The golden python quickly eliminated the electricity passed down from its master, otherwise it would have to turn into a black gold python.

Were you trying to kill us during the day? The golden python cursed in his heart!

Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi, who was holding her, were baptized by thunder and lightning and turned into a giant black piece of carbon.

Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi turned around angrily and looked at Feng Xing!

Who was this person just talking about? Who is the villain!

Feng Xing covered his mouth tightly. Why did he have to be so mean-mouthed just now!

"Master, are you okay?" Feng Hen coughed upon seeing this and asked, holding back his smile.

Of course, he only wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh when he saw the two of them turned around and it was obvious that they were fine.

Fortunately, he didn't meet his master just now, otherwise he would have turned into black carbon.

Shangguan Xuanyi glared at him and said angrily: "What do you think?"

"My master has great blessings, so he can naturally turn disaster into good fortune." Feng Hen quickly stopped his jokes and said seriously.

"The bad guys were all hacked to death, but the good guys were still fine after being hacked! God is indeed discerning and knows how to differentiate between good and evil, right, Master?" Feng Xing hurriedly defended what he had just said.

A good guy gets hit and is fine?

"You think God didn't kill me, right?" Shangguan Xuanyi said coldly with a dark face.

But at this moment, even if his face turned black, it wouldn't be obvious. It was already burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, even if it was dark.

"I don't dare." Feng Xing didn't dare to speak anymore. This was getting darker and darker.

God, I wouldn’t have brought you to play with me like this! Xiaoer looked at the dark night sky, with hundreds of thousands of reasons roaring in her heart!

"Master, Xiaotian is born!" Tian Tian's excited voice sounded in Xiaoer's mind.

"Great!" Xiao'er was so happy that she spoke her mind.

The three people looked at her in surprise.

Only then did Xiaoer realize that she was too happy and couldn't help but say what was in her heart. She smiled and explained: "I mean, it's really great that God didn't kill us!"

Shangguan Xuanyi: "..."

Feng Hen and Feng Xing: The Lord of Rui'an County was struck dumb, right? What's so good about being struck by lightning?

Xiaoer ignored what they were thinking. She used her consciousness to check the space. Sure enough, there was a little swan swimming in the colorful pool.

"Why does it take so long to hatch an egg? I thought you couldn't hatch the little swan." She originally thought that if she couldn't hatch the little swan again in the daytime, she would take an old hen with only experience to hatch it, but she couldn't. Let our little swan have a difficult birth, right?

"It's pretty fast. Fortunately, there was a vision in the sky, and I drew down the power of the thunder, otherwise it would have been longer before it hatched!" Tian Tian said proudly.

The golden python really wanted to cover its eyes with its tail. It was so stupid that the snake couldn't bear to look at it. It didn't even confess it, so why couldn't it think better of it or bring it upon itself?

I wonder if it is the fault of the owner for being like this.

Xiaoer looked at her black hands and realized that the real murderer was here. She really blamed God wrongly! Are you worthy of your master during the day? He made her look like Bao Gong!

Next time they are going to give birth to a second child, she will definitely hold an old hen to hatch the eggs so that the second one will not recognize them when they are born!

These unreliable parents need to use thunder to split the eggshell before their child can be born! She couldn't harm Xiao Er, let alone herself.

This lightning struck down, and he died accidentally! Can this be used to hatch eggs? ! Don’t pretend to understand if you don’t understand!

"Little swan, sister, please give you a name." I have to give the two geese a lesson. They dare to attract thunder and lightning to strike her. It's really unbelievable!

Why is it sister? This generation is in chaos! The golden python felt aggrieved.

Both Bai Tian and Tian Bai had a bad premonition in their hearts. Thinking of the name of the golden python, Bai Tian refused: "Master, didn't you already agree to call me Xiao Tian?"

"I just came up with it casually, how could I be so perfunctory!" Xiaoer said disapprovingly.

"Don't be perfunctory, we both like it very much, it's a perfect match. I don't dare to trouble the master." Tian Bai also declined politely.

"No trouble, I'm more than happy."

"Okay, thank you, Master." Little Swan didn't like the name Xiaotian at all.

Two geese cover their faces with their wings. The owner wants to kill them by name. If you don’t understand, don’t speak casually. Do you understand?

"Then you can call him the ugly duckling from now on! The ugly duckling will turn into a white swan when he grows up. What a great name!"

Ugly duckling? The little swan was stunned. When it came back to its senses, it took a look at the cracked eggshell and really wanted to go back. What should I do?

Day and night, I covered my ears with my wings. I really couldn't bear to hear it anymore!

Knowing that there is a pet with a more unpleasant name than its name, the golden python felt better, so it crawled faster.

However, extreme happiness can lead to sadness.

The golden python crawled and its entire body fell down without warning.

Four people and a snake kept falling down along with countless yellow sand.

Shangguan Xuanyi hugged Xiaoer tightly.

Damn, what's going on? It’s not her who is doing evil to harm people! Why is there another report after one report is finished! For God's sake, please don't doze off, wake up quickly, and don't harm good people! Xiaoer shouted in her heart.

The golden python's body quickly shrunk, and it had the largest surface area and was almost crushed to death by the sand.

Is this an overload? Sure enough, it is disrespectful to sit on the same mount as your master! Even God can’t stand it! Fengxing thought.

It's almost the end.

Shangguan Xuanyi protected Xiaoer on top and let his back touch the ground first.

Finally, it stopped falling, and the four of them and one snake were hit hard on a pile of yellow sand.

Fortunately, there is this pile of sand, otherwise I would not have fallen to death!

"Get out of the way!" The four of them said in unison.

There is still sand on it that continues to fall down. If they don't roll to the side, they will be buried alive by the yellow sand.

Shangguan Xuanyi held Xiaoer's head tightly in his arms and quickly rolled it to the side.

Until this moment, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

The four of them stood up and patted the sand on their bodies.

Xiaoer asked while brushing the sand off her body:

"Brother Shangguan, what is this place? Have you heard of it?"

Shangguan Xuanyi shook his head.

"Let's go and find the exit." Shangguan Xuanyi took out three luminous pearls, handed one to Feng Hen and Feng Xing, then took Xiao'er's hand and walked forward along the long tunnel.

The tunnel was so dark that I couldn't see my fingers. The light of the night pearl lit up, illuminating the dark tunnel. The four of them were blinded by the shining golden light on the walls on both sides!

Feng Xing hurriedly stepped forward and picked it, and then said in surprise: "Really!"

"If all these gold bricks are cut out, do you think this tunnel will collapse?" Xiaoer looked at the wall made of gold with eyes filled with tears.

There is no doubt about this!

"Why don't you chisel a piece first and take a look? If it doesn't work, just block it back immediately!" Feng Hen touched the golden wall.

Thanks to ①Zhi↑裣情歌 and ·雪*君· for the reward, and thank you book friends for your votes~

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