The Xiyue Kingdom military camp exploded!

There is not a grain of grain left in the granary!

All the children who were snatched back are gone!

So much food seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, leaving no trace behind!

What a hell!

The Khan of Xiyue Kingdom was disturbed from his dream. He heard that the food in the granary disappeared out of thin air, and all the children disappeared. He was so angry that he dragged the people who were going to report him out and executed him on the spot!

The palace maid in the palace quickly knelt down.

The Khan of Xiyue Kingdom walked around underground.

What does it mean to disappear into thin air? How can we get so much food out of thin air!

How many soldiers and horses did they send to get this food back?

So much food needs to be transported away, and there is no movement at all. How is this possible?

Even if it can be transported away silently, it will definitely not happen overnight!

Khan suspects there is a mole in his country!

But no matter who stole it!


Grab it now!

Take back whatever has been stolen!

The horn sounds for gathering before the battle...

The grain in the granary was gone, and the horns sounded in the stomachs of the hungry soldiers of the Western Moon Kingdom.

After the Khan of Xiyue Kingdom adjusted his mood, he stood on the troops ordering platform to boost the morale of the soldiers.

"There is no grain left in the granary! If everyone wants to stay hungry, they endure hunger and fight with all their lives to beat the soldiers of Min Zeguo to pieces! In order for the wife and children at home to no longer starve and freeze, we will not We have gone through many hardships again, this time we will capture a city! Fight to the death!"

"Capture the city! Fight until death!" The soldiers responded immediately.

At daybreak, the trumpet sounded, and the battle broke out.

The sound of thunder and drums sounded, and Min Zeguo's soldiers responded to the battle...

With a rush of strength, the soldiers of Xiyue Kingdom rushed forward...

The two dragons emerge from the water formation. There are two dragons hidden in the formation, and the troops are divided into two groups. Shangguan Xuanjun leads one of the dragons, and General Li leads the second dragon.

During the battle, when the soldiers move successfully and the dragon takes shape, then the two dragons are called out of the water! The power of the two dragons coming out of the water is greatly increased and they are unstoppable!

If two dragons were allowed to mate, they would be truly invincible and unstoppable! All attacks are invincible and all battles are invincible!

Each formation has a way to break it. To break this formation, you need to stabilize the two dragons. First, you can't let one of them take shape! Unfortunately, even if they are formed, they cannot have sex. Once they have sex, they will be defeated like a mountain, and there is no way to break it.

If you want to prevent this formation from forming, you need a person with strong martial arts skills to quickly kill the fresh blood he transported out at the heart between the two dragons! The two dragons cannot take shape!

The wind and sand rise, and the light and shadow of swords rise and fall.

Shangguan Xuanyi stood on the highest city, waving the command flag in one hand and commanding the overall situation with a horn in the other.

Xiaoer stood behind him and pretended to be a guard to protect him and watched the battle: These people really used their flesh and blood to guard the mountains and rivers!

The formation gradually took shape. The general of the Xiyue Kingdom, Yale, was one against ten, and he was between the two dragons and killed them quickly.

Both Shangguan Xuanjun and General Li were entangled by dozens of masters, unable to get close to Yale!

Seeing that the two dragons failed to form, Shangguan Xuanjun shouted loudly: "Whoever kills Yale will be rewarded with a hundred taels of gold!"

After hearing this, Yale couldn't help but smile up to the sky, and said arrogantly: "You want to take my life for a hundred taels of gold? I am not worth more than a hundred taels of gold!"

General Dingyuan, played by Yang Yong, pretended to kill the enemy while paying careful attention to the situation around him. He felt something was wrong, very wrong!

Shangguan Xuanyi is at a high place and Yale is at the heart of the two dragons. It is impossible for him not to notice it!

That man's archery skills are amazing!

Being on the battlefield, he couldn't see the entire situation clearly, but he was always smart and soon realized something was wrong.

It is becoming more and more difficult for the soldiers of Xiyue Kingdom to kill the enemy.

But Min Zeguo's soldiers gradually became unstoppable and unstoppable!

He raised his head again and glanced at the military advisor of Xiyue Kingdom who was standing high up, and saw him waving his command flag, a little confused!

The two dragons turned into two dragons again, they fell into a trap!

The thousands of elite soldiers forming the escort are the real dragons!

The body of the dragon is complete, but is the tail still far behind?

Di Shaowei and Li Mingfang commanded the second dragon to expand rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The real second dragon finally took shape and became stronger and stronger.

"Kill!" Shangguan Xuanyi lowered his command flag, and his cold and slightly magnetic voice hit everyone's heart like an arrow from a string!

Min Zeguo's soldiers were shocked in their hearts, their blood surged, and they all echoed in unison: "Kill!"

The loud sound shook the heaven!

At this time, every step forward by the soldiers of Xiyue Kingdom was a step towards death.

In the succession of Xiyue Kingdom, they fell one by one...

"Zhe! Quick Zhe!" Yale shouted when he saw the military advisor waving the command flag and gave instructions to retreat!

They have fallen into the trap, they have fallen into the trap, if they continue to fight, they will be completely wiped out!

The soldiers of Xiyue Kingdom who continued to charge forward quickly turned around and ran back after hearing this, and then loudly told the people behind them: "Retreat, retreat quickly! Don't go forward any further!"

After hearing this, the soldiers of the Xiyue Kingdom retreated one after another...

"Chase! Don't leave any of them behind!" Li Mingfang ordered quickly when he saw that he could kill them all, but they actually ran away.

"Wait! Don't chase the poor criminals!" Di Shaowei shouted and quickly stopped him.

"Let the tiger return to the mountain, there will be endless troubles!" Li Mingfang caught the horse's belly and chased him, and dozens of close followers and guards quickly followed!

Dishaowei was so angry that he wanted to strangle the woman to death!

"Don't chase me. I'll call Deputy General Li back!" Di Shaowei said to the soldiers behind him, then gritted his teeth and hurried after him single-handedly.

The direction in which the Xiyue Kingdom soldiers fled was in the desert! The quicksand there changes rapidly.

That is the territory that the people of Xiyue Kingdom are really familiar with!

It is the paradise for the people of Xiyue Kingdom, but it is also their hell.

"Brother Shangguan! You can't chase them! Call them back quickly!" Xiaoer shouted when she found out that Li Mingfang was chasing the Xiyue deserters.

Look at the weather, strong winds are about to rise, and those moving sand dunes are invisible killers that can trap people alive in the desert!

Shangguan Xuanyi blew the horn and waved a retreat order...

Li Mingfang hasn't vented the anger in her heart yet, so she moves forward resolutely!

General Li killed a Xiyue deputy general, turned around and shouted: "Mingfang, come back quickly! Don't chase the poor bandits!"

It's a pity that Li Mingfang can no longer hear his voice!

She was so furious that she pretended not to have heard it!

Shangguan Xuanyi wanted to jump down, but Xiaoer grabbed the corner of his clothes with a firm look in his eyes: I'm going again!

Shangguan Xuanyi did not hesitate to hold her waist, jumped down, landed on the back of his horse beside the city wall, and quickly chased after her.

"Guard the city! I'll chase them back!" Shangguan Xuanyi said these words to Shangguan Xuanjun and General Li before riding forward!

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