It was finally time to set off back to the imperial capital.

General Dingyuan was covered with wounds and was wearing only a single coat. He was put in a prison car and taken to the imperial capital to be convicted by the emperor.

Traitors are the most abhorrent! This is a serious crime, ranging from beheading and ransacking the home to killing the nine clans.

Yao Bing has been executed.

The journey back was uneventful. We were still a few days away from arriving at the imperial capital. It had been snowing for several days and the weather was getting colder. Xiaoer didn't feel cold while sitting in the carriage holding a hand stove.

Jing Rui insisted on riding a horse and followed the carriage, his hands were covered with frostbite.

The weather was so cold that even the roads froze, and the carriages would slip from time to time when walking on the road.

"You can't take the official road anymore. It's too dangerous. When there is a fork in the road, take the small road." Shangguan Xuanyi had been following the carriage and said to Feng Yang when he saw it.

This official road is a cement road, which is icy and slippery. Both the carriage and the horse can slide far away. The horse sometimes even slips, and the carriage may overturn as a result.

Shangguan Xuanyi stopped riding and let the horse run back by itself. He got into the carriage and sat with Xiaoer, so that if there was any accident, he could protect her in time.

"If there is salt, sprinkle the salt on the road and it will not freeze. Or put some thatch on the road to prevent slipping."

"Salt is too expensive. The current production is not enough for the common people, and they are not willing to sprinkle it on the road. Even thatch needs to be used for heating or roof repairs in this winter. Every morning, people from nearby villages come out to shovel ice, but The weather is too cold, and a layer of ice will form again soon." Shangguan Xuanyi shook his head and objected.

"Sea salt cannot be eaten directly, but you can use sea salt."

"This is feasible." But there is no time to prepare this year, so we can only wait for next year.

The two chatted without answering.

In this dynasty, due to the backward preservation technology, many foods could not be stored for too long and needed to be salted to preserve them longer. This resulted in a relatively greater demand for salt.

Coupled with the backward salt production technology, the price of salt is high and the supply exceeds the demand.

"I saw a method from the book to make sea salt into table salt, or to increase the production of salt. I will copy it down and give it to you later, and you can find someone to try it." Xiaoer regretted that she had forgotten such an important thing!

Although she has never seen anyone with big neck disease in ancient times, she has never seen it, which does not mean that it does not exist. She can prevent this disease by providing a method of adding iodized salt.

Besides, salt is a necessity and the price can be affordable! Salt in the previous life only sold for 1.5 yuan to 2 yuan a pack, and it was still refined salt.

In fact, there is sea water in her space, and the processing workshop can also make salt. However, salt is too sensitive in this era, so she always makes a little enough for her own home.

"Okay." Shangguan Xuanyi was not surprised that Xiaoer knew how to make salt. If sea salt could be made into table salt, it would be great news for the people.

Feng Yang carefully controlled the horse to prevent it from running too fast.

He could feel the horse's hoofs sliding up with each step.

This carriage made him tremble with fear!

When the carriage turned around a curve, an oncoming horse ran too fast and its hoofs slipped. Both the horse and the carriage overturned, and they both hit Xiaoer's carriage.

"Master, be careful!"

Feng Yang warned loudly and quickly pulled the horse away, narrowly avoiding the approaching carriage.

He turned the carriage and drove directly down the official road, stopping hurriedly in the coniferous forest on the roadside.

The overturned horse and carriage flew directly off the road due to centrifugal force, and the carriage hit a tree before stopping.

Shangguan Xuanyi protected Xiaoer in his arms the moment Feng Yang spoke out.

Shangguan Xuanyi's back hit the wall of the carriage hard.

When the carriage stopped, Xiaoer hurriedly sat up straight from Shangguan Xuanyi's arms and looked behind him, "Brother Shangguan, are you okay?"

"It's okay, the cotton on the carriage wall is very thick." Even if it hits someone with such thick cotton, it won't hurt too much.

"There was a car accident!?" After listening to his words, Xiaoer opened the curtain and looked outside.

Car accident? This word is new, but it describes it quite well, Shangguan Xuanyi thought to himself, and then he let go of Xiaoer, "I'll go down and take a look."

"I'll go down too."

Shangguan Xuanyi had no objection and jumped out of the carriage first, then helped her out of the carriage.

Jingrui also dismounted and came to them, "Sixth Prince, Xiao'er, are you injured?"

"Brother, don't worry, we're fine. Let's go over and take a look." Xiaoer pointed not far away.

I saw four women rolling out of a carriage not far away, and the four of them were struggling on the ground.

"You go ahead. Brother Feng Yang and I will feed the horses something to eat together." The weather is cold, and they must be cold and hungry after running for a long time.

"Okay." The two walked towards them.

The carriage driver ran over with a bruised face. He fell after the horse fell, and his face and arms were bruised.

He came to some girls and asked worriedly:

"Miss, cousin, are you okay?"

At this time, the two maids with bruises on their foreheads had struggled out from under the two girls. They quickly got up and helped their masters.

A girl in pink clothes stood up and pointed at the coachman and scolded: "How do you drive! If I have any loss, your dog's life is not enough to compensate. When I get back, I will ask my aunt to sell your whole family." !”

"Miss Cousin, I'm sorry, it's all a small mistake. I won't dare to do it next time." The coachman knelt on the ground and shivered.

As a servant, when something goes wrong, no matter whether the responsibility lies with you or not, it is the most basic thing to take the initiative to admit your mistakes and correct them.

One of the maids was the coachman's daughter. After hearing what the woman in pink said, she couldn't help but cry out for her father: "Just now, my father also said that the road was a little icy, so you can't drive the carriage too fast, otherwise the horses will The one who slipped! It was my cousin who didn’t listen and insisted on urging my father to hurry up. That’s why something happened!”

You really shouldn't have been protecting her just now, just let her fall off the carriage!

Another maid quietly pulled the maid's clothes behind her, hinting her to stop talking, but the maid didn't care and just finished her words.

These words are like plucking the hair off a tiger’s head, seeking death!

Sure enough, as soon as the maid finished speaking, the woman in pink raised her hand and slapped her!

"You bitch, my master is talking, when will it be your turn to interrupt!"

The woman in a goose-yellow dress pulled the sleeve of the woman in pink: "Cousin, forget it, it's all our fault that we urged the driver too hastily just now. It's good that everyone is fine now."

"Cousin, you can't get used to this. Once you get used to it, you will become a slave and bully your master. A slave like this must be severely punished!" The woman in pink rolled up her sleeves and wanted to step forward and slap the maid twice. .

Xiaoer stopped moving forward after hearing their words.

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