The people Xiaoer refers to are Shangguan Xuanjun and others who rode along the trail and arrived at the inn first.

Seeing them leaving directly, Gu Hongxia became anxious. They left. Should they go back because the carriage was broken?

"You can't leave us alone. No matter what, you have to take us with you."

"Take you with me? Why?" Xiaoer turned around and looked at her.

Xiaoer didn't talk about you, only you.

"Because my uncle is the Minister of Finance!"

"Oh! The Minister is the Minister? But what does that have to do with me? The Minister is not my uncle! Why should I take you with me again?" Xiaoer said calmly, with an expression as if Gu Hongxia said The words are so confusing.

Feng Yang couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"Aren't you afraid that my uncle will settle a score with you?" Isn't there something wrong with this man's mind? Couldn't she understand her obvious threat?

"You want to settle accounts with me? Why didn't I know that the law also stipulates that if you meet a relative of the Minister of Finance on the road, you have to give her a lift? Feng Yang, do you still have such a rule? Tsk tsk, this is really a declining world. , People’s hearts are so unpredictable!” Xiaoer said in surprise and sigh.

"I've never heard of it." Feng Yang replied with a smile, the future hostess is really so talented.

Hongxia's face froze, of course there were no such provisions in the law! But when ordinary people hear about it, they will definitely take them along in order to curry favor, or avoid offending officials, or even getting into trouble!

Du Yijin was really a little angry now. Her father had been upright and upright as an official all his life. Otherwise, why would her family's carriage be crashed so easily?

What Gu Hongxia said would tarnish the image of her father who had always been a clean and upright official.

"Don't get me wrong, girl. We will find a way to go back on our own. We meet by chance and we are strangers. There is no reason for us to ask the girl to give us a lift. I'm sorry for wasting your time." Du Yijin had no choice but to bow again for the sake of her father's reputation. Apologize.

This is the most day she has bowed and apologized in her entire life!

After listening to Du Yijin's words, Xiaoer felt that this person was quite good, so she said: "Girl, the place we are going to should be in the opposite direction, but I can give you a ride and take you to the nearest town to find a carriage. .”

Du Yijin sighed in her heart. This girl also had a clear distinction between good and evil. She understood what she meant. She could leave, and she wanted to! If she just left Gu Hongxia alone in this deserted place and went back, how could the stepmother give her good things to eat? Even her father would blame her.

Here he is the host and she is the guest. There is no way a tutor would leave his guests alone!

And because of this person's trouble-making and outspoken nature, even if he wasn't around to watch, he was worried that she would cause trouble for his father.

Thinking of this, she shook her head: "Thank you, girl, for your kindness. I can't leave my cousin alone."

Xiaoer didn't force it, but she thought more highly of her.

At this time, Zhao Youwei appeared on horseback. He was sent by Shangguan Xuanjun because Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer had not arrived at the inn for a long time, and Shangguan Xuanjun was worried that something had happened.

Now he saw them all standing on the side of the road, and another carriage broke the trees. He quickly ran over on horseback, jumped off the horse, and saluted: "Sixth Prince, Lord Ruian County, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Shangguan Xuanyi replied calmly.

Zhao Youwei quietly took a look at Xiao'er and saw that her face looked as normal and she didn't look injured, and he felt relieved in his heart.

After he saluted, he nodded to Du Yijin: "Miss Du."

He and Du Chun'an knew each other, so he also had a relationship with his sister Du Yijin.

Du Yijin quickly gave him a gift: "Master Zhao, you are polite."

Then she bowed solemnly to Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer again: "I didn't know that these two people were the Sixth Prince and the Lord Rui'an just now. I was rude."

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded lightly.

"Miss Du is so polite." Xiaoer replied with a smile.

Six...sixth prince?

Gu Hongxia's pretty face turned pale: Who did she offend just now? Who are you trying to show off your authority in front of?

Du Yijin is so hateful! She actually didn't remind herself that this man had a noble status, causing her to lose face in front of noble people and do some rude things.

No wonder he was slapped!

She couldn't help arranging the hairpin on her head with her hands, and then followed Du Yijin's example and bowed: "The daughter of the people would like to greet the Sixth Prince and Lord Rui'an. Just now, the daughter of the people didn't know that the two of them were of noble status, so they were very offended and rude. In this place, as the saying goes, he who doesn’t know is not guilty, so I hope the Sixth Prince won’t be blamed.”

Does this mean that if they are not of noble status, they can let her offend and be rude?

“I really don’t know whether a person’s words or actions are disrespectful depends on the person’s identity!”

This is the kind of person Xiaoer despises the most in her heart.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't even look at her. He lowered his head and looked at Xiaoer and asked, "Leaving?"

"Okay!" Xiaoer nodded and stood outside for a while. She felt like her whole body was frozen.

Gu Hongxia bit her lower lip after hearing this, feeling a little aggrieved and unwilling, but thinking of Shangguan Xuanyi's cold look just now and the fact that someone slapped her mouth without saying a word, she did not dare to say anything anymore.

Du Yijin secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that her cousin would continue to be confused and say something she didn't expect!

Shangguan Xuanyi and the others left, and Du Yijin and Gu Hongxia stood on the roadside watching their carriages and horses leave.

"Cousin, the Sixth Prince really doesn't know how to care about women. He just left us two weak women in this sparsely populated wilderness, and he didn't worry." Gu Hongxia looked at the leaving carriage with a look of obsession.

Du Yijin disagreed, worried? Who are they the Sixth Prince? Why should the Sixth Prince worry about them? It's so ridiculous!

Du Yijin ignored her. She walked to the coachman and asked, "Uncle Zhao, can this carriage still be repaired?"

The coachman shook his head and said, "Miss, the carriage is too old. The axle between the two wheels is broken. There is nothing I can do."

Du Yijin lowered her head and saw that it was not the case. It seems that I can only rely on my legs.

"Miss, you and your cousin sit on the horse. The old slave will lead the horse and take you back home."

Du Yijin glanced at the injured horse and shook her head resolutely: "Go back."

"Go back?!" Gu Hongxia screamed after hearing this.

"The horse is injured. If we ride on it again, it will be even more injured!" Mrs. Gu is not a good manager, and she is especially concerned about her parents' family. The money at home is already stretched thin. This horse was just bought recently, so she can I can't bear to let it suffer for this! Let him suffer, she is really willing to suffer herself!

It’s Father’s Day, and I wish all the dads in the world a happy holiday~

Thanks to yan5890018 for the tip

Thanks to the book friends who voted~~

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