"Boss, I'll put this book here. See if any students are willing to copy it. I'll publish a copy of 300 copies."

Three hundred books a book, the boss was surprised when he heard it, what book is so expensive?

For ordinary books, copying one copy and giving fifty cents is enough.

The boss took it and opened it. There were pictures and words. The words were beautiful and the illustrations were even more beautiful. They were lifelike and vivid.

Three hundred cents a book, he can make a hundred cents from it, the boss thought with a smile.

After Xiaoer came out of the study, she went to her exclusive private room in the Four Seasons Restaurant diagonally opposite.

Today, when she went out, she not only took her textbooks to the bookstore to find someone to copy them, but also looked for a few medical books. Fu Ranhui also made an appointment with her to meet here.

Xiaoer sat near the window, watching the busy traffic below and the various aspects of life.

Suddenly a familiar figure walked into the study and caught her attention.

After a while, the man walked out holding a pile of pens and papers.

Xiao'er could clearly see that in addition to the pens and papers in his hands, he also clearly had the books she had just sent to the study.

It turned out to be him!

The man seemed to notice that eyes were on him, raised his head, and met Xiaoer's eyes.

Xiaoer raised her lips and gave him a meaningful smile.

The man ran away like a mouse seeing a cat.

Xiaoer's smile became even bigger, and then she made an unexpected move and jumped directly from the second floor window, which caused several exclamations.

"Someone jumped off the building!"

Yangliu and Yangmei were so frightened that their courage almost jumped out of their throats, so they jumped down quickly.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Shangguan Xuanjun had just come out of Four Seasons Restaurant and saw someone jumping from the second floor, so they both looked over.

Shangguan Xuanyi's face turned dark when he saw who it was.

Shangguan Xuanjun opened his mouth wide: My sister-in-law is mighty.

However, what made Shangguan Xuanyi even more embarrassed was that Xiaoer didn't even glance at him and went straight to the other men.

Fu Ranhui just got off the carriage and saw the scene just now, and then her eyes were filled with stars. County Lord Rui'an is so awesome!

Yang Yong heard the exclamation and glanced back subconsciously, just in time to see Xiaoer landing on the ground, then Yangliu Yangmei jumped down, and then he froze.

Isn't she the head of Ruian County? Why are you so tough! This is the female guard! Is Lord Rui'an as skilled as the female bodyguard?

Xiao'er took advantage of his daze and came to him: "Young pretty boy, you're fine! Why did you run away when you saw your sister? What bad thing did you do again?"

Pretty boy? Are you calling yourself? Bah, she is just a pretty girl! Everyone in her family is a pretty boy!

Yang Yongxin thought so, but he had a frightened expression on his face: "Girl, didn't I tell you that day that I didn't know who that person was! And that person never came to see me again!"

"Is this the person who caused your horse to lose control that day?" Shangguan Xuanyi came to Xiaoer's side, his heart boiling with anger.

Shangguan Xuanjun followed Shangguan Xuanyi, preparing to watch the excitement. It was because he rarely had the opportunity to see the Sixth Emperor's brother being so popular.

Willow and Yangmei also ran over, and finally felt relieved when they saw that Xiaoer had neither skin nor flesh.

"It's not him!"

Shangguan Xuanyi kicked Yang Yong out with one kick.

Xiaoer quickly grabbed Shangguan Xuanyi, this man is still useful, don't kick him!

Yang Yong used this strength to fly further, then quickly turned around and ran away.

Sure enough, curiosity can kill a cat! No, I am not a cat, it will kill people!

He was kicked for no apparent reason, and he remembered it! snort!

"Baby face, remember to tell me if you have any problems! Otherwise I won't let you go!" Xiaoer shouted at his back.

Pretty boy, your mother! Yang Yong did not forget to touch his face while escaping.

"Xiao'er, the way you jumped down from the second floor just now was so handsome!" Fu Ranhui came over and took Xiao'er's hand and praised excitedly.

Sister, can you please stop mentioning this? Xiaoer subconsciously looked at Shangguan Xuanyi, and sure enough, her face smelled bad again.

"Follow me!" Shangguan Xuanyi's face was dark and smelly, he said nothing and walked straight to the Four Seasons Restaurant.

"Brother Shangguan, the princess has invited me to visit Cloth Village! I won't go with you!" Xiaoer hugged Fu Ranhui's arm tightly.

"No, I can wait another day..." Fu Ranhui felt inexplicably flustered when she saw the eyes of her cousin, who was only a few days younger than herself.

Xiaoer slightly pulled down Fu Ranhui's body and covered her mouth: "I'm sorry, you two princes, we are in a hurry."

Thirty-six strategies, walking is the best strategy! After saying this, Xiaoer pulled Fu Ranhui hard into her carriage.

Shangguan Xuanyi said to Yangliuyangmei, who jumped out of the window after Xiaoer, "Don't follow me yet."

"Yes." Yangliu Yangmei quickly got on Zhao Yong's carriage and chased after him.

"Just let that girl go like this?" Shangguan Xuanjun looked disappointed.

"Otherwise, shall I continue to let you watch the fun?" Shangguan Xuanyi got on the horse that Xiao Fuzi had led and went straight to Shengpinghou Mansion.

Shangguan Xuanjun touched his nose: Is it so obvious?

Xiaoer and Fu Ranhui went directly to the cloth shop. Fu Ranhui changed her words and said, "Shopkeeper, bring out the best cloth."

"Okay, girls, please wait a moment."

"Wait a minute, the shopkeeper will bring out the cheapest cloth instead of the most expensive one."

Fu Ranhui looked at Xiaoer: "Why do you want to buy the cheapest one? Don't worry, I can still afford the money for the fabrics that some people are practicing on."

As expected, a princess who doesn't know the hardships and hardships in the world needs the best materials to practice her skills. What a waste of money!

Besides, if you take it to an academy to teach embroidery to children, the piece of fabric they use to learn is more expensive than a whole set of clothes they wear. Do you want to show off your wealth or do you want them to hate the wealth? Don't hit people like this.

"Princess, our students are children from poor families. If the fabric they learn to embroider is countless times better than the fabric they wear, or even something they have never seen before, what do you want them to think?"

"I just want to give good things to my students, I don't think too much about it." Fu Ranhui understood as soon as Jing Xiaoer mentioned it.

"Shopkeeper, bring out the cheapest cotton cloth, as well as the most common silk thread and embroidery needles."

"Okay, you two girls, please go to the private room and sit down to drink tea and wait for a while." Then he told the waiter to get the cloth.

He has already developed a keen eye in this business. The clothes on the two of them are of the highest quality in terms of style, workmanship and fabrics. Even if they want the worst fabrics, he does not dare to neglect them.

And listening to their conversation, they should be used to prepare teaching materials for Zhixin College. It seems that these two are both wives of Zhixin College.

I heard that the ladies of Zhixin College all have unusual family backgrounds. The shopkeeper thought for a moment and said: "You two girls, I have some old goods in this shop, some are faded, some are affected by moisture, if they are used for making If you want to practice, I think it’s still okay. If you want it, I can sell it to you cheaply, so I can clear out the inventory, how about it.”

Xiaoer and Fu Ranhui looked at each other and thought it was feasible, so they nodded.

After buying the fabric and silk thread, the two of them went back to their homes.

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