The formation has always been kept with General Li and has never been lost, and only a few generals have seen it.

Shangguan Xuanyi also said that those generals did not have such a photographic memory.

There is indeed no real General Dingyuan, but the disguised General Dingyuan has this ability!

Yang Yong disguised himself as General Dingyuan. After seeing the troop formation diagram, he drew it, then decorated it with some elements, made it into a beautiful pattern, cut it into a puzzle label, and affixed it to the rouge and gouache box with a beautiful face. Sell ​​it to Xiyue Kingdom! In this way, the troop formation diagram was leaked out without anyone noticing.

Although the two countries are at war, it will have an impact on the normal business of the people of the two countries, but it does not mean that business cannot be done.

Therefore, the troop formation map was sold as rouge and gouache. Fortunately, it was sold at a high price!

Who in the world would have thought that the label on the rouge and gouache box contained a military formation diagram.

Yang Yong is a talent, but unfortunately he is the enemy's talent.

If you can't use it for yourself, it will be in vain to appreciate his talent!

Yang Yong went to the northwest, so if the golden python wants to continue to monitor Yang Yong, it must follow him to the northwest.

The distance is too far, and the golden python and Xiaoer can no longer communicate with each other through their minds, unless Xiaoer also follows them to the northwest.

The idea of ​​going to the northwest is so attractive! Xiaoer thought to herself.

Since you want to go and you have such a strong reason to go, why not go! She has decided to book this Northwest!

Xiaoer went to Shen Chengyao first, and then told Yang Yong how powerful he was and how vigilant he was. Without the fairy beasts in her fairyland to monitor him, others would definitely be discovered.

And the fairy beast can only communicate with itself and does not know how to communicate with other people, so it can only take action by itself.

Shen Chengyao was a little hesitant because he thought his daughter wanted to play.

As soon as the idea came up, he denied it. There is a general fighting over there. It's either grass or sand. What fun is there!

"Dad, think about why Bodhisattva saved my life and allowed me to use the Fairyland. He must have wanted me to help the kind people who were suffering from disasters. If I didn't help, would Bodhisattva blame me? Take back the Fairyland. It’s Xiao, will I die?”

"No nonsense!" Shen Chengyao glanced at his quirky daughter.

With Xianda being able to enter at any time, he believed that her life would not be in danger. As a parent, knowing that there was danger there, he naturally did not want his children to go there.

Swords have no eyes, this is no joke.

But only when there is a country, there is a family. If no one wants their children to go to the front line, then who will protect the home and the country?

"Go! But you have to dress up as a man! You are good at this! You have always had big ideas, and you are more capable than dad. Just don't get yourself injured or come back dead! It's the end of the year! At that time, dad applied to the emperor to send a batch of clothes and socks. I will take you home to celebrate the New Year!" Shen Chengyao said with some anger and some impatience.

"I know that dad understands justice best, so dad, please help me persuade mom!" How could she be so good at dressing up as a man? Didn't she do it during the Longevity Festival? Her father is stingy!

After the two fathers and daughters stand on the same front, can the Liu family remain undefeated?

Naturally, Shen Chengyao was scolded. Mr. Liu said that he was the best at spoiling children and he was the one who understood justice the most! He is the nicest person again! All the good people were fooled by him! She is an unreasonable bad person!

, Mrs. Liu couldn't bear to be angry with her child, so she focused all her artillery fire on Shen Chengyao! Shen Chengyao, the cannon fodder, was driven to the study to sleep for a month.

After Jingrui knew that Xiaoer was going to the northwest, he also wanted to go with him. Next year he would take part in the provincial examination and the general examination. As the saying goes: It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books!

He has read enough books. When he has nothing to do, he can read two or three books a day.

What I have learned on paper is ultimately shallow, and I know that I have to do it in detail. Jingrui had such an idea, and Xiaoer naturally supported it with both hands.

Shen Chengyao also thinks that men should go to different places more and broaden their horizons, then their whole mood will be different.

This was his feeling in the past few years, so Jin Rui said he wanted to go, and Shen Chengyao agreed without saying a word, and Liu also supported it.

Xiaoer curled her lips, this is naked partiality!

It took her a lot of talking to convince them. As soon as the eldest brother opened his mouth, the whole family barely agreed with him!

She came through, why didn't she know how to find a boy's body? Xiaoer glanced at her body with disgust, thank you for this!

next time! Next time you wear it, you must wear a male body. Of course, the premise is: you are not going to a world of female heroes!

If you want to go to the northwest, you have to go with the army.

"Yang Liu, please send someone to find the Fourth Prince and tell him that I have something to ask for." After getting the consent of Shen Chengyao and his wife, Xiaoer immediately made arrangements.

The army will set off tomorrow.

Xiaoer disguised herself as a man and waited for Shangguan Xuanjun in a private room of the Four Seasons Restaurant.

Shangguan Xuanjun and Shangguan Xuanhao appeared on time.

"Second prince, good luck to the fourth prince." Xiaoer stood up and blessed them.

The two of them raised their eyebrows when they saw her like this.

"Girl, if you don't say anything, I won't even know it's you! But what do you think you are doing by dressing up like this?"

You really look like a ghost.

Xiaoer cursed Shangguan Xuanhao in her heart, and then poured a cup of tea for Shangguan Xuanjun herself: "Fourth prince, please have tea."

"Where's mine? Don't you understand Chang Youlian?" Shangguan Xuanhao was dissatisfied when he saw Xiao'er passing over him to serve Shangguan Xuanjun tea.

"I just asked to see the Fourth Prince!" Why should she be so polite to someone who shows up uninvited?

"Stingy!" Shangguan Xuanhao poured himself tea. He was not without skills!

"Why did Lord Rui'an come to see this prince?"

Shangguan Xuanjun shook his head, picked up the tea cup, and tasted the tea. His second emperor brother was a mean talker.

"I want to go to the northwest with the army."

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanjun spit out a mouthful of tea.

Shangguan Xuanhao poured himself tea. After listening to Xiaoer's words, the water poured directly into his hands, burning him so much that he jumped up.

"No!" Shangguan Xuanjun refused. Shangguan Xuanyi knew that he had taken his beloved there, but he still didn't skin him and cut his bones!


"Because you are a woman! That's a battlefield, what are you going to do?" Shangguan Xuanhao said matter-of-factly.

This is blatant sexism!

Xiao'er nodded, and then said with a blessing: "Then I'll take my leave."

After saying that, Xiaoer turned around and left.

Are you giving up now?

It’s not like her character!

"Girl, are you giving up now?" Shangguan Xuanhao asked the doubts in his heart.

"No, I can just follow the army secretly! If not, I can go by myself!" Xiaoer turned around and said matter-of-factly!

Well, you are blatantly sexist, and she is blatantly threatening!

Shangguan Xuanjun sprays tea again!

Shangguan Xuanyi, come back immediately and take care of your own wife! So annoying!

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