"This is a good idea! With so much gold left here and being discovered by the people of the Xiyue Kingdom, isn't it also a benefit to the people of the Xiyue Kingdom!" Fengxing said happily.

"Isn't this the territory of the Xiyue Kingdom? Logically speaking, these gold should belong to the Xiyue Kingdom!" Xiaoer reminded the two of them.

"It's better if it belongs to the Xiyue Kingdom! We shouldn't leave it to them! If it doesn't belong to the Xiyue Kingdom, we would be embarrassed to take it!" Feng Xing said righteously.

"That's right, these are definitely ill-gotten gains. We have to take them all back! Over the years, Xiyue Kingdom has robbed so much property from our people! It's not an exaggeration for us to take it back once!" Feng Hen agreed. typical.

"Take them all back? How do you plan to get them?" Shangguan Xuanyi raised his eyebrows.

"This... take as much as you can get!" Feng Hen glanced at these golden walls and said sadly.

Why doesn't God give me more hands? In that case, I would be able to earn a living without having to work in this life!

"Let's go, keep walking inside, maybe there will be more gold!" Xiaoer said.

If you want to get the gold, you have to get it just before leaving, otherwise the passage will collapse and they will lose their lives.

"Yes, yes, yes, let's come back and dig up one or two pieces when we leave, no, three or four!" Three or four pieces of gold were still within reach. Feng Xing thought that there were more valuable things waiting for him in front of him. He couldn't wait.

Shangguan Xuanyi protected Xiaoer behind him, looking in six directions and listening in all directions as he moved forward carefully.

This road is still glittering with gold.

At the end is a door made of gold.

Even rich people don't need to be like this, Xiao'er couldn't help complaining in her heart.

"How to remove this door?" He decided that he didn't want anything else, just this door was enough. Feng Xing touched the golden door and couldn't put it down.

Feng Hen and Shangguan Xuanyi took the night pearl and searched for the switch on the wall.

The golden python shrunk its body and quickly got in through the crack in the door.

Xiao'er watched it go in, and her heart couldn't help but wonder. There couldn't be any mechanism inside, right?

"During the day, do you know what's in there?"

"Poisonous spider, a channel of poisonous spiders."

Xiaoer: "..."

After a while, Xiaoer asked without giving up: "Is Xiao Huang scared? Is there any treasure inside?"

If they were all poisonous spiders, why would she go in there! Feed poisonous spiders?

"Don't be afraid! There is a room full of medical books and gold. Apart from these things, they are all poisonous spiders."

The golden python climbed out of it.

"Master, you ride on my back. I will open the door and take you in. Don't kill those poisonous spiders. As long as one poisonous spider is killed, the mechanism inside will be triggered. The exit is also inside, let's go."

Xiaoer nodded after hearing this.

So the golden python's body became bigger again, but this time it didn't get too big.

"Let's go up to Xiao Huang's back! There are many poisonous spiders in there, don't kill them."

After hearing this, the three people climbed on the snake's back again.

With a sweep of the golden python's tail, the golden walls on both sides disappeared, leaving only a wall made of rock.

The giant door made of gold opened.

Suddenly, countless black and huge poisonous spiders crawled out.

Then they saw the golden python, just like mice seeing a cat, they all turned around and crawled back to avoid it.

The golden python crawled all the way, and the poisonous spiders tried to avoid it.

It is like a majestic general, and those poisonous spiders are its soldiers. They line up on both sides one by one, not daring to move, paying attention to the golden python.

Feng Hen and Feng Xing's scalps were numb when they saw so many poisonous spiders.

But now that I see them acting so humanely, I feel funny again. Are they pretending to be powerful?

I'm afraid the emperor would not be treated like this when he was on tour!

After the snake passed by, the giant door made of gold automatically closed again.

Then they came to a golden door.

The golden python points its head somewhere, and the door opens automatically.

As soon as the snake passed by, the door closed automatically. During this period, not a single poisonous spider dared to move.

Feng Xing and Feng Hen were extremely shocked. What was the origin of this pet raised by the master of Ruian County? The King of Poisons? Simply amazing!

When we arrived at this secret room, we finally found that the walls were no longer entirely made of gold.

It’s just that the four walls are filled with bookshelves made of ebony.

There is an old saying: "Half a square of ebony at home is worth more than a box of treasure!"

These bookshelves are all made of ebony...Whose territory is this? The rich people are so rich that it makes people jealous.

In the middle of the secret room is a set of tables, chairs and tea sets made of gold.

There is also a bed made of gold.

The owner of this secret room is definitely a gold connoisseur! Xiaoer thought to herself.

"What does it feel like to sleep on gold?" Feng Xing sighed.

"You will know if you try it!" Feng Hen was also convinced by the owner of the secret room. How much he loves gold that he sleeps on gold at night.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked around, then stopped by a bookshelf and turned the switch on one of the bookshelf.

The entire bookshelf began to move.

The other three people looked over and were dumbfounded.

A room full of neatly arranged gold bricks!

Shangguan Xuanyi raised his eyebrows and looked at Feng Xing and Feng Hen: "Now you can take it as you like."

Feng Xing and Feng Hen immediately took off their coats and began to install gold bricks.

Shangguan Xuanyi began to put bookshelves into the space one by one.

Xiaoer put the gold bed, gold tables and chairs into the space.

After Feng Hen and Feng Xing each packed more than twenty gold bricks, they looked back and saw that the entire secret room was empty.

"Where are those bookshelves?" Feng Hen couldn't help but ask.

Shangguan Xuanyi put his hands on those gold bricks, and then a room full of gold bricks was instantly taken into the space.

"Those things started to disappear when you just took the gold bricks." Xiaoer said half-truthfully.

Are these things transformed by magic?

After hearing this, the two people quickly looked back and found that all the gold bricks were gone!

They quickly opened the gold bricks they had wrapped in their clothes and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go!" Shangguan Xuanyi said to his two men who looked stupid.

As soon as Shangguan Xuanyi finished speaking, countless sharp arrows shot out from the wall of the secret room!

Shangguan Xuanyi immediately swept away with his cloak, blocking all the sharp arrows aimed at him and Xiaoer.

Feng Xing and Feng Hen also made the same move as Shangguan Xuanyi, and then drew their swords to deflect the incoming arrows.

"Master, go quickly! Someone is killing the poisonous spider, which will trigger more mechanisms! More poisonous needles will come out soon." The golden python sensed that the poisonous spider was being killed and quickly reminded Xiaoer.

"Let's go quickly!" Xiao'er said after hearing this.

Thank you book friends for your votes~~

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