Xiaoer and Jingrui successfully disguised themselves as little soldiers, followed the soldiers in the cooking class, and set off with the army.

In order to see Shangguan Xuanyi's expression when he saw Xiao'er, Shangguan Xuanhao irresponsibly and decisively left all matters to his father and became a military doctor!

The eldest prince, don’t the third prince like to take care of government affairs? Just let them take care of it.

Poor Xiao Qi, no one will take him out of the palace to play with Xiao Xi'er anymore.

People in the northwest, the person who saves the world is here! Shangguan Xuanhao whistled and thought to himself.

Shangguan Xuanjun really wanted to kick him out. What fun is he having while marching while whistling!

"Shut up!"

"Can't you just whistle when you are happy? I really don't know who is the elder brother!" Shangguan Xuanhao muttered dissatisfiedly.

"You're so happy! We're going to fight! Who are you whistling for? If you want to blow, it's also a trumpet." As soon as Shangguan Xuanjun returned to the army, he lost the upbringing of those princes and started to use foul language.

"Aren't I happy that I can finally kill all those Xiyue barbarians? You don't even understand my heart." Shangguan Xuanhao looked at the dissatisfied eyes of the soldiers behind him and quickly responded.

"I'll wait until you kill me! If you dare to whistle again, get back to the palace." Shangguan Xuanjun said bitterly.

Shangguan Xuanhao really wanted to go back and talk to Xiaoer girl. Accompanying this simple-minded person with well-developed limbs, he said that life was very difficult.

The march required at least a hundred miles every day, and each soldier in the cooking squad had to carry grain and iron pots on his back.

They walk harder than ordinary soldiers.

Xiaoer and Jingrui blushed as they walked. This kind of relationship is too relaxed compared to the two of them carrying only their own baggage. This is the rhythm of inciting hatred.

Jingrui took the initiative to share a bag of grain with a veteran and carried it on his back.

The veteran smiled and thanked him. He was only carrying an iron pot now, so it was much easier.

"Uncle, let me help you carry a bag of grain!" Xiaoer said to a man next to him who was carrying a heavy back.

Of all the people in the cooking class, he was the only one who carried the most.

This is probably because the able ones work harder, Xiaoer thought to herself.

After hearing Xiaoer's words, Lin Hu glanced at her short arms and legs, and shook his head: "No need, one of my arms is as thick as one of your thighs, you'd better walk faster, don't hold back the army." .”

"No, I'm very strong! Uncle, don't worry!"

After hearing this, a man from behind took off a bag of grain from his back and threw it on Xiaoer's back: "Boy, if you want to carry it, there's it here!"

Xiaoer was almost overwhelmed! Quickly get out of the way and the food falls to the ground.

She turned around and saw that this man was only carrying a bag of grain. Now if he threw it to her, he wouldn't have to carry anything!

There is no such truth in this world.

Xiaoer lifted the bag of grain with one hand and threw it towards him, "You carry it yourself, I have no obligation to help you carry it!"

"You brat, are you looking for death?" The man was knocked to the ground by the force of the food.

Just when the man was about to start a fight, Lin Hu turned around and glared at him: "He Wei, do you want to die? It will delay the march, so watch your skin!"

He Wei snorted coldly after hearing Lin Hu's words, but he didn't dare to say anything else.

The Sixth Prince was very strict in managing the army, and he really didn't dare to cause trouble.

"Boy, it's your first time to be a soldier. Now is the time for you to grow taller. It's better not to carry this thing on your back, otherwise you will suffer internal injuries and you won't be as strong as my uncle in the future. How can a man support his family if he is too thin?" Lin Hu saw that Xiaoer was extremely weak, so he started to persuade her.

"Uncle, I think I look good like this." Xiaoer took a look at his huge body. If she grows to be as big as him in the future, then she can consider going to the tofu!

Xiaoer asked again if anyone needed help carrying something. Everyone saw that she was very thin and they all shook their heads.

He Wei snorted: "Fake love!"

Xiaoer ignored his provocation.

It wasn't until the scorching sun was in the sky that the army stopped.

"Take a rest for a cup of tea and eat some dry food before setting off." We had just left home and everyone had brought a lot of dry food with them. Now that the weather is cool, we can just take it out to eat if we can put it away.

Xiao'er saw a hut not far away, so she quickly ran over and closed the door, then hid in the space to go to the toilet. Alas, if I had known earlier, I would have gone to the northwest by myself, and now it's troublesome to go to the toilet!

After Xiaoer came out of the hut, she went to the stream to wash her hands, then sat next to Jingrui and ate dry food together.

Shangguan Xuanjun looked in the direction of Xiaoer and Jingrui.

I saw two young people eating dry food talking and laughing, as if they were not sitting on the ground eating dry food in the wilderness at this moment, but at the dining table of warm and happy ordinary people, enjoying themselves.

Why do we say they are ordinary people, because big families pay attention to eating without speaking and sleeping without speaking.

He thought that he had deliberately arranged for her to walk with the cooks and soldiers. After walking for a long time, she would not be able to bear it and asked to go home. Unexpectedly, two people who should have been exhausted to death did nothing. .

Let’s see if she can still walk tomorrow! Today's exertion will be reflected in the body tomorrow with soreness all over the body. When the time comes, he begs himself to send her back, and he also asks her to leave for one more day!

After walking for another whole afternoon, it was so dark that we couldn't see our fingers, and the army finally stopped.

Still eating solid food tonight. But the people in the cooking class boiled a few large pots of hot water for everyone to eat, which was much better than getting cold water and eating cold hard dry food at noon.

Some people eat dry food directly by soaking it in hot water.

Shangguan Xuanjun couldn't help but look at Xiaoer again, and saw her small figure holding two bowls of boiling water walking among the soldiers, delivering water to them.

Even though she is the head of the county, she is still humble and does not forget her responsibilities, such as delivering hot water to the soldiers. Shangguan Xuanjun did not expect that she can endure hardships.

"Don't look at it, give up! That girl will never give up halfway. Rather than letting her suffer any more, it's better to keep her by your side and take good care of her. That way, you won't die miserably when you see Shangguan Xuanyi!" Shangguan Xuanyi! Hao looked at Xiao'er who was as diligent as a bee flying between the soldiers and said.

"Do you think marching to fight is a joke? What a joke!"

"Then you can rest assured, that girl must follow. There is definitely a reason. She is not a fool." Shangguan Xuanhao was still confident about this.

"I hope it's as you said, otherwise something will happen, and I won't give anyone the face!" Shangguan Xuanjun was about to turn away after leaving these words, but the next painting stopped him. .

When Xiaoer passed by a certain soldier, the man stretched out his foot and tripped her.

Thank you for the blue sky and white clouds, the bright moon hanging high on the mountain, and the reward of mint red wine. Thank you to the book friends who voted~

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