Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 390 (Third update)

Zhao Youwei saw Shangguan Xuanhao and said quickly: "Second Prince, come and take a look. Miss Li lost her footing and fell into the lake. She is now unconscious."

Stumbled and fell into the lake in the middle of the night? Who believes this?

Shangguan Xuanhao sneered in his heart but still stepped forward: "Put her down and I'll take a look."

Although he felt angry for his cousin, the Li family was full of loyal people, and some even sacrificed their lives for the country. He cannot leave the descendants of meritorious ministers without mercy. This is to look at the Buddha without looking at the monk's face.

Zhao Youwei put her on the ground, then remembered that her clothes were thin and her figure was revealed after getting wet. He quickly picked up the cloak that fell on the ground and covered her.

The other men also wisely stopped and stopped moving forward. After all, the Master said: Do not be polite if you are not polite.

Perhaps Zhao Youwei's method just now worked. Li Mingfang, who was lying flat on the ground, suddenly raised his head slightly and coughed out the choked water, and then he woke up.

"What's going on?" Li Mingfang suddenly felt cold all over after waking up.

"You just fell into the water." Zhao Youwei breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she woke up.

Shangguan Xuanhao stood up when he saw this: "Miss Li will be fine when she wakes up. You can go back and tell the kitchen to cook a bowl of ginger soup to go away the cold!"

Shangguan Xuanhao glanced at the dots of snow on the ground again, frowned and said, "You should carry her back into the house. It's freezing out here, so don't let the disease get to you."

Zhao Youwei's intuition was wrong, he came to hug him?

He subconsciously glanced at Di Shaowei not far away, only to see him looking into the distance with deep eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

And everyone looked at him and Li Mingfang with a somewhat unclear meaning.

It’s like jumping into the Yellow River and I can’t even wash it off!

At this time, Li Mingfang sneezed on the ground.

Shangguan Xuanhao's brows furrowed tightly: "You haven't done anything yet? You want to freeze her to death, don't you have to take responsibility?"

Everyone: "..." Is the second prince eating gunpowder?

Zhao Youwei quickly glanced in Xiaoer's direction and saw that she was looking at Di Shaowei worriedly.

Damn it, why did he come out to sit by the lake in the middle of the night!

He closed his eyes and squatted down resignedly, picked up Li Mingfang and strode towards the front room.

The servants at the inn also woke up. When Zhao Youwei passed by a woman, he ordered: "Come in and serve Miss Li and change out of the wet clothes. Then let someone make a bowl of ginger soup for Miss Li to relieve the cold!"

The woman nodded in agreement.

Li Mingfang had mixed feelings in her heart at the moment. She just jumped into the water out of sheer enthusiasm and wanted to use the lake water to numb herself. She did not commit suicide. She understood the nature of water. She only drowned when her feet were entangled in aquatic plants underwater.

But now, Zhao Youwei saved herself from falling into the water. Thinking of her soaked clothes clinging to her body and being seen by him, no matter how nervous she was usually, she couldn't help but blush at this time.

But at the same time, she couldn't help but feel a little happy in her heart. Maybe this was a turning point between them...

Zhao Youwei carried Li Mingfang back to the room, turned around, and strode away without hesitation.

"Brother Zhao..." Li Mingfang couldn't help but call out. She didn't know why she stopped him.

Zhao Youwei stopped for a moment: "Don't worry, if your marriage with Shao Wei fails, I will be responsible."

This night was probably his disaster day!

After his leg was cured, it was the luckiest time for him and the beginning of his fall into eternal doom. Fortunately, he had the opportunity to meet such a woman. He also fell in love with her but could not have her.

Since you are destined not to marry the woman you like in this life, then it doesn’t matter who you marry!

So be it! It doesn’t matter!

Li Mingfang felt aggrieved and at a loss, "I..."

She wanted to say that she didn't mean it, but she couldn't.

Forgive her selfishness...

The sky gradually became brighter, and it snowed for half the night. The world as far as the eye could see was covered in silver.

Feng Yang was reporting to Shangguan Xuan Yi that the results of his search for the man in black were fruitless.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded.

It doesn't matter whether they can be found out or not. There are only two people who would send people to assassinate them.

The group of people continued on their way and headed straight for the imperial capital.

Shangguan Xuanyi called Di Shaowei to the carriage to play chess with him.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't know how to say comforting words, but the two of them traveled together for several years, and Shangguan Xuanyi also knew how to make Di Shaowei forget his troubles.

So the three of them gathered around a low table in the carriage to play Landlord.

After Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer almost lost Di Shaowei's underpants when they teamed up, Di Shaowei quit!

He threw the cards in his hands on the table, "You two definitely did it on purpose. Do you have any sympathy? You want me to lose my wife and my troops!"

God, one hundred thousand taels was lost like this. Di Shaowei felt that even losing his wife would not make him feel the hairs all over his body screaming in pain!

He thought that the two of them dragged him into the carriage to fight the landlord, and even made him the landlord, because they wanted to find an excuse to give him some money to make up for the pain of losing his wife!

Who would have thought that these two inhumane guys would actually add insult to injury and make themselves sad and lose money!

He shouldn't have high hopes for them!

Thinking that he had lost all the 100,000 taels of silver he had on him, he couldn't help but wailed: "Girl, I haven't recovered from the pain of losing my wife, so you have the heart to scratch my heart with a knife!"

The pain of losing your wife? Xiaoer twitched the corner of her mouth.

What kind of wife did he lose?

"Brother Di, when you were studying in the past, did your master always have the urge to kill you?" Xiaoer asked curiously.

"How do you know?" Di Shaowei glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi: What did you say? Don't bring someone like this to expose someone's shortcomings!

Shangguan Xuanyi gave him an idiot look.

Dishaowei really wanted to pull him out of the carriage to exchange feelings!

"Brother Di, there is no grass anywhere in the world, why should you fall in love with a flower unrequitedly?" Xiaoer said when she saw him taking the initiative to mention it.

"You also know if there is anything green on the top of my head. With such a big green hat covering it, I will turn into a spring wheat field! Where will this put my face?" In front of his friends, Di Shaowei didn't even think about it. Scruples.

puff! Xiaoer couldn't help but laugh! The green becomes the wheat field in spring! So talented!

"Girl, you are so heartless!"

"No, I care about you very much. I pulled you into the carriage originally because I thought that if you fail in love, the casino will be proud of you and let you win some money and be happy! Who knew that your luck is so bad! We are all desperate! "

That's called releasing water! Do you really think his eyes were covered by a cuckold? !

"Since you care about me so much, just give me back one hundred thousand taels, and I will be happy!"

Xiaoer: "..." She was wrong, she shouldn't care about him.

"Ahem, um, if you are willing to admit defeat, is there any reason to go back?"

"Girl, if I lose a hundred thousand taels like this, I won't be able to think straight!"

Xiaoer: "We are just afraid that you will have random thoughts, so we make it impossible for you to think!"

Dishaowei: I have no love in my life! He decided to hit the tofu!

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