The smell is so unbearable!

"Why don't you all keep moving forward! It's too smelly here." Xiaoer took out a cloth and covered her mouth and nose before she dared to speak.

It's too girly to hold a handkerchief, so I can only cover it with a cloth towel.

The soldiers listened to her words and rolled their eyes weakly.

Walk? Who doesn’t want to leave? Can you walk?

"What happened to breakfast today?" Shangguan Xuanjun asked Lin Hu, the leader of the cooking team, with a white face.

Lin Hu shook his head: "I don't know, I ate these too last night!"

Last night I also ate porridge mixed with these grass roots and tree barks, and everyone was fine.

"Is there any leftover food?" Shangguan Xuanjun asked again, holding his stomach.

Damn it, here we go again! My stomachache started again.

"I still have some leftover!" a soldier said, raising his hand.

Shangguan Xuanjun raised his feet and walked towards him. Within two steps, his stomach felt overwhelming again. He quickly turned around and ran up the mountain.

puff! Xiaoer quickly covered her mouth to prevent her laughter from overflowing.

Shangguan Xuanjun clearly heard the girl's laughter, and his pale face turned dark.

His first prince's wise reign was ruined.

If he knew who did it, he would fry his skin and break his bones!

Shangguan Xuanhao couldn't help but laugh, but he was a military doctor, and now it was his time to show off.

He walked over and picked up the bowl of porridge and smelled it carefully. There was no laxative smell (of course it was tasteless, Xiaoer had gone through a processing workshop to remove the smell before taking it out), and then he took a closer look at the bowl. A drop of grass roots and bark porridge in the sea revealed the residue of rhubarb and pansy leaves.

He couldn't help but cursed: "What idiot ate both rhubarb and pansy leaves!"

"..." Everyone, you look at me and I look at you.

What are rhubarb and pansy leaves? They won’t divide it!

During the march, they had to hurry. In order to reduce the burden on the soldiers, they did not bring much food, so they had to rely on local materials to make food along the way.

So what we usually eat is wild vegetable porridge or grass root bark porridge, which is a drop in the ocean.

Usually there are military doctors who accompany the army to teach everyone which grass roots and tree barks can be dug and eaten. Most of the soldiers are familiar with it, but it is not surprising to make mistakes sometimes. Diarrhea occasionally occurs, but this is the first time it has been so serious.

The main thing is that rhubarb and pansy leaves are both powerful medicines. If they are used together, your legs will not become weak!

"Damn it, who dug it? Come forward and see if I can kick you to death!"

"Yes, whoever dug it wrong, come out quickly. I promise not to beat you to death, I will only break one of your legs."

"Who is it? Admit it quickly and see if I will feed you a pound of rhubarb every day!"

Everyone is shouting, but actually everyone feels a little guilty. The louder the shouting, the weaker the feeling. Every time I dig something to eat when it’s dark or dawn, who can watch carefully? What’s so strange about digging the wrong way! If you want to blame, there just happen to be too many rhubarb and diarrhea leaves growing nearby, making it difficult for them to guard against them!

Seeing the soldiers' reaction like this, General Dingyuan felt that they were guilty. This group of people must have just dug up some random things to eat to cope with it!

So I thought it was really an accident.

However, his legs were weak and he was unable to think.

Hope they can wait one more day!

It was really bad luck for eight lifetimes. This diarrhea happened by coincidence!

After Shangguan Xuanjun finished relieving himself, he walked back and stepped on a pile of leaves. There was a soft feeling under the leaves. He suddenly felt something bad. When he raised his feet and looked at it, he almost vomited! Immediately yelled: "Who the hell is covering it with leaves?"

A certain soldier heard someone's roar and was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head.

He just wanted to be polite, really!

Who knew the general was so unlucky that he would be so lucky!

Shangguan Xuanhao laughed wildly after hearing his words!

Xiaoer also burst out laughing.

The other soldiers couldn't help but laugh, but they didn't dare to laugh. They could only admire Xiaoer's courage not to be afraid of death.

After finding the cause of the diarrhea, Shangguan Xuanhao prescribed medicine and asked the people in the cooking class to make a soup and drink it.

After resting for two hours, the army regained some strength and began to move forward again.

Xiaoer saw an eagle circling in the sky and knew that Shangguan Xuanyi had made arrangements.

She hid in the woods on the pretext of going to the toilet, called the eagle down, untied the bamboo tube, took out the note, and put another note in it.

The eagle soars into the sky again.

Because of the delay of several hours, everyone's steps were still a little weak, so they couldn't walk fast. The army that was originally expected to pass through Yueluo Valley today would not be able to pass until tomorrow.

When everyone was preparing to set up camp, a soldier came to report the news.

After Shangguan Xuanjun received the letter, he said: "Everyone eat quickly. After eating, continue on your way. Tonight we will spend the night in Yueluo Valley."

"Why did the fourth prince have to spend the whole night traveling to Yueluo Valley?"

"Our food and grass were ambushed by soldiers from the West Moon Kingdom. I was worried that there was an ambush in Yueluo Valley! So we sneaked across the valley in the middle of the night! When we were on our way, we didn't use torches at all, and we led the horses and walked softly. Click! Do you know?"

Everyone was angry and actually grabbed food again! How can this be unreasonable!

The Moonset Valley was extremely quiet tonight, and the stars couldn't bear to be disturbed, so they all hid.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and the chill is getting heavier and heavier.

"General, we have been waiting for so long. Why haven't Min Zeguo's troops appeared yet? How about we withdraw?" The deputy general lay on the ground, feeling that his whole body was frozen and his hands and feet were numb.

"Wait a minute, Yueluo Valley is the most vulnerable to assassination. Shangguan Xuanjun is always cautious in his actions. He might choose to sneak past in the middle of the night." Daru still doesn't give up!

This was a good opportunity to fight one against a hundred or one against a thousand. Even if he was asked to wait another day and night, he was still willing.

As the night went on, the cold dew became heavier and heavier. The soldiers of Xiyue Kingdom were lying in ambush on the mountain, and they were almost frozen into popsicles!

However, their living environment is already harsh. The Central Plains is a big fat land with rich resources. They have long wanted to take it as their own and live there.

Even if you can't take it all for yourself, it's still good to take half of it.

In the middle of the night, when they all thought that Min Zeguo's soldiers would no longer pass by, the sound of ticking horse hoofs reached the ears of the soldiers of Xiyue Kingdom like the sound of nature.

Then rows of black shadows were vaguely visible passing by.


The blood of the soldiers of Xiyue Kingdom boiled.

They stared closely at the dark shadow below!

The people of Min Zeguo were really tough and deceitful, and they didn't even cross the valley until three o'clock in the middle of the night!

Fortunately, their endurance is extraordinary! Otherwise, you will miss this great opportunity!

Daru stared down tightly, and waited until the figure almost filled the entire valley before he gave the order:

"Fire arrows! Fall rocks! Charge! We have surrounded Min Zeguo's army! Kill them without leaving a single piece of armor behind."

The arrows were as dense as rain.

Huge rocks keep rolling down!

I finally finished coding, and I didn’t have time to add more tonight. After picking up my daughter from school, I had to take her to the doctor. I had to wait in line for more than an hour to get in, and there was a traffic jam when I got home! When I got home, I found that my son also had a cold. He has to go to the hospital tomorrow, so the update will be a little later.

Many votes were cast today, thank you all for your votes~

Good night to my book friends, I’m going to put the baby to bed.

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