Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 358 (Additional update)

As soon as Xiaoer returned home, the concierge said, "Miss, the Sixth Prince is waiting for you in the main hall of the front yard."

After hearing this, Xiaoer took back the foot that had just stepped over the threshold.

How about going through the back door?

"Miss Xiaoer, are you back just now? Master has been waiting for you for a long time." Xiaoer was still hesitating when Xiao Fuzi's voice sounded behind Xiaoer.

Xiaoer turned around and saw that Xiao Fuzi looked a little anxious, so she hurriedly asked: "What's wrong? What happened?"

"The emperor has just received an urgent report and ordered several princes and generals to enter the palace immediately to discuss matters."

Urgent report? Is there another war? Xiaoer's heart tightened.

Yes, the autumn harvest is here, and it’s the time when the new grains have just come down. Winter is coming in a blink of an eye, and those people in the northwest are about to enter the days of having nothing to eat. Isn’t this a good time to plunder and plunder!

Shangguan Xuanyi left in a hurry. Before leaving, he said to Yangliu and Yangmei: "Kneel down and slap your mouth until your master agrees not to do dangerous things again!"

threaten! A naked threat!

After hearing this, Xiaoer turned around and went back to the house. She just knelt down and palmed her hands. It wasn't her who was hurting!

came from behind Xiaoer:



The sound was so loud that Xiaoer's heart was trembling!



Xiaoer immediately turned around, "My aunt, you are really fighting! Stop fighting!"

Are these two people too servile? If you ask her to beat her, she will beat her. She's so stupid!

Isn’t it okay to just pretend?

have a look! Both sides of the face were like fermented dough, they suddenly bulged up!

Cruel, indeed ruthless, being ruthless to others is not ruthless, being ruthless to yourself is truly ruthless!

Yangliuyangmei raised his hands at the same time and prepared to continue fighting.

Xiaoer quickly grabbed the two raised hands.

The two raised their other hands again...

"I agreed, okay?" Xiaoer surrendered.

"What did the girl promise?" Yang Liu asked.

"No more jumping off the building!" Xiaoer said impatiently. Just jumping down from a height of more than three meters is nothing!

But Yangmei didn't give Xiaoer a chance to take advantage of the situation: "Girl, I will no longer do dangerous actions, such as jumping off buildings, rivers, lakes, mountains, trees..."

Jumping from mountains, jumping from trees...? What nonsense words did she create?

"Okay, I promise you everything! I won't dance at all! Okay, get up!" She dances here and there, do you think she is dancing?

"Don't do anything dangerous!" Yangliu repeated with his stick.

"Okay, okay, I promise you all!" It's true that a maid is greater than her master!

Only then did Yangliu and Yangmei stand up.

"You just bully the girl, I have a good heart!"

"Yes." The two of them bowed their heads and obeyed respectfully.

"You just decided that I can't bear to do anything to you!" Xiao'er looked at the respectful look of the two people and became very angry.

"Yes." The two admitted humbly.

"You are so brave!"

"Yes!" The two of them were laughing in their hearts.

"You simply don't treat me as your master!"

"Don't dare. We care about girls." The two said in unison.

"I thought you were repeaters and could only say yes!" Looking at their faces as red and swollen as pig heads, Xiao'er threw them a bottle of ointment: "Go down, you'll be upset!"

"Yes." The two looked at each other and smiled.

The girl is a soft-hearted person.

In fact, being slapped is nothing to them!

Xiaoer shook her head, her face was swollen like this but she could still laugh, she was so servile that she had no temper.

The next day, Di Shaowei came to Xiaoer's house to ask for medicine.

"What's wrong? Who's injured?" It couldn't be General Di who was injured on the battlefield. This was the first time Xiao'er had seen him with such eagerness that he couldn't hide his face.

"There are spies in the army who have been plotting for a long time to severely damage the Xiyue Kingdom. The war failed with heavy casualties! General Li and Miss Li were seriously injured and their lives were at stake." Speaking of this, Di Shaowei wanted to fly to the northwest quickly, and his heart was even more He cursed the spy who leaked the troop formation map no less than a million times!

"Wait a minute, I'll get you medicine right now."

Xiaoer hurried back to her room, locked the door, and then took out a bunch of healing medicines from the space and put them into a bag. She sealed these medicines with gourds, so she could pack them like this without fear of breaking the bottles.

Xiaoer put a bag on the table, and then handed two bottles of medicine to Di Shaowei separately, "As long as there is still breath in these two bottles of medicine, one pill is enough to save a life. As for what's in the package, you can see the injury How many pills to take depends on the severity, twenty pills can be equivalent to the efficacy of the medicine in one bottle."

Di Shaowei looked at the large bundle of medicine, took a deep breath, bowed to Xiaoer, and quickly turned around and left.

He bowed in honor of the soldiers. Only those who have been on the battlefield in person know how difficult and difficult the life of those soldiers who shed their lives and blood, built a city wall with their flesh and blood, defended their country to the death, and allowed the people to live and work in peace and contentment. Even if they retire, Either his arms or legs were broken, or his body was plagued by injuries.

Xiao'er felt a little heavy when she saw Di Shaowei striding away.

If the matter hadn't been too serious, Di Shaowei wouldn't have been like this.

Dishaowei carried his baggage and followed a few guards, taking a small road and heading straight to the northwest border.

Xiaoer returned to the room, locked the door, and then entered the space again to start making medicine.

There was only so much she could do compared to which soldiers.

One more pill saved one more life.

Xiao'er looked at the worry-free tree and was a little worried. The worry-free fruit hasn't grown yet, so the leaves will be used up!

In the evening, Shangguan Xuanyi came to Shengpinghou Mansion.

"Girl, I will go on an expedition tomorrow."

Xiaoer paused after hearing this, "The army was ready so quickly?"

"No, I will bring some grain and grass there first. The granaries in the northwest have been robbed by the enemy. The fact is that not only the granaries in the military camp have been robbed, but also the newly harvested grains of the people in many villages have been robbed. There are many children gone!" At this point, the veins on Shangguan Xuanyi's hands were exposed.

"Rob the child?" Why rob the child? Xiaoer didn't understand for a moment.

"The people of the Xiyue Kingdom snatched away the children of our common people and raised them and then trained them into soldiers. On the northwest border, it is common for fathers and sons, brothers and brothers to meet each other in battle!" Shangguan Xuanyi didn't understand when he saw Xiao'er. , then explained.

This is too much! Xiaoer really didn't expect it to be like this.

"General Li has been guarding the northwest for many years. Logically speaking, our strength should be about the same. Why are the casualties so heavy this time?"

"The formation map and the shift time of the soldiers defending the city were leaked."

If the enemy's formation map is known, it does not mean that the enemy will be invincible and invincible!

When the city guards change shifts, the city gate defense is at its weakest. This does not allow the enemy to attack Huanglong directly!

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