Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 365 (Additional update)

Don’t think that the dense forest will be so beautiful after a heavy rain. The weathered and messy look is the most realistic portrayal. Even the air is a bit colder than usual.

The wheels of the car turned on the wet ground, leaving two deep long marks, and then they were run over by the wheels of the next car. In this cycle, plus human footprints, it became a muddy mess.

The heavy rain last night softened the soil, making the road more and more difficult to walk.

"The road is turned into mud! It's too difficult to walk!" someone complained.

"No, we'll be there in just a few days' journey. God won't wait a little longer! A small part of this food is wet. What if it's spoiled!"

"Hurry up as much as possible. This dense forest is the closest to Xiyue Kingdom. If you stay here for a long time, you will avoid any accidents." Zhao Youwei reminded them after hearing what the soldiers said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the wheel of the front car was caught by a stone and it was forced to stop.

The car following behind also had to stop.

"What's going on?" Zhao Youwei, who was in the middle of the team, rode up and asked.

"There is a stone stuck in the wheel. I will dig it out immediately." A soldier squatted beside the wheel and took a look.

After hearing this, the soldier pushing the cart quickly pulled the cart back.

The two soldiers used their knives to dig out the mud near the stone...

Zhao Youwei nodded after hearing this: "Everyone, rest where you are and drink some water..."

At this time, people kept jumping down from the surrounding trees! Just like the fallen leaves in the autumn wind, they fall down all at once.

As soon as those people's feet hit the ground, without saying a word, they began to draw their swords at the soldiers transporting food, making vicious moves!

"Brothers, fight hard. This food must not be snatched by the people of Xiyue Kingdom! Our soldiers in the northwest have been chewing grass roots and bark for a long time. They are looking forward to our batch of food being cooked! Give me a hard blow Beat these dog thieves to death! Don’t spare any dog’s life!” Zhao Youwei shouted while drawing his sword and stabbing people!



In an instant, swords flashed and blood shot out.

The soldiers transporting food were already exhausted after traveling so many miles. How could they possibly be their opponents in a fight with the soldiers from the Xiyue Kingdom who were recharging their energy and waiting here to rob the food? They soon fell behind.

Just when they were about to despair, reinforcements appeared.

A man appeared with two pheasants and three hares on his back!

When he saw this scene, he fired an arrow and hit the shoulder of a Xiyue man who was about to chop down a soldier.

Then, he shouted loudly: "Brothers, our food and grass have arrived, and the mad dog of Xiyue came to snatch it. Come here quickly!"

After saying that, he also took out a whistle and kept blowing it.

In the dense forest, a dozen plainclothes soldiers with prey on their backs appeared on horseback.

The leading soldier laughed loudly and said: "Haha, I was thinking about coming to this forest to catch some prey and go back. I could kill a few Xiyue dogs to satisfy my hatred! It's really hard to find anything without wearing iron shoes. It takes no effort at all!"

"Go! Go! Go! The food and grass are here, let's kill the dog meat and make porridge!"

"I have eaten bark grass roots for many days! My mouth is full of bitterness. I want to eat dog meat tonight!"

"Avenge General Li, avenge your dead comrades, avenge the people in the border town, kill--!"

The cavalrymen drew their swords, shouted, and rode forward.

The sound of clanging swords clashed one after another.

When the soldiers transporting food saw the elite cavalry appearing, their morale soared. Their bodies, which had been exhausted, suddenly felt as if they had been beaten with blood. The swords they wielded were more powerful than usual in cutting people.



Then dozens of villagers appeared, carrying hoes, to help kill Xiyue's food-stealing dog thief.

They had been robbed of new food by the soldiers of the Xiyue Kingdom, and now they had to dig grass roots here to make a living. Seeing the people of the Xiyue Kingdom was like seeing the enemy who killed their father! He picked up the hoe and started to hoe the soldiers of Xiyue Kingdom.

A dozen elite cavalrymen were extremely skilled, and half of the thousands of people from the Xiyue Kingdom were wiped out in one go.

When the general of Xiyue Kingdom who took the lead saw something was wrong, he hurriedly said: "Withdraw!"

"We can't let a dog escape!"


"I want to run away! I haven't killed enough yet!"

"Yes! There are too few people and not enough killing to satisfy the hatred!"

The soldiers were in hot pursuit.

"You protect the food, we will chase after you!" The cavalry leader took the lead in riding forward.

Yes! Their mission is to protect food and deliver it safely to military camps.

If these grains are lost, their lives will also be lost!

The soldiers quickly stopped rushing forward and ran back, almost forgetting their mission. It was all because the people of Xiyue Kingdom were so inhuman and wanted to beat anyone they saw!

As for the soldiers of Xiyue Kingdom who ran away, the cavalry rode past and knocked them down with a single blow.

In the end, only the seriously injured general of Xiyue Kingdom jumped into the river and escaped.

"Let's go, send the food back first!" The leading cavalryman waited for a while and said when he saw that no one came ashore on the opposite bank for a long time.

The general who took the lead in robbing grain from the Xiyue Kingdom managed to survive and return to recover his life.

General Daru looked at his seriously injured men kneeling on the ground: "Failed?"

"Back to the general, we were about to succeed, but suddenly more than a dozen elite cavalrymen in civilian clothes came out... Each one was one against a hundred. They raised their swords and fell, and then they took the lives of our people... Subordinates Fight to the death and come back." Even though he was seriously injured, he did not forget to describe how powerful the opponent's soldiers were. Otherwise, if he failed the mission and was the only one to escape back, this would be a serious crime.

"Why did the elite cavalry appear there? Has our plan been discovered?" It's too much of a coincidence that a team of elite soldiers suddenly appeared! The general felt bad after hearing this.

"Probably not. I saw that each of them carried a lot of prey on their backs. I guess... they were hungry in the camp and went out to hunt some prey. Ahem, I heard them say..." The general carried him with difficulty. He said what he heard.

The general thought for a moment and felt that the flawless method could not be seen through.

That batch of rouge gouache was transported from the imperial capital of Minze Kingdom to the border town without any abnormal inspection. How could they find out!

"Go down! If you fail again next time, I'll show you!" Daru waved his hand for him to leave after hearing what he said.

After he exited, Daru called another person in to discuss whether this was a coincidence or a counter-design.

This man is Chu Luo, the military advisor of Xiyue Kingdom.

"We have robbed them of all their food and they have nothing to eat. It is not surprising to go hunting. If the matter has been exposed, it is impossible that Geer will not notice it. He had news two days ago." Chu Luo thought for a moment. Then he said that he had come up with this method, it was so perfect, how could it be discovered so quickly.

After hearing this, Daru felt that he had thought too much, but he always felt uneasy.

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