Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 392 (fifth update)

"Princess, come here, come here, Lord Rui'an County is here!" A maid shouted loudly and hurried into Lan Yue's boudoir.

Lan Yue stood up quickly after hearing this, and then she thought that in a few hours she would be the real eldest princess and the future empress of the world.

She quickly sat down again, coughed, cleared her throat, and then said: "Come as soon as you come, why are you yelling like this? You don't have to let people say that the maids in our house have no rules."

After hearing this, the maid hurriedly slowed down her steps, then walked slowly to Lan Yue, bowed her knees and said, "Princess, the Lord of Rui'an County is here."

"I'm not the princess yet, remember to call me miss, otherwise others will say we have no rules! Do you understand?" Lan Yue said with a serious face.

"Yes, miss." The maid couldn't help but rolled her eyes in her heart. She was obviously the one who asked them to call her the imperial concubine, so that after she got married, they would not be able to change their words for a while and let the servants in the prince's palace say so. They don't understand the rules!

"Since Lord Rui'an is here, let's go out to greet him!" Lan Yue raised a hand and waited for the maid to help her up.

Xiao'er was just brought in by the maid. Seeing that her posture was comparable to that of the Queen Mother, she felt funny in her heart. She was really imitating her.

As soon as Lan Yue saw Xiao'er, she said happily: "Since the Lord of Rui'an County is here, we have a good relationship. I knew you would be the first one to come over. Come on, come and sit here."

"Go down! Xiaomei, hurry up and serve tea to Lord Ruian!" Lan Yue said to the maid who just ran in to report, and then ordered her personal maid to serve tea.

Xiaoer smiled and walked over and sat down.

Lan Yue's face froze, and she sat down without saluting herself?

Lan Yue suddenly felt a little unhappy, but she didn't say anything. She was still a few hours away from becoming the eldest princess, so it was okay for her not to be polite.

But I have never seen such a cold-blooded person! Is she putting on airs like this to cause trouble for herself?

Xiaoer also saw the displeasure on her face and sneered in her heart.

How many hours are left and you can't wait anymore? She thought that her position as the eldest princess would soon be lost due to her impatience.

When the tea was served, Xiaoer took a look at the color of the tea, but did not drink it.

"Master Rui'an, please drink tea quickly! These are Liugua'an tablets sent by the eldest prince as a tribute."

It’s Lu’an Guapian! Xiaoer smiled and shook her head: "I'm not thirsty. I'll drink when I get thirsty later."

Lan Yue didn't force herself to listen. This tea was very expensive, and her family only only had half a catty. It was given by the eldest prince last year, and she was only willing to take it out after saving it until now.

Since she wasn't thirsty, it didn't matter if she didn't drink, she could save some tea.

At this time, the maid just walked in again and said, "Miss, the princess is here."

Lan Yue's eyes lit up when she heard that the princess had arrived. Although there were not more girls coming to her place than that bitch's place, she was better because of her higher status!

When Xiaoer saw Chuan Ranhui come in, she stood up and saluted.

When Fu Ranhui saw it, she quickly stepped forward to stop her, "Xiao'er, I'm going to be angry if you do this again!"

Xiaoer smiled: "Rules cannot be broken."

Lan Yue just stood up, and she was also waiting for Fu Ranhui to salute her: "The princess is here, please take a seat."

Fu Ranhui sat down next to Xiaoer. She glanced at Lan Yue, who was standing like a log, and said to Xiaoer: "This is not a place with rules! Why be so polite!"

Lan Yue's face stiffened, what did this mean? Isn't there any rule to mock her family for being a small family? If you don't take yourself into consideration, why are you here again?

But she dared not speak out in front of the princess! The Queen Mother loved her granddaughter very much, and her only support was the Queen Mother.

She also ordered the maid to serve her tea.

Fu Ranhui ignored Lan Yue and only talked to Xiaoer. She didn't care about her family's anger. She was just giving face to the royal family and the Queen Mother, just for formality!

Soon several more people came one after another, including Gu Qiqi, Di Junya, Li Ruoqing, etc.

Lan Yue finally felt better after seeing it!

There were also some girls with lower social status who heard that several people with higher status were here, and hurried over with the posts.

Fu Ranhui felt a little dry while talking to Xiaoer, so she picked up a cup of tea to drink.

It was too late for Xiaoer to stop it.

As soon as the tea entered her mouth, she spat it out: "Oh my God! What kind of tea did you make for me? The tea leaves are obviously moldy, why did you take them out to make tea!"

After hearing Fu Ranhui's words, several other people who were about to pick up the tea and drink it all retracted their hands.

Lan Yue's face darkened after hearing this. The princess came here without even saying a word to her, but now she said that her tea was moldy. Is she here to cause trouble?

"This is a tribute Liugua'an slice! The eldest prince sent it here last year. Are you trying to say that the tribute is moldy?"

puff! Ha ha……

Di Junya couldn't help but laugh: "Miss Lan, you want to say Lu'an Guapian!"

Several other girls quickly covered their mouths with handkerchiefs to hide their smiles.

"Last year's Lu'an Guapian won't be drunk until this year. Sister, if you don't have any tea at home, you can tell me! I'll just ask someone to bring some over!" At this time, Liang Yanli, dressed in bright red, walked in with several girls.

As they walked in, the room suddenly became crowded, and the temperature also rose a lot.

When Lan Yue saw that Liang Yanli was here, the color on her face changed again and again. How wonderful!

She said angrily: "Whose house has no tea leaves! You don't need to pretend to be kind! And why are you here?"

When you have tea, do you still need to bring out moldy Lu’an melon slices to greet guests? Liang Yanli laughed in her heart, she really came to the right place.

"We are about to serve one husband together, and soon you will be my sister. Shouldn't it be more important for a sister to come to attend her sister's gathering?"

Lan Yue couldn't find the words to refute for a moment.

Liang Yanli came to Fu Ranhui and Xiaoer and bowed to them before sitting down.

Xiaoer sighed for Lan Yue in her heart, because Liang Yanli had thrown her away just by this behavior!

When Lan Yue saw this, her face became even more ugly! Doesn't her saluting like this make it look like she was rude just now?

After Fu Ranhui finished her salute, she picked up a cup of tea brought by the maid and smelled it, then shook her head and said: "Sister, this Lu'an Guapian is really moldy. The green tea is better to drink when it was picked in the same year! It's newly picked. Lu'an melon slices are emerald green and shiny, with a noble aroma and fresh and mellow taste. The tea soup is green and bright, and the fragrance is fragrant! Look at your tea, the tea leaves are all black, it is really a waste of the eldest prince's hard work!"

This is another trouble maker! Lan Yue's heart was filled with rage.

Finally here comes the update! Good night, book friends~~

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