The investigation data from the study quickly arrived on Xiaoer's desk.

The owner of the study is a distant relative of General Dingyuan's wife. Because of this relationship, General Dingyuan's mansion would often put some materials on ethnic studies in the study and find scholars to copy them through the study.

Because there were no copy machines in this era, copying books was considered a relatively high-paying job. Of course, this was only for the poor scholars who were useless, could not pick, or could lift their hands.

Yang Yong was good at handwriting and painting, and all the books and materials related to General Dingyuan's family were assigned to Yang Yong to copy.

Yang Yong supported himself and his grandma by working at Huarongyuemao during the day and earning money from copying books at night.

Everything makes sense.

Xiaoer put down the information, Yang Yong, surnamed Yang, Xiyue Kingdom, is there any relationship between Yang Yong and Yang Guifei?

Or is the relationship between him and that old lady a fake one? Is this relationship just a cover to hide the truth?

Yang Yong and his grandmother began to flee during the disaster years ago, and they came to the imperial capital some time ago. This time happened to be shortly after the Queen Mother returned to Beijing with the eldest prince.

I had to check it out from another angle. Xiaoer told Yang Liu about this matter. Yang Liu nodded in agreement and went out to find Zhao Yong to make arrangements.

There was also a post on the table. Xiaoer opened it and saw that it was Li Yunning who invited her to attend the chrysanthemum appreciation banquet at the Prime Minister's Mansion on the first day of October.

In the current national crisis, what kind of chrysanthemum appreciation banquet is held at this time? Something happened soon after I was just out of confinement. I really don’t want to be lonely, so I won’t go!

Xiaoer handed the note to Yang Mei: "Throw it away."

She had this free time to attend that chrysanthemum feast, so she might as well hide in space and farm.

Two days after Shangguan Xuanyi left, classes at Zhixin College finally started.

There is only one class for each course in the women's school, and there are only twenty people.

In the men's school, some courses have three classes, and some courses have two classes, with more than thirty people in each class.

The number of people was very small, and many people were waiting and watching, but this was expected by Xiaoer.

The first class in the girls' school was agricultural class, which was taken by Xiao'er.

Fu Ranhui (Master of Nuhong), Ruan Weizhen (Master of Pharmacology), Gu Qiqi (Master of Literature), Di Junya (Master of Cooking), and Shen Yun'er (Master of Arithmetic) had never been teachers before, so they all came to the back of the classroom to listen to the lectures.

Otherwise, they feel that when it is their turn to attend class, they do not know how to attend.

Xiaoer stood on the podium, introduced herself first, and then asked each student to introduce themselves.

For example, what is your name, how old you are, and where you live.

At first, no girl was willing to speak, but later Xiao Xier, who came to join in the fun, stood up and introduced herself.

When the other girls saw that a girl so much younger than them dared to speak, they all spoke up one after another.

Then Xiaoer discovered that several people's names were Daya, Erya, Sanya, etc., as well as Daidi, Laidi, Zhaodi...

"Since some students have the same name, can the teacher give you a name? From now on, you can call each other by your name in the academy, okay?"

Everyone nodded.

So after Xiaoer gave everyone a name, every girl was overjoyed to have another nice name.

Xiaoer asked them again: "What crops do you grow at home?"

Wheat, corn, sweet potato, cotton, sesame, vegetables...

Each child cited many crops.

Xiaoer then asked them if they knew how these crops were grown.

Almost everyone can tell a way.

Because winter wheat had just been planted, Xiaoer used it as an example to teach them how to grow and manage winter wheat.

At the same time, it also explains why there is a saying that auspicious snow heralds a good harvest.

Then he talked about how to grow cotton:

"...It is also best to pick the top of cotton. If you remove the tip, it will grow more branches laterally and produce more cotton bolls in the future. If you don't remove the top, It will only grow taller, resulting in fewer branches, so there will be fewer places for bolls, and the yield will naturally be low. The method of picking the tops is also applicable to the planting of some fruit trees, and the principle is the same. Think about it, everyone. If there are fewer branches, there will be fewer places for flowers to bloom, and in that case, there will be less fruit."

The reason for growing taller and less branching is because of the biological apical dominance. Xiaoer did not say it out loud. She did talk about apical dominance, but she also had to explain auxin. What if someone asked her how she knew the existence of auxin? How did she answer? In a world with such material conditions, she could not explain it clearly.

All we can do is let them know how to increase production.

Fortunately, these girls are at least seven years old, and many of them have helped farm at home, so they all understand.

One class, plus questions and interactions, only taught two methods of growing crops.

But everyone is happy because it is really practical.

Xiaoer gave everyone a book: "When the literature class is over and everyone is literate, they will be able to understand."

"Teacher, I can understand it now. The cotton you drew above is very similar. Picking the top buds, making the cotton grow more branches and blooming more flowers are all drawn."

Xiaoer nodded and said with a smile, "Everyone, just remember it. I hope you can collect one more quilt and make one more cotton-padded coat for next autumn harvest."

After hearing this, they all wished that spring would come soon so they could start plowing.

There is a break for a cup of tea between classes, and then the second class continues.

The college only has classes in the afternoon every day, with a total of two periods, five days on and two days off.

The second section was for female celebrities. Fu Yuanhui provided the materials himself and taught them how to make knots. They also asked them to take the knitted knots back home.

Now the other women who didn't let their children come to class regretted it.

Because not only did you learn something, but you also got something to take home, which cost a few cents a piece!

After all kinds of ties, there are silk flowers, purses, handkerchiefs...

Sometimes there is something to eat in class, some meat, some vegetarian...

All in all, it makes people’s eyes hot.

After Xiao'er took two classes, she had to ask Yun'er to teach for her.

The army is about to set off.

The golden python told her that Yang Yong had disguised himself as another person and was preparing to set off with the army!

Xiaoer knew from its eyes that it was not a soldier he was changing, but General Dingyuan!

Only a human skin mask can make one person disguise himself as another person, with almost no flaws in appearance.

Xiaoer remembered that General Dingyuan had a twin brother who died of illness two years ago. She heard that he and General Dingyuan looked exactly the same. Only close relatives could recognize the two.

Sure enough, he was cruel enough to even peel off the face of his own brother!

Yang Yong has fair skin and looks very young, like a sunny boy with a typical pretty face. Or maybe this is just a disguise!

No wonder the troop formation map was leaked!

Thank you Xian for the reward, and thank you book friends for your monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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