After finishing the drawing and marking the place names, Xiaoer has spent a day in space, but it is not yet dawn outside.

She collected all the mature things in the space, planted them again, and slept in the space before leaving the space.

Xiaoer asked the golden python to go back and stare at Yang Yong. She would write down every detail and let her know. If there was any abnormality, she should report it as soon as possible.

The golden python reluctantly left. It hadn't slept enough yet and was still sleepy!

What he said during the day was indeed correct! The owner makes it seem like he is risking his life by arousing his pet! At least let the snake rest for a while!

Today is the frost, the last solar term of autumn, and winter is about to begin. But now the temperature difference between day and night is a bit big, it is cool in the morning and evening, and hot in the day.

It's only five o'clock in the morning and it's almost dawn.

Xiao'er opened the door and felt a slight chill hitting her face.

Yang Liu was coming over with a basin of hot water. He saw that Xiaoer had dressed up and looked like she was about to go out, so she asked, "Girl, are you going out?"

It was so early to prepare to say goodbye to the Sixth Prince.

"Well, Yang Liu, you go to the palace gate to find out whether the Sixth Prince has left the palace. Yang Mei and I will go to the city gate and wait."

"Okay." Yangliu put the copper basin into the house.

Xiaoer came to the city gate. At this time, the city gate had not yet opened. Except for the soldiers guarding the city, no one was seen everywhere.

Xiaoer sat in the carriage and waited at the city gate for a while, then she heard Yang Liu outside the carriage reminding her softly: "Girl, the Sixth Prince is here."

After hearing this, Xiaoer lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked at him.

Shangguan Xuanyi rode his horse and stopped in front of Xiaoer.

Xiao Fuzi jumped off the horse and saluted Xiaoer.

"Why are you waiting here? How long have you been waiting?"

"I have just arrived. Brother Shangguan, please follow me on the carriage. I have something for you."

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi jumped off his horse, bent down and got into the carriage.

Willows and bayberries are guarding the outside.

Xiaoer handed him the picture he drew last night, and then took out the night pearl for lighting.

"Brother Shangguan, look what this is."

"This is the grain transportation route map." Shangguan Xuanyi took it, opened it, and took a look at the light of the night pearl. After a second thought, she guessed where Xiaoer knew this circuit map.

After all, the things Xiaoer arranged for Zhao Yong to investigate were all his people.

"Where did Yang Yong get it?"

Xiaoer nodded.

"I understand. Go back quickly and send a message to Brother Four Emperors for me. The original plan remains unchanged. I will handle this matter. Yang Yong is still useful."

Xiaoer nodded, thinking of the same thing as her: "Have a nice trip, Brother Shangguan!"

Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't help but stretched out his hand to hold Xiaoer in his arms, then let go and quickly jumped out of the carriage.

Shangguan Xuanyi took the token, asked the city guards to open the city gate, and left quickly.

Xiaoer watched the city gate close again before looking away.

At this time, Yang Liu hurried over, "Girl, when I arrived at the palace, the Sixth Prince had already left the palace."

Xiao'er nodded after hearing this: "We've been waiting. Let's go to the Four Seasons Restaurant for breakfast."

Zhao Yong nodded.

After breakfast, the shops on the street opened one after another.

Xiaoer was waiting for the study to open. When she saw the study open, she went downstairs.

Xiaoer came to the study, and the boss said happily when he saw her: "Miss, you have copied all your books."

The boss moved a pile of books to the table.

"So fast?" Xiaoer was very surprised. Then she picked up a book at random and flipped through it. She was full of surprises.

"Boss, who copied this? This painting and calligraphy are so good, they are almost exactly the same."

"A very talented scholar, but unfortunately he has a bedridden grandmother at home who needs to be taken care of, and he has unfulfilled ambitions." The boss said with regret on his face when he mentioned this man.

But because he comes to his shop to copy books, he can make a lot of money every month.

"Gold will always shine." Xiaoer praised and stopped asking any more questions.

"Boss, I want more of this book. I will keep one more this time. It's also three hundred copies each. Let's copy a hundred copies first."

The boss smiled after hearing this, and now he could earn another ten taels of silver in vain.

Back at Shengpinghou Mansion, Shen Chengyao had just returned from work and his face was full of exhaustion.

He spent the entire last night preparing food and fodder for the army.

"Dad, are the food and grass ready?"

"It's ready. I'll send some of them over tomorrow. The other batch needs to be transferred to other continents."

"Father, go and freshen up quickly, then come out to eat something and catch up on your sleep."

Shen Chengyao nodded. After working for more than ten hours, he was very tired!

Ms. Liu quickly arranged for her maid to prepare some lighter food for him.

Xiao'er went back to her house when she saw that there was nothing left for her.

"Yang Liu, I have something to do and need to see the second or fourth prince."

Shangguan Xuanjun led the army to the northwest with General Dingyuan, so it would take a few days before departure. He was still in the imperial capital at the moment.

"Yes." Yang Liu took the order and left to make arrangements.

"Yang Mei, go and tell Zhao Yong that I want the background information of the study, and also secretly check who sent books to the study yesterday to find someone to copy them for. In addition, send a reliable person to pay close attention to Huarong Yuemao's every move, and take a look Do they have another large batch of goods shipped to the northwest? They must not be discovered by the other party!"

"Yes." Yang Mei nodded solemnly.

Even if Xiaoer didn't say anything, they knew the seriousness of this matter. After all this, Xiaoer sat down again, sorted out her thoughts, and saw if there was anything left that she hadn't thought of.

Zhao Yong came back soon, "Girl, Huarongyuemao sent a batch of goods to the northwest early this morning, saying it was for replenishment."

Xiaoer nodded, as expected.

Shangguan Xuanjun didn't come over until after noon, and Shen Chengyao was accompanying him in the front yard.

"Stay outside and don't let anyone get close to you." Xiaoer rushed over from the backyard and ordered Yangliu and Yangmei before walking into the main hall.

The two of them stayed outside.

After Xiaoer saluted Shangguan Xuanjun, she handed him the grain and grass route map.

Shangguan Xuanjun opened it and his eyes widened.

"How did you get this picture?" Although it is slightly different from the original picture, there is nothing wrong with the path.

"I stole the painting from a commoner's place."

Shangguan Xuanjun narrowed his eyes after hearing this.

Xiaoer briefly explained to Shangguan Xuanjun how she discovered this picture.

"Fourth Prince, this dense forest is where the enemy robs food and grass."

Shangguan Xuanjun nodded, walked through the dense forest, and across the river was the Xiyue Kingdom.

"The Sixth Prince already knows about this. She asked me to give him a message, saying that everything will go according to the original plan and he will handle the matter."

"Okay, thank you very much. Farewell! Marquis Shengping, please come with me as well!" Shangguan Xuanjun thanked him and left in a hurry.

He still had a lot to deal with, even more now.

Shen Chengyao quickly stood up and followed.

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