still running around all day long, always looking after women, and you don't stay in the imperial capital to help handle state affairs!" Xiao'er said nothing to Shangguan Xuanhao, who hadn't seen anyone for several months and left everything to Shangguan Xuanyi. Good air.

Every time this person comes to visit, nothing good happens.

"How can I be flirting with women? I am here to explore the medical truth and contribute to the prosperity of the country and the people!" Playing with women? It's too insulting to his noble sentiments!

"Girl, this is how you greet your guests? There is not a fruit plate or a pastry on the table! Where are all the willows and bayberries dead? Come on, sir, no, give these girls some fruit and food!" Shangguan Xuan Hao just returned to the imperial capital. After entering the palace to let his father, the emperor, and the queen see that he was not dead outside, he went straight here. He was really hungry.

"Go on, if you want to eat, go back to the palace to eat. We don't have time to greet you!"

"Girl, if I didn't bring you like this, it would be in vain for me to be so kind to you and bring you a gift when I come back from outside." Shangguan Xuanhao said as he picked up the lesson plan on the stone table and read it.

Xiaoer stretched out her hand to snatch it back, but Shangguan Xuanhao dodged it.

"Girl, this is the lesson plan you made. I just haven't finished it yet. Thank you. I will definitely give you a few nice words in front of the Sixth Emperor later."

"No need, give it back to me!" I knew something would be wrong!

"It's been too long since I've visited my aunt. I miss her so much. I'll go and visit her first." Shangguan Xuanhao couldn't return the favor, so he left these words and went to find Mrs. Liu to ask for food.

Mrs. Liu wondered if she would choke to death from this old man's words.

Xiao'er watched his feet slip away as if they were greased, and she wanted to take off her shoes and throw them at him.

"Let's continue!" Xiaoer adjusted her mood and said.

Fu Ranhui looked a little crazy as she looked at the departing figure. Xiaoer's words brought her three souls and seven souls back.

Thank you for the tip that secretly bites your ear, and thank you book friends for your recommendation votes and monthly votes.

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