Elite cavalry helped escort them, and the food and grass arrived at the military camp one day early.

Fengyun, the leader of the elite cavalry, escorted the grain and grass back to the military camp and then went to Shangguan Xuanyi to return his orders.

"...I followed my master's orders and deliberately let one person go back."

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded and waved his hand to ask him to leave.

Dishaowei walked in refreshed. This man finally lost the ghostly appearance of the past few days.

"Is Miss Li okay?"

"Haven't you ever heard that good people don't live long, and disasters are left behind for thousands of years? How could something happen to her?" Di Shaowei's refreshment disappeared as he remembered that someone looked at him just as he got up.

I traveled day and night, only sleeping for an hour every three days and nights, just to deliver the medicine as soon as possible to save her life!

Fortunately for her, the first thing she said when she woke up was: "What are you doing here? Go back to the imperial capital!"

Dishaowei felt that if he used the medicine to save a dog, it would wag its tail at him!

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi didn't bother to pay attention to him. He sat down at the desk and started to open the letters on the table.

This man is just shy, and he is afraid that he will never be able to bring back a beautiful woman in his arms.

I was obviously so worried that I couldn't sleep or eat. I stayed by someone's side without thinking about food and tea. When I saw someone open his eyes, he opened his mouth and said, "Tsk, tsk, you can't die like this. It's really a disaster that will last for thousands of years." !”

When Li Mingfang heard this, she wasn't angry to death. It was really because her heart was strong enough, not a fat one!

"When will you return to the imperial capital? The army is about to arrive. General Li is also awake. Why do so many people need to stay here? Here, I am full from eating sand every day..." The main reason is that I am driven back every day. If he didn't leave, someone would think that he was reluctant to leave because of her.

Shangguan Xuanyi ignored Di Shaowei's thoughts. The people around him were very talkative, and he couldn't figure out how to talk so much.

Shangguan Xuanyi opened the letter that Shangguan Xuanhao sent him, glanced at it, dropped the letter, and walked out in three steps at a time.

"...If you don't leave, I'll leave on my own! Hey, where are you going? Why did you leave just as you said that!" Di Shaowei didn't have any consciousness of respecting other people's privacy, so he quickly stepped forward to pick up the items and threw them away casually. I glanced at the letter on the table, and then my eyes widened.

"Wait for me! I'll go too!" His girl is coming, how can he not go and greet her!

After Shangguan Xuanyi left, two close confidants, Feng Qing and Feng Yang, guarded the door and did not allow anyone to enter.

The emperor allowed his prince to have a thousand personal soldiers and a hundred secret guards.

Shangguan Xuanyi's thousand personal soldiers have Feng as their surname. They are all highly skilled in martial arts. One can defeat a hundred, especially Feng Qing and Feng Yang.

The secret guards are one in a million, among them the secret guards appear and disappear, it can be said that they come and go without a trace.

Both of them were very curious about what happened to their master who left in such a hurry and why he lost his usual calmness and self-control.

Not far after Shangguan Xuanyi rode out, an eagle landed on his shoulder.

He took off the bamboo tube tied to its feet and took out the letter inside, then turned the horse around and went back.

Di Shaowei had just left the military camp on horseback when he saw Shangguan Xuanyi turning back. He turned a blind eye to him and went straight to the military camp.

He ran all the way back to the tent, jumped off his horse, handed the reins to Feng Qing, "Go and ask General Li to come over."

After saying that, he opened the curtain and got into the tent.

Di Shaowei hurriedly turned around to catch up, followed his steps and got in.

"Aren't you going to pick up Xiao'er? Why did you turn around?"

"No more."


"Deploy troops." Shangguan Xuanyi opened the map and began to check the terrain.

The distance between two points is the shortest straight line. The marching route of the army almost always followed this truth.

So sometimes, traveling over mountains and ridges is unavoidable.

The days moved forward ten days, and Xiaoer knew from the map in her memory that if it didn't rain, they would pass by a valley in the past two days - Yueluo Valley, which happened to be the time Yang Yong told He Wei.

The golden python told her before that Yang Yong had met He Wei with his original appearance.

At that time, He Wei was beaten with a military cane and was kicked out of the army the next day. The army walked away, leaving only him with a bruised buttocks. He looked at the retreating team with eyes that seemed to have been quenched with poison.

His butt hurt so much that he couldn't walk, so he could only crawl back.

He climbed for a whole day without seeing a single person or a single family. The pain on his body made him gnash his teeth in hatred towards Shangguan Xuanjun and Xiaoer!

When night came, he took out the dry food and chewed it hard! It was as if he was eating Xiaoer's flesh and biting Shangguan Xuanjun's bones.

After eating the dry food, he lay down directly

Fortunately, this wasn't his first time spending the night in a deserted mountain, otherwise he would have been frightened to death.

Just before dawn, he heard a wild boar roar, which frightened him so much that he jumped up, then fell back due to the pain in his butt.

But the wild boar, if one mistake is made, his life will be lost. He doesn't care about whether his butt is blooming or whether it will continue to bloom. Just run away!

He straightened his back, tensed his buttocks and kept running, but he was still not as fast as the wild boar.

Just when the wild boar was about to scoop him up like a cabbage, the savior appeared.

Yang Yong appeared with a sword. He stopped the wild boar and chopped it to death.

Yang Yong saved He Wei's life, and after understanding his situation, he gave him a bottle of wound medicine and told him that he had a way to help him get revenge.

After hearing this, He Wei felt as if someone had given him a pillow when he was dozed off. He was about to take revenge!

Yang Yong gave him a jade pendant, told him a date and place, and asked him to go to a rouge and gouache shop called Huarong Yueming in a nearby town and find a clerk named Lame Rong to tell him.

Yang Yong even gave him a horse and asked him to leave.

We have to think of a way to delay the time for the army to pass through Yueluo Valley, Xiaoer thought to herself.

The next morning, all the soldiers, including Shangguan Xuanjun, had diarrhea after eating breakfast.

Bowel sounds come and go!

Soldiers ran into the mountains to hide and solve personal problems.

Xiaoer held her stomach and was the first to run into the hut built by Orion not far away. She closed the door and refused to let anyone else in.

Then he hid in the space and laughed loudly while holding his belly.

The scene of one hundred thousand soldiers holding their stomachs and looking for a convenient place was really spectacular.

Some people had just finished solving the problem, and were tying their belts while walking back. The belts were not tied yet, and their stomachs felt queasy, so they hurried back again.

Throughout the morning, everyone ran at least ten times, suffering from diarrhea until their feet were weak.

Xiaoer also had a pale face and walked out feebly, gathering with everyone.

You can smell the rice fields all over the mountain.

All the animals on the mountain ran away in disgust.

Even the little bird that just flew over and wanted to settle on the tree on the mountain was so smoked that it almost fell out of the air. It kept flapping its wings and flew away quickly.

Xiaoer pinched her nose, regretting that the medicine was too strong, which almost knocked her out.

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