"Brother Shangguan, let's go!" He still had the energy to teach his servants a lesson, so he thought it would be fine.

"Okay." As long as no one died, he was not a nosy person.

The two turned around and prepared to walk back to their carriage and leave.

"Wait! You can't leave! You crashed our carriage and hurt us, so you just want to leave like this. There is no door!" When the woman in pink saw Xiaoer and the others turning around and walking back, she quickly stopped them.

After Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer heard this, they continued walking forward without stopping.

Her carriage hit a tree and was damaged, and it was none of their business. Naturally, they would not agree. She wanted to find someone to compensate her, so she went to find the tree.

How could the woman in pink let them go? Their carriage was broken down and the horse was injured. They had to insist that it was them and ask them to pay for the carriage. Otherwise, it was freezing in the cold weather. How to get home! Her mother said that girls are the most vulnerable to cold, otherwise they will easily get cold in the palace, which will affect their ability to have children after they get married.

"Hey! That couple in front of you! Your coachman didn't look at the road, causing our carriage to hit a tree in order to avoid your carriage. The horse was injured and the carriage was broken! You just walked away like this! Believe it or not, I will report to the official!" The woman in pink didn't bother to teach the slaves a lesson. She hurriedly ran in front of Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi and blocked their way.

The two of them were in the carriage and had no idea what was going on at that time.

As for their coachman, she said that he didn't dare to admit it because he was worried that they would punish him! Anyway, you want to default on your debt? ! There are no doors!

She was going to order their carriage!

Dog man and woman? ! Which mental hospital released this?

Xiao'er became completely angry after hearing this: "Where did the mad dog come from? It's barking everywhere. Don't you know if the mad dog is released, it will bite people?"

"Who are you calling a mad dog? You shameless cousin! You hook up with men at a young age!" The woman in pink clothes was furious when she heard Xiaoer sarcastically calling her a dog.

She secretly glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi. How could such a handsome man be with such a flirtatious woman?

Her mother said that women who are too beautiful are all coquettish, and all real ladies are dignified and delicate!

"Feng Yang!" Shangguan Xuanyi said coldly with an expression on his face as cold as ice.

The woman in pink clothes was frightened by the aura released by Shangguan Xuanyi's ice face, and took a few steps back unconsciously.

Feng Yang quickly stepped over and slapped her hard twice.

At the same time, Feng Yang wailed in his heart, wasn't the maid responsible for palming his mouth? He was a dignified figure who was one of the best among the elite cavalry, and he was reduced to being a coachman, and now he even had to do the work of the maids and women. If this spread, wouldn't his lifelong reputation be wiped out? !

If the reputation of beating women spreads, will he still be able to marry a wife?

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at Feng Yang, then at the woman in pink who had been beaten until her head was swollen into a pig's head and lost a few teeth, and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

He originally wanted to ask Feng Yang to cut out her tongue, but now she has lost a few teeth. Aren't women most concerned about their appearance? She probably couldn't stand her own ugliness either.

This result is barely acceptable.

The woman in yellow quickly caught up and saluted Shang Gong Xuanyi and Xiaoer: "Young Master and Miss, I'm really sorry. It was us who were rude. If you have offended me, please forgive me."

"Someone finally came out and said something humane!" Jingrui also walked over at this time and said.

The woman in yellow couldn't help but blush after hearing what he said. Her cousin was spoiled by her parents and had always acted unreasonably and arrogantly. Today, she was kicked out of the woodwork.

"My cousin caused us to crash the carriage and even beat me. Why are you apologizing?"

"Girl, is there something wrong with your brain? It was obviously your horse that fell down because of the slippery road, which caused the carriage to overturn, lose control, hit a tree, and was damaged. If I hadn't been clever enough to avoid it quickly, now Our result is the broken tree." Feng Yang pointed to the broken tree and couldn't help but sarcastically said.

Du Yijin was blessed again after hearing this: "I'm really sorry, because the road was icy, our horse ran too fast, fell down, and the carriage overturned. Fortunately, we didn't hit you. My cousin didn't know what was going on. , that’s what she said! I apologize to her here.”

"Du Yijin, how can you help outsiders but not me! The carriage was crashed just because you avoided them! And these people dared to hit me. I will definitely ask my uncle to catch them and put them in jail and give them the death penalty! And now you have to pay compensation We have a carriage!" As the woman in pink said, she realized that her words were leaking, and she quickly covered her mouth after speaking.

Yijin frowned slightly after hearing her words. This half-cousin really didn't even look at her. No one knew she was helping! And why is she mentioning her father? Is her father like that? Caught in jail and sentenced to death? He really dared to say anything.

"Arrogant!" Jingrui gave her a look of disgust!

"I hit you too lightly. Your carriage was damaged by that tree. You should go find it and pay for it!" Xiaoer glanced at her, she really didn't remember to hit her!

"Who is your uncle?" Feng Yang asked curiously.

"My uncle is the Minister of Finance! How about it? Are you afraid?" Hongxia looked at them, waiting for them to apologize.

"Pfft!" What a big official! Feng Yang almost died laughing!

Really stupid! Several people thought.

"Cousin Hongxia, please don't be rude!" The woman named Yijin said with an extremely serious face to Hongxia, a woman in pink clothes.

Seeing this, Hongxia didn't dare to say anything anymore.

Although she is a cousin, she has always been a bit creepy towards this cousin.

snort! Go back and let her aunt teach her a lesson! Although my uncle loves this daughter who lost her mother early in life! But the head of the Du Mansion is an aunt. Isn't it just a matter of words to make her suffer some hidden losses?

"My cousin has no status, I hope you three won't be offended." Du Yijin bowed to Xiaoer and the others again.

My cousin is stupid, but she is not. The driver who drives the carriage is very skilled! The identities of these people are definitely extraordinary. I hope they won't cause trouble to Dad.

Everyone else apologized, and the mad dog named Hongxia was also punished. Xiaoer is not the kind of person who grabs people and won't let them go.

She nodded to Du Yijin, then she took Shangguan Xuanyi's arm and said, "Brother Shangguan, let's go, otherwise they should worry."

Say you are a female cousin! Don't think she didn't notice her secretly looking at her man several times!

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the small white jade hand that took the initiative to hold his arm, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

Thank you book friends for your votes~~

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