Yale quickly ran into the desert with more than 20,000 soldiers.

"Everyone go separately." He quickly gave the order.

After hearing this, the soldiers divided into several groups and fled in all directions.

Li Mingfang followed the Yale team closely.

Yale deliberately led Li Mingfang around, confusing the original direction.

When Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer chased after them, they could no longer see their figures and could only rely on their footprints to track them.

The wind gradually started to blow...

They also chased further and further on horseback.

Gradually, the wind became stronger and stronger, and the footprints left by Yale and his group were suddenly covered up by the sand blown by the strong wind.

A yellow mist formed by fine sand is everywhere.

Yale turned around, glanced at Li Mingfang, and showed an evil smile.

Li Mingfang suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart. Sure enough, when her horse passed by somewhere, it seemed that it suddenly stepped on the ground, and her whole body fell down together with the horse!

"Mingfang!" Di Shaowei shouted sharply and quickly used Qinggong to pull her up.

The few cronies following her were not so lucky.

They, including their men and horses, were swallowed up by the quicksand in an instant.

When Li Mingfang saw this, his face turned pale with fright.

What's happening here?

Dishaowei hugged her: "Let's get out of here quickly!"

This area of ​​the desert is so weird.

And Yale and the others have also disappeared...

"But they..." Li Mingfang looked at a pile of sand on the ground in the distance, as if nothing happened just now.

"Do you think you can dig them out? Either your hands dig faster, or the sand buries them faster! If you don't want to die here, just leave!" Di Shaowei angrily yelled!

After all, Li Mingfang had stayed in the border town for a few years, and knew that it was impossible to rescue them, and that it was very dangerous in this situation. If she continued to stay here to save people, they would also die. Her eyes suddenly turned red.

She was the one who killed several of them. She was the one who had been with her for many years!

"Do you know the road?" Seeing her softening her tone, Di Shaowei looked around and saw that the original shape of the dune was no longer there.

All you can see are unfamiliar sand dune shapes, surrounded by bursts of yellow sand mist.

It is no longer possible to rely on the original sand dunes to find the way back to the military camp!

He was not familiar with the desert, and he didn't dare to leave casually after the scene just happened.

After listening to his words, Li Mingjun began to look around, trying to find the direction to go back.

"Do you know the direction of the military camp?" I heard that men have a stronger sense of direction. Maybe Di Shaowei knows, Li Mingfang said hopefully.

"I don't know." Di Shaowei spread his hands up and shook his head, knowing that he wouldn't ask her.

Some large sand dunes that existed just now disappeared in the blink of an eye. How could he find his way!

"Forget it, I know I can't rely on you." Li Mingfang felt uncomfortable.

This is the first time that Dishaowei has seen the desert, and he is not as familiar with it.

Di Shaowei's heart was racing. Finally, this woman had to rely on herself. But at the critical moment, his sense of direction was also lost.

But that's how it is in the desert. When the wind and sand are strong, the world changes in the blink of an eye, and you can't tell the difference between east, west, north and south.

Although he has never seen a desert, he still has this common sense.

Yale led a few soldiers back and hid under the cover of shabu and sand dunes.

Seeing that they were lost, he twitched his lips and sneered.

If there is a road to heaven but you don’t take it, if there is no door to hell and you insist on breaking in, then don’t blame him!

Yale picked up the bow and arrow, raised the left corner of his mouth, showed an evil smile, aimed the arrow at Li Mingfang's vital part, and released it.

"Be careful!" Di Shaowei noticed something strange, turned around and immediately threw himself on Li Mingfang's back, blocking an arrow for her.


The unique sound of a bow and arrow entering flesh sounded behind Li Mingfang.

She quickly turned around and saw that Dishaowei had been hit by an arrow in the back.

"Yale, I'm going to kill you!" Li Mingfang saw several figures disappearing in the yellow sand and wanted to chase them.

"General, why don't we take the opportunity to kill Liangba!"

"No need to worry about it anymore. Do you think they can get out of the desert alive when the strong sandstorm comes?!" Even if they don't leave and continue to stay in the sand flood, their lives will be in danger!

Deshaowu stopped her and said, "Stop chasing her. Haven't you chased her enough? Keep the green hills and don't worry about running out of firewood!"

Why has this person been so impulsive for so many years!

He stretched out his hand to pull her, which affected the injury on his back. Di Shaowei's face wrinkled up in pain.

Although Di Shaowei's words contained reproach, Li Mingfang did not say anything more to anger Di Shaowei this time.

She also knew that it was her impulsiveness and insistence that harmed him and everyone.

"Help me pull out the arrow!" With the arrow stuck in his back, he would think he had wings!

"You are crazy. Without the military doctor here, you will bleed to death!" Li Mingfang was angry and anxious.

"Then what to do? If you let it stay on your body, it will cause infection. We don't know when we can go out." Di Shaowei glanced at the sand around him and felt helpless.

Li Mingfang's eyes turned red when he heard this. It was all her fault.

If she hadn't insisted on chasing him, he wouldn't have been hit by the arrow, and everyone wouldn't have died!

What would she do if he died here too? !

"Okay, I still have medicine on me! Call me quickly!" Seeing her expression, Di Shaowei couldn't bear it and comforted her.

Li Mingfang felt relieved after hearing this. After all, this was not the first time she helped someone pull out an arrow. She pulled out the arrow very neatly, and blood spurted out as the arrow was pulled out.

"Where's the medicine! Take it out quickly!" Li Mingfang said angrily when she saw the bleeding was not stopping.

After hearing this, Di Shaowei smiled bitterly. Where is the medicine? All the medicine he brought was used to save lives!

He forgot to ask the girl to get some for self-defense! I thought she would come to the military camp, wouldn't it be easy to get medicine?

Just go directly to her and get it.

Who knew that he would be trapped in the desert and be so unlucky as to be hit by an arrow!

"You're still saying you're lying to me now, are you human?!" Seeing his expression, Li Mingfang really wanted to kill him with one palm! If the bleeding doesn't stop, someone will die! Doesn't he know?

She quickly tore off her clothes and bandaged his wounds.

what to do? Why can't I get out? !

Di Shaowei couldn't bear to see her looking guilty and at a loss, so he comforted her: "When the stars appear at night, we can rely on the Big Dipper to tell the direction, so that we can go back!"

Li Mingfang nodded, this was the last resort.

When Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer arrived, Di Shaowei had fainted due to excessive blood loss.

Li Mingfang carried him on his back, one foot deep and one foot shallow, and walked forward with difficulty.

"Brother Di, what's wrong?" Xiaoer ran over quickly.

Additional updates for everyone’s monthly votes and recommendation votes

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