Shangguan Xuanyi won the duel with one against two and four fists with two fists.

Shangguan Xuanjun touched the corner of his mouth that was sore from being beaten, glanced at Shangguan Xuanhao, whose face was swollen and his eyes were blue, and became furious: "Second Emperor Brother, are you the reincarnation of a pig?"

He simply found a pig teammate! If he raises his fist, he should use his feet to attack his lower body!

Like himself, he raised his fists to attack Shangguan Xuanyi's front. Shangguan Xuanyi held one of their fists with both hands and pulled them face to face. Their two foreheads collided with each other. The pain was so painful that he almost fainted.

But why did the Sixth Emperor's internal strength improve so much? After he grasped his fist, his whole body was immobilized by him. This situation only occurred when the internal strength of the two sides was too disparate.

"I am the reincarnation of a pig, then you must be the reincarnation of the Pig King, the ancestor of the idiot!" Shangguan Xuanhao refused to lag behind and returned!

It’s really like Xiaoer girl said, you are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but you are afraid of teammates who are like pigs! This pig teammate is always holding me back!

Even though he knew that he devoted his whole life to medical skills and was the least proficient in martial arts among the brothers, he still didn't know how to cooperate with him.

If he hits the front, he should hit the back!

I had never lost so miserably against Shangguan Xuanyi in the past.

Incompetent people need capable people to cooperate with them. No one in the world except Shangguan Xuanhao can take it for granted.

The general actually lost two to one. The soldiers all expressed their disbelief, and then looked at Shangguan Xuanyi with admiration.

How high is the martial arts skills of the Sixth Prince? He can win against two masters by himself.

Yang Yong's eyes flashed when he saw it. He really didn't expect the sixth prince's martial arts to be so superb! I'm afraid it's no different than myself!

The Sixth Prince's thousand personal soldiers, all of whom were said to be highly skilled in martial arts, were all dispatched this time.

The failure of the food robbery in the dense forest and the failure of the sneak attack in Yueluo Valley were all because Shangguan Xuanyi's people accidentally discovered it. Is this a coincidence or they have been exposed.

Yang Yong shook his head. If someone was approaching within three meters, he would be able to sense it even if he was asleep, let alone being spied on, so he could not be exposed.

Daru's head was hung on the city wall for three days. Every day, people came here to throw smelly shoes, smelly objects, black dog blood and foot-washing water.

Supplies were in short supply, and the eggs were eaten before they went bad, so there were no rotten eggs to throw away.

In order to make it easier for the people to vent their anger, Daru's head was not hung too high. After the people had finished venting their anger, they directly installed it and sent it to the Khan of Xiyue Kingdom.

After the Khan of Xiyue Kingdom opened it, he vomited at first, and then he was so angry that he almost demolished the entire palace. He vowed to take the heads of General Li and Shangguan Xuanjun and deliver them to the monarch of Min Ze Kingdom!

Min Zeguo's army has arrived, and war is imminent.

The stolen food needs to be snatched back, and the robbed children need to be carried back.

On the training ground, many soldiers are practicing every day.

Shangguan Xuanyi, Shangguan Xuanjun and several generals and lieutenants study how to fight the battle with Xiyue Kingdom every night.

Discuss the formation of troops at night and train troops during the day.

After several generals discussed the formation, they unanimously agreed to use the improved Erlong Water Formation.

The formation diagram of the Erlong Water Formation quietly flowed into the hands of the Khan of the West Moon Kingdom.

The Khan of Xiyue Kingdom summoned several generals and military advisors to the hall to discuss ways to break the formation.

The wind and sand in the northwest are like a newly sharpened blade, blowing hard.

Because of her own space, Xiaoer's skin has always been supple and supple without needing maintenance. However, after coming here for a short time, she became dry and cracked. Sometimes she felt a little raw after washing her face, which made her feel numb sooner or later. I had to start taking care of my skin.

After taking care of herself and putting on makeup again, she put on her night clothes and lay on the couch, waiting for the time agreed with Shangguan Xuanyi to arrive.

When the moon was dark and the wind was high, Xiaoer avoided everyone's eyes and ears and came to Windmill Ridge.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't say anything, but took her hand, pulled her toward him, wrapped his arms around her waist, and left using Qinggong.

The two of them quickly arrived at the military camp of Xiyue Kingdom, and hid in the space as soon as they encountered soldiers patrolling.

After the soldiers walked over, they came out of the space and continued to move forward.

After repeating this process, we finally arrived at the granary of Xiyue Kingdom.

Another group of soldiers passed by, and he seemed to hear the sound of unlocking. He paused warily, "I seemed to feel someone over there at the granary. I heard the sound of unlocking!"

The patrolling soldier's expression changed after hearing this, and he hurried over and saw that the door lock was still locked on the outside, with no trace of it being moved at all.

The patrolling soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

"Isn't the lock unlocked? There's no one around here. You must have heard wrong!"

The soldier stretched out his hand and scratched his hair. Could it be that he had heard wrongly?

"I think I heard it right!"

"Then let's look around again."

The granary is so important to them that they would rather walk a few extra steps than let the food in the granary have an accident due to their own fault.

When war between the two countries is imminent, it is common for the enemy to send people to burn granaries, disrupting the morale of the troops.

Xiaoer opened the granary door and ducked in.

Shangguan Xuanyi locked the door and immediately entered the space.

In one thought, Xiaoer took the entire grain bin into the space.

Shangguan Xuanyi also left the space immediately after the soldiers left, opened the door of the granary, let Xiaoer out, and then quickly locked it.

The two of them went back and forth like this three times, and then they emptied the food from the three granaries of Xiyue Kingdom without anyone noticing!

Xiao'er even left a few words in a bad way at the last granary - Monkey King is here for a visit!

After the two left the granary, they went to rescue the children who had been robbed.

The robbed children were still crying and fussing, so they were all kept in the same place and looked after by maids and some women.

But it was also guarded by soldiers.

After such a long time, the children who cried every day no longer dared to cry because they were afraid of being beaten.

The maids and women taking care of them all let out rough breathing sounds.

The guard standing outside the door was also dozing off.

Xiaoer quietly used a bamboo tube to blow some smoke out.

The two guards woke up alertly as soon as they smelled some strange smell, but fell down before they could call for help.

Shangguan Xuanyi quickly stepped forward to support the two people and prevent them from falling.

Xiaoer went in, put the dazed child into the space, and the two of them left quickly.

Not long after the two ran out of the military camp, the patrolling guards discovered that something was wrong with the two guards guarding the door.

When I got closer, I saw that all the children were gone, and the maids and women couldn’t even wake them up!

"Granary!" The person who just heard the unlocking sound outside the granary shouted!

Many soldiers rushed to the granary...

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