Du Yijin felt quite heartbroken when she looked at the dilapidated carriage. She thought it could still be used for a year or two and that it would at least provide some relief.

Alas, if I had known, I would have been a few days late going back to my hometown with my dad to celebrate the New Year. If it weren't for saving money on renting a carriage, they wouldn't have done this if the coachman took them back to their hometown and then picked up their father. It was really not worth the gain!

"That's just an animal. If it's hurt, it's hurt. It's freezing cold today, and I won't leave! Just now, County Master Ruian clearly invited us to get on the carriage. Why did you pretend to be noble and refuse?"

That's an invitation to yourself, not to her! She didn't have the face to get into other people's carriages, so she was good at humiliating and blackmailing others, and still wanted to get on other people's carriages. This face is really thicker than the city wall!

Du Yijin sighed inwardly and was too lazy to communicate with her. No, this kind of person cannot communicate. The more you try to communicate with her, the more angry you will be with her words!

"If you don't want to ride, I will ride!" Gu Hongxia said after seeing that she had been talking for a long time and Du Yijin didn't reply.

"No!" Du Yijin had to speak now.

"You asked me to walk back and I caught the cold. Can you afford to pay for it?" Gu Hongxia was angry.

"I bought this horse privately. If the horse is ruined, can your Gu family afford to pay for it?" Du Yijin refused to give in at all.

Your Gu family eats and uses my Du family's money. Du Yijin didn't say this.

Gu Hongxia blushed with embarrassment after hearing this.

The Gu family is in decline, but so what if the Du family has a man who is a high-ranking official? He is not extremely poor!

Du Yijin didn't care about her anymore, called her maid and coachman, walked onto the official road, and walked back. She didn't believe she dared not to follow him!

Of course, Gu Hongxia didn't dare to stay alone in this barren mountain wilderness. She stamped her feet and followed him.

Fortunately, it was not far from the town. They walked for a long time to get there, but Gu Hongyan's feet were covered in blisters.

The murmurs of complaints along the way almost made Du Yijin's ears tingle.



The weather was cold, so Shangguan Xuanhao had someone buy a sheep from a certain village and prepare to roast the whole sheep around the fire tonight.

Shangguan Xuanhao was fortunate enough to have eaten Xiaoer's grilled mutton skewers. The taste was unforgettable.

However, the servants at the inn had prepared everything, but Shangguan Xuanhao still did not wait for the rightful owner.

Shangguan Xuanhao couldn't help but ran to the door of the inn several times to look.

The road is slippery in the snow. Could something have happened?

"I'm starving to death, I won't wait any longer!" Shangguan Xuanjun was about to bake it himself.

He has been in the military for many years, so barbecue is not a difficult task for him!

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanhao quickly stopped him: "Don't! Don't ruin this sheep and torture my stomach!"

Di Shaowei also missed Xiaoer's cooking skills very much, and quickly stopped him: "Let's wait a little longer, we can't let this sheep die so worthless, right?"

Shangguan Xuanjun really didn't know whether to laugh or be angry after hearing what the two said!

If the sheep can't be roasted, then he can roast the chicken first!

Seeing that he just brought a chicken to roast the two of them, they stopped stopping him. There were still a few chickens left, so it would be fine as long as the only sheep was not moved.

After Shangguan Xuanjun roasted the chicken, he broke off a chicken leg and handed it to them in line with the idea that it would be difficult to fatten by eating alone.

Shangguan Xuanhao glanced at the roasted chicken with a piece of paste everywhere in disgust, "It's so ugly, I won't eat it!"

"I'm not hungry yet." Although Di Shaowei's words were more tactful, the expression on his face was also full of disgust.

Li Mingfang was also very hungry and ate a chicken drumstick.

She thought it tasted very good!

"I'll be sick if I don't eat it!" He ate the rest of the roasted chicken and grilled another fish. Finally, his stomach felt a little full before he stopped eating.

Shangguan Xuanhao looked forward to the stars, looked forward to the moon, and finally looked forward to Shangguan Xuanyi and the others.

Shangguan Xuanhao and others asked them what happened and why it was so late.

Xiaoer briefly explained.

"That woman is so disgusting, she actually made me hungry for a long time! I turned around and saw her to see if I didn't hit her until she was all over the floor!" Shangguan Xuanhao said bitterly.

Xiao'er "..." So it's a lie to care about them, but it's true that she wants to come back early and roast a lamb for him to eat? Sure enough, you can’t expect too much from him!

"Girl, I haven't eaten your baked goods for a long time. I've been hungry for a long time just for this meal!" Di Shaowei said pitifully.

He didn't have a good meal in the military camp, and he had to sleep in the open all the way back. Finally, he finally reached the imperial capital and no longer had to rush. He really would rather be hungry than wrong himself.

Xiaoer resignedly went to wash her hands, took out some seasonings from the space, and roasted a whole lamb for these foodies.

Shangguan Xuanjun thinks that his barbecue skills are quite good. Sometimes in the military camp, when he really can't stand the food, he will go hunting and bake something for himself.

But as waves of aroma wafted over, he couldn't calm down anymore after he was half full. He hurried over, twisted Shangguan Xuanhao's collar with one hand, lifted up the person with the worst martial arts skills, put him aside, and then Sitting down in his original position.

"Shangguan Xuanjun, are you looking for death?"

Shangguan Xuanhao found the best seat to sit, where it was convenient to get food and eat without being blinded by the smoke.

"This is where I sit!" Shangguan Xuanjun said matter-of-factly.

"Aren't you full and get out of the way?" He couldn't help but stretched out his foot and kicked the stool leg!

"How about a fight and the winner sits down?" Shangguan Xuanjun said this and took a deep breath of the aroma.

Shangguan Xuanhao is wilted! Waiting for the strong and bullying the weak! This is a typical example of bullying by the strong!

Xiaoer seasoned the sheep skillfully while Shangguan Xuanyi turned the sheep's body.

Slowly, the sheep's body turns golden yellow, and the fragrance becomes stronger.

Everyone swallowed a few times unconsciously, otherwise the saliva would flow out, which would be embarrassing!

"Okay, it's time to eat! You can make slices and eat them yourself!" Xiaoer breathed out lightly, and a layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

It's carbon-fired!

Shangguan Xuanyi took out the handkerchief and wiped it for her. Xiaoer smiled at Shangguan Xuanyi.

Zhao Youwei had already taken out the handkerchief and stuffed it back into his arms.

Everyone was busy eating, and no one noticed his actions.

On the other hand, Li Mingfang, who was sitting opposite him, glanced at his movements, then raised his head to glance at Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer. He seemed to understand something, and his eyes dimmed.

Zhao Youwei sat down and ate meat. Di Shaowei handed him a glass of wine and said, "Here, drink some wine to warm yourself up."

Zhao Youwei picked up the wine glass, raised his head and drank it.

Then he picked up the jug, poured himself a glass, and drank one glass after another while eating meat.

Li Mingfang felt inexplicably a little irritable, and she continued to drink glass after glass of fruit wine.

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