Although Xiaoer reacted quickly and avoided the man's outstretched feet, the two bowls of boiling water she was holding still spilled out due to her large movements, causing her body to lose its original balance.

The boiling water splashed on Xiaoer's hands. Because of the pain, Xiaoer threw the bowl of water in her right hand and hit her outstretched leg.

The hot water penetrated the clothes and burned on the skin, causing He Wei to jump in pain. He shook his trouser legs to let the temperature drop quickly, and howled angrily: "You bastard, you are so courageous. I dare to perm it!"

Xiaoer exhaled on the back of her hand, while looking at the person jumping in pain in front of her, she said innocently: "Ah, did I burn you? I'm sorry, I was walking by just now, and you suddenly moved your foot Stretch out. In order to avoid your feet, I lost my balance. Some of the boiling water on the bowl splashed out and burned my hand. When the back of my hand hurt, I couldn't help but throw the bowl away. I really didn't mean it. Yeah, if your feet didn't pop out suddenly, this would never have happened."

So you deserve it!

"Don't spit on me with your blood. When did I stretch out my foot? It was you who deliberately threw the bowl at my foot!" He Wei felt a burning pain in his leg, which made him want to kill Xiaoer. He was He thought this way and acted this way, so he raised his fist and prepared to swing at Xiaoer.

Xiaoer pretended to be scared, raised her right hand to cover her face, and splashed the bowl of water on her left hand as if accidentally, then she held her head with both hands: "Don't hit me!"

After Xiaoer finished speaking, she started running.

"Ah! I'm going to kill you!" He Wei, who was burned again, chased Xiaoer and beat her regardless of the pain.

Xiaoer ran away quickly, calling for help while running: "Help! Kill!"

Lin Hu grabbed He Wei and said, "He is just a young boy who doesn't understand anything. Why do you argue with him?"

"Let me go, he just poured hot water on me on purpose." The pain on He Wei's body and leg made his eyes red with anger.

Shangguan Xuanjun walked over with a cold face, followed by Shangguan Xuanhao who looked like he was watching a good show.

"General, help!" Xiaoer ran behind the two of them.

When He Wei saw that such a trivial matter had attracted Shangguan Xuanjun, his face turned pale: "General, this guy deliberately poured hot water on me, so I..."

"Fifty military staff! Then go home!" Shangguan Xuanjun interrupted him.

"The general is wronged! It's obviously him..."

"One hundred military staffs!" Shangguan Xuanjun looked at him with disdain.

He Wei knew from his eyes that he must have seen his little move just now.

So he quickly knelt down and kowtowed: "General, spare your life. I know I was wrong. Don't drive me home. General, my parents, wife and children are still waiting for me to live in the military every month."

"There are no troublemakers in my army!" Shangguan Xuanjun gave his lieutenant a look, and someone stepped forward to take He Wei down and use the military staff.

In the army and in the ranks, what is needed is unity and friendship, not conspiracy.

A person would feel resentful and take revenge on his teammates just because of a trivial matter! How can such soldiers be kept?

On the battlefield, soldiers face the enemy head-on, and their backs are left for the protection of their teammates, not for stabbing them!

He must not keep such pests in his army!

Jingrui went to fetch water from the river just now and came back now. Seeing He Wei being punished with a military stick, he asked Xiaoer what happened.

Xiaoer briefly explained.

"Are your hands okay?" Jingrui picked up Xiaoer's hands and looked at them. There were blisters near both hands, and the right hand was even damaged.

Jingrui felt distressed and guilty because he failed to take good care of his sister.

"I'll help you apply the medicine." Jingrui had the wound medicine given by Xiao'er on his body, so he poured a pill out, crushed it, and sprinkled it on the wound.

"It's okay. Even if it looks serious, it's actually not very painful." Xiaoer comforted her with a smile.

Jingrui didn't believe it when he heard this. It didn't hurt, so it would hurt no matter what.

Shangguan Xuanhao and Shangguan Xuanjun both looked at Xiaoer's hand. Is it so serious?

Doesn't it hurt? This girl has never frowned since she was burned.

Now Shangguan Xuanjun believes Shangguan Xuanhao's words, this girl is quite tolerant.

Shangguan Xuanhao couldn't help but scolded: "You boy, are you stupid? I saw him intentionally tripping you with his foot. You should just step on his foot and pour the two bowls of boiling water down. Why? You even let that water scald yourself, I have never seen anyone as stupid as you!"

Even if she killed someone on the spot, she would still be protected, so why should she be so polite!

He was so angry!

Shangguan Xuanhao thought that when Shangguan Xuanyi found out about this in the northwest, his skin and flesh would definitely ache!

If I had known he would not have followed!

All the soldiers present were stunned after hearing what Shangguan Xuanhao said. This must be too cruel!

Xiaoer nodded seriously: "I understand, I'll meet you next time."

Just by doing this, she changed from reasonable to unreasonable.

Shangguan Xuanjun rolled his eyes at Shangguan Xuanhao.

"You two will follow me from now on." Shangguan Xuanjun left these words and strode away.

Since he couldn't change the facts, of course he had to help protect his sister-in-law.

By the way, Shangguan Xuanyi's fists are indeed very hard. I heard that they have improved in the past two years. I don't know if I can still beat him!

He knew that taking a woman to the battlefield would lead to endless troubles if no good things came of it!

This was done on the first day, but there is still a long way to go!

When Shangguan Xuanjun thought of this, he wanted to meet a few soldiers from the Xiyue Kingdom immediately so that he could relieve his irritability!

When the other soldiers heard this, they were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped to the ground, and then they felt all kinds of envy.

Why did the two new soldiers catch the general's eye?

Xiaoer and Jingrui nodded in agreement.

General Dingyuan glanced at Xiaoer and wondered why the sixth prince came forward personally.

Could it be that this young man was the child of some royal relative and was brought to the military camp specifically for training?

Come to think of it, the second prince treated that boy a little differently. No, it’s obviously familiar!

Thinking of this, General Dingyuan didn't take it to heart. Two young boys were not something to be afraid of.

Then he set his sights on He Wei. Such a person who is determined to retaliate can sometimes be very useful.

During the next trip, Xiaoer and Jingrui finally lived a life on the horse.

God knows, after walking for a day, Xiaoer's delicate feet have already developed several blisters.

But she has always been tolerant, so no one noticed.

And she didn't care about these minor injuries and pains. She could just turn around and make them heal.

Providence was good, and there was no rain even after traveling for more than ten days.

That night, the wind blew, the woods rustled, and the yellow leaves fell one after another.

The food team that set off a few days earlier will pass through the dense forest tomorrow.

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