Zhao Youwei heard the sound of falling water behind him and quickly looked back, only to see a figure submerging into the lake.

He quickly turned around and used Qinggong to fly over, and then threw himself into the lake.

Di Shaowei heard the sound of falling into the water and ran out quickly. When he saw that Zhao Youwei had jumped into the lake, he stopped, turned around, and prepared to go back to the room.

A man in black suddenly appeared on the distant roof, and then another man in black jumped up! Di Shaowei's pupils shrank and his heart lifted. At this time, his headache, heartache, and bone pain all over his body were gone.

I don’t know how many men in black came in total, and I don’t know if any men in black sneaked into my companion’s room! That girl Xiaoer has no real martial arts skills!

Thinking of this, he couldn't care less and shouted loudly: "There are assassins!"

Dishovi's voice sounded like midnight thunder, awakening the silence of the night.

The sound of fighting soon came from the front yard.

Dishaowei also ran over quickly.

Xiaoer always slept lightly, and she woke up when a sword was gently inserted into the crack of the door.

She quickly put on her clothes, took out a long whip from the space, and ran behind the door without wearing any shoes.

The wooden bolt on the door was gently pushed open.

At the moment when the door was about to open, Di Shaowei's loud voice sounded from a distance: "There is an assassin!"

The assassin outside the door was startled, drew his knife decisively, and prepared to leave.

Want to leave!

Xiaoer quickly opened the door and swung the long whip, leaving a deep and long whip mark on the assassin's back, instantly tearing open the skin and flesh.

At the same time, Shangguan Xuanyi kicked out a man in black from the room, and a dagger flew out, piercing the heart of the man in black who had already been whipped by Xiaoer.

The man in black fell down instantly, and black blood and red blood quickly flowed out from the whip wounds on his back and his heart.

After being kidnapped by the second prince of Xiyue Kingdom last time, Xiaoer has become extremely vigilant about her personal safety.

She feels that she still needs to be quick, accurate and ruthless towards her enemies! Otherwise she would not know how she died!

Shangguan Xuanyi quickly pulled Xiaoer to his side and looked at her from head to toe: "Are you injured?"

"No." Xiaoer shook her head.

"Go back and put on your shoes." Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Xiaoer's ten smooth and round toes and frowned. The ground is so cold!

Xiaoer: "..." Brother, is it more important to wear shoes or to kill the enemy first?

At this time, Shangguan Xuanjun, Shangguan Xuanhaozheng, Feng Yang and others were fighting fiercely with more than a dozen men in black.

The men in black are highly skilled in martial arts and can use deadly moves. It is not easy for them to deal with them, but they can still cope with them.

Dishovi soon joined the fight.

Upon seeing this, Shangguan Xuanyi picked up Xiaoer and took her back to the house to put on her shoes.

At this time, two more men in black came down from the roof and blocked their way.

Shangguan Xuanyi frowned, then put Xiaoer down, and the two started fighting back to back. He just wanted to fight quickly.

Xiaoer's whip was specially processed in the space processing workshop by adding venom dripping from the leaves of the Worry-free tree. The entire whip is highly poisonous.

She has no choice but to do this. All those with strong martial arts skills have internal strength. Her skills are not bad. That is for people without internal strength. But in this dynasty, it is not enough to face people who can fly, so her weapons must be It's powerful enough to keep people away, so it can barely protect itself.

The man in black saw black blood coming from the whip wound on the back of a companion who fell to the ground, and knew that the whip in Xiaoer's hand was poisoned.

But so what, even if he had to avoid her whip and couldn't get close, he still had a hundred ways to kill her.

He raised the corners of his mouth and threw a dart towards Xiaoer.

The darts blessed by internal force are like sharp blades that can cut through the void.

"Master, I'm coming!" The golden python's voice sounded in Xiaoer's heart.

Xiaoer laughed after hearing this. She released the golden python, and small yellow lightning bolts flashed out from Xiaoer's sleeves. She opened her mouth to bite the dart, and then spit it back.

The dart sank into the throat of the man in black at a speed and force several times stronger than before.

The moment he fell, he couldn't believe what he saw! The darts he had practiced hard for decades were not as good as a little snake spitting out!

The golden python's force overwhelmed the entire audience, and its appearance instantly killed everyone.

Feng Yang looked at the men in black lying on the ground and blinked. Is the future mistress really raising pets and not monsters? Are there any pets in this world that can help their owners kill enemies? Who told him where such a pet could be adopted? He wants to adopt 10,000 of them!

After the assassin finished killing him, Shangguan Xuanyi immediately carried Xiaoer back to the room to put on her shoes.

Feng Yang knelt down to see if there was any evidence left on the man in black and who sent him.

"Where are Youwei and Miss Li?" Shangguan Xuanjun asked without seeing them.

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

The door to their room was also opened. Just now, a man in black entered their room and found no one came out.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer just walked out.

After hearing what he said, Dishaowei's expression froze.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at him, frowned slightly, and looked in the direction of the lake in the backyard.

Xiao'er also noticed something strange about Di Shaowei and thought thoughtfully. He seemed to have come from the direction of the lake in the backyard just now.

Could it be that Zhao Youwei and Li Mingfang went to the lake?

Why are they going to the lake in the middle of the night? Why Di Shaowei has this expression is very intriguing!

well! Poor Brother Di! Isn't he wearing a green hat? Xiaoer looked at the top of Di Shaowei's head without blinking.

"Girl Xiaoer, what are you looking at the top of my head?" Xiaoer's gaze was so intense that Di Shaowei had no choice but to ask.

"I want to see if there are any green ones." Xiaoer said matter-of-factly, holding her chin.

When Di Shaowei heard this, his face immediately darkened. Girl, I love you as if you were my own sister! Is there any girl who hurts her own brother like you?

Feng Yang ran to their room to take a look, and then ran back, "Mr. Zhao and Miss Li are not in the room."

"Let's go! Go to the backyard and see if anything happens." Shangguan Xuanhao walked towards the backyard.

At this time, Zhao Youwei also rescued Li Mingfang from the lake.

Zhao Youwei is not a doctor, and he does not know how to save a person who falls into a coma after falling into the water.

He seemed to have heard someone mention that if a person who fell into the water was placed on the back of a horse, the person would be able to spit out the water they had inhaled. After the water was spit out, the person would be fine.

It was too late to lead the horse, so he could only carry her on his shoulders. It had the same effect as lying on the horse's back.

This is what Shangguan Xuanhao and his group saw when they came over.

Shangguan Xuanhao looked at the two wet people and was stunned: "What are you doing?"

Playing with mandarin ducks in the water in the middle of the night?

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