Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 391 (fourth update)

Finally returned to the Imperial City!

General Dingyuan's prison car entered the city.

The people in the whole city were ready to throw rotten vegetables and eggs at him.

The imperial capital is much better than the northwest. The people here live much better. You can still find rotten eggs if you look for them.

The emperor gave heavy rewards to the heroes of this northwest campaign.

Meritorious ministers will be heavily rewarded, and guilty ministers will be severely punished!

Shangguan Xuanyi handed all the evidence to the emperor's desk.

Shangguan Xuanyi also told what happened in the northwest and the assassination on the way back to the imperial capital, as well as the gold in the house, and said that he had arranged for people to secretly transport it back to Beijing in batches and put it into the national treasury.

Shangguan Xuanyi simply described what happened without adding any of his own opinions.

Now the treasury was no longer empty. The emperor should have been happy, but he couldn't be happy.

After Shangguan Xuanyi left the imperial study, the emperor began to think about it.

Concubine Yang became a concubine of Xiyue Kingdom and asked the wizard of Xiyue to perform magic spells in an attempt to turn County Lord Ruian into her puppet!

Yang Yong is the son of Prime Minister Yang and Princess Xiyue Kingdom!

He really didn't expect that the former Prime Minister Yang and Xiyue Kingdom had such a close relationship!

The emperor thought of the eldest prince. This son looked 90% like Concubine Yang but not even like his own son! His expression changed.

For the first time, the emperor could not control the rage raging in his body!

He punched a golden lacquered column carved with dragons and phoenixes.

good! That's great! Sure enough, they are not of my race, and their minds must be different!

After the war in the northwest has been settled, the eldest prince's marriage should be put on the agenda.

The Queen Mother hurriedly brought the Queen to the Emperor to discuss the marriage of the eldest prince.

"Keep everything simple! The war in the northwest has just calmed down, and so many soldiers have lost their lives. It would be unworthy of their heroic sacrifice to do something big now!"

The Queen Mother was dumbfounded: "..."

This soldier lost his life, so the prince's marriage can't be held in a big way. Wouldn't it be a shame to them if it was held in such a big way? What kind of truth is this!

When did the prince's marriage need to accommodate the soldiers who lost their lives?

The queen also looked at the emperor in confusion.

The emperor coughed covertly in front of the two most important women in his life. He couldn't tell them that the eldest prince might not be his son, right?

Not only could he not tell them, he could not expose this matter! Otherwise, he will become the laughing stock of the world even though he is a majestic emperor!

When he thought that he might have raised someone else's son for so many years, and now he had to help someone else's son find a wife, he couldn't be happy. Not only was he unhappy, he was also extremely aggrieved.

"The national treasury is empty, and the money in my private treasury has to be used to appease the families of those soldiers. If even the prince's marriage was simplified because of the sacrificed soldiers, wouldn't that be more able to boost the morale of the soldiers and warm their hearts? "

Queen: "..."

Queen Mother: "..." She really wanted to say hello to boost the morale of the soldiers and warm their hearts!

After saying this, the emperor sent them back. He still had a table of memorials to approve and was not in the mood to pay attention to the possibility that someone else's son would take a wife.

When the eldest prince knew that he needed to keep everything simple in his marriage, he was so angry that he threw a tea bowl!

After throwing the cup, he stood up and wanted to go to the Queen Mother to express his grievances.

At this time, his secret guard sent him a secret report. After reading it, he fell back on his chair and could not recover from the shock for a long time.

The concubine is dead!

Father must be suspicious!

That’s why I kept everything simple when I got married!

The New Year passed in the blink of an eye, and the day for the eldest prince to get married was coming.

This time the eldest prince married the principal concubine and the concubine together.

The Queen Mother finally felt that it would be too unfair for her eldest grandson of the eldest emperor to marry Lan Yue as his concubine. Lan Yue would have no talent, no appearance, no family background.

After the Queen Mother Zuo Si thought about it again, she issued a decree and promised Liang Yanli, the daughter of the Minister of Household Affairs, to the eldest prince as a concubine.

Although Liang Yanli's voice is not pleasant, she is beautiful and her father is a third-rank official, so this does not mean she has wronged her eldest grandson.

Xiao'er had just returned to her home from Zhixin College this day.

Yang Liu handed her two posts.

Xiaoer opened the big red post first. It turned out that the eldest princess invited her to be her dowry sister.

Thinking of Lan Yue's special temperament, Xiaoer felt extremely reluctant.

She opened the pink post again, took a look at it, and couldn't help but raise her eyebrows: Liang Yanli invited her to be her dowry sister when she got married.

The two concubines of the eldest prince have not even married yet, and they are starting to fight! The days after this are really exciting!

On this day, not only Xiaoer received two posts, but also other unmarried girls.

Everyone struggled in their hearts as to who should be the dowry sister.

Go to the concubine’s place! Lan Yue's conditions are there. Once he enters the eldest prince's palace, he will definitely be destined to be cannon fodder.

Go to the concubine! Lan Yue will definitely still be the concubine in the short term, so what if she wants to use this to embarrass herself!

Yang Liu couldn't help but asked Xiaoer curiously: "Where are you going, girl?"

"Of course it's the concubine's place." Xiaoer put down the two posts.

With her status, no matter which side she goes to, she is not afraid of offending anyone. Of course, she must follow the rules.

She doesn't have a good impression of Lan Yue or Liang Yanli! If she hadn't been too bored and wanted to see the excitement, she could have pretended to be sick instead of going! What can anyone do to her? !

When the prince got married, he started picking up the bride in the middle of the night. There are many royal rules and etiquette. If you pick up the bride after dawn, it will probably be dark after the ceremony!

The dowry group of sisters is actually a gathering on the day before the wedding, where they accompany the bride to talk about herself, give each other gifts as a thought for the future, and wish the bride farewell to her girlhood.

On this day, after Xiaoer had breakfast and dressed up, she got on the carriage and came to Lan Mansion.

Lan Mansion is just an inconspicuous small courtyard with two entrances. Although it has hung red lanterns and posted new couplets, which looks quite festive, there is not a carriage outside the Lan Mansion at this time, so it always seems a bit deserted. .

Several carriages were parked outside the residence of Liang, the Minister of Household Affairs, and the gate was full of people coming in and out.

As soon as Xiaoer's carriage stopped at Lan Mansion, a maid came forward to salute enthusiastically and then led them in.

At the same time, the maid also breathed a sigh of relief. The young lady has sent people to see her several times. If no one comes again, the young lady will probably be so angry that she will lift the roof off.

Lan Yue almost tore the veil in the boudoir! Damn Liang Yanli, how dare a mere concubine steal her limelight!

See how he will deal with her after she marries into the eldest prince's house!

And the girls who didn’t come to her place today but went to Liang Yanli’s house. After she becomes the eldest princess, she won’t let any of them go!

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