Lan Yue just wanted this group of people who came to cause trouble for her to leave quickly, so she motioned to her maid to bring a box, then she opened the box and said: "Here are some handkerchiefs and purses I made, pick the ones you like. Well. I have to take a shower and put on makeup soon, but I won’t be able to stay with you for too long.”

What this means is that you should leave immediately after taking your things.

After hearing this, everyone present thought to themselves, who wants to stay here for a long time?

After Lan Yue finished speaking, she ordered the maid to go down with the box and give it to the girls present to choose from.

The maid held the box and walked towards the crowd.

Fu Ranhui picked up a purse placed on top.

Xiaoer also picked up a purse.

When it was Liang Yanli's turn, she picked up a handkerchief, opened it, took a look, and smiled softly: "My sister's skills as an actress are really...unexpected."

After listening to Liang Yanli's words, some girls subconsciously looked down at the handkerchief or purse they got, and then found the sign of an embroidery workshop in the Imperial City somewhere.

This is really... so sincere.

Such an approach is shameful in the Imperial City!

There is an unwritten rule in the Imperial City that all gifts given to sisters before getting married must be handmade to show sincerity.

"It's really a waste of money for Miss Lan! But don't you know that the things you give to the sisters need to be made with your own hands to be sincere?" Chu Die gloated.

Lan Yue's face turned red, she was both ashamed and angry! How dare a little official's daughter teach him a lesson in person? Who gave her the guts! She sarcastically replied without hesitation: "I'm not a good girl. I probably won't use the things I made by myself if I gave them to you! Why don't I choose them myself and give them something that everyone can use! Besides, I really want to give you things I made by myself." I guess an educated girl like Miss Chu would make fun of me even more! Why should I humiliate myself!"

This Chu Die came here with Liang Yanli, so it was obvious that he was on her side! She also wants everyone to know that if she offends her, the real princess, she will not save her face!

Some women originally wanted to say a few sarcastic words to please Liang Yanli, but they did not dare to say anything after hearing Lan Yue's words.

If they say something unpleasant at this time, they will become what Lan Yue calls uneducated people!

Chu Die almost cried because she was mocking her for being uneducated!

After the last etiquette competition, she didn't dare to go out for a long time. It was hard for everyone to forget about it. Now she was ridiculed for being uneducated, which made her hate Lan Yue even more!

Lan Yue said this quite skillfully, Xiao'er glanced at her, it's true that rabbits can bite when they are anxious!

Now it’s more interesting! Xiaoer said that she came to the right place today, she just likes to see the backyard of the person who tried to harm her catch fire!

I wish the fire in the eldest prince’s backyard would be more intense!

Liang Yanli was so angry. When did this unworthy person become so good at talking?

Inadvertently, she saw Xiaoer looking at Lan Yue, and she misunderstood it as appreciation! The anger in my heart is even stronger!

This County Lord Ruian is the first girl to come to Lan Mansion. Is it true that the two of them have a close personal relationship as Lan Yue said?

snort! Instead of fawning over the daughter of a third-rank official, she could fawn over a little county magistrate's daughter! It can be seen that he is also a winkless one!

The friend of her enemy is her enemy, and Lan Yueluo has no choice but to take it out on her friend!

"I haven't given my sisters some gadgets yet. After I marry the eldest prince, I won't be able to hang out with you sisters anymore. In a year or two, everyone will get married, or maybe go their separate ways. Some of us will We may even never see each other again in our lives. I have prepared some gadgets for you as a thought. Don’t forget me in the future! Ice and Snow!"

The girls present all expressed that they would not forget it.

As soon as Liang Yanli finished speaking, a maid came up behind her holding a box.

She opened the box with her own hands, and then asked the maid to take it to the girls present to choose from.

The entire box is filled with bracelets woven with pearls and jade beads and brocade thread.

The girls present were so surprised that their eyes widened when they saw it. This would cost a lot of money!

Hube is indeed a place full of riches and opportunities!

"Miss Liang is so ingenious! These bracelets are so beautifully woven."

"These pearls and jade beads are of such good quality, they must be very valuable!"

"Yanli, wouldn't it be too expensive for you to give us such a valuable thing?" Chu Die held a string of pearl bracelets and couldn't put it down.

The girls who got the good things praised them one after another.

This person is not just here to cause trouble! Still here to slap you in the face!

"Hiss!" Lan Yue forcefully tore the handkerchief in half.

Everyone looked at her in surprise!

"The quality of this handkerchief is so bad. It was torn apart without any effort. I have to buy it from another shop next time!" Lan Yue was busy tearing the handkerchief in half and putting it away with a smile on her face!

These people are all snobs. Why didn't I see them praising her stuff just now? She also spent a lot of money to buy it!

Liang Yanli’s smile became even brighter!

"It won't be too expensive. I want to marry the eldest prince. Everything I give out must be handleable. It must not break at the first touch. Otherwise, it will be bad for the eldest prince and the royal family. Rui County Master An, are you right?"

Xiaoer: "..." It seems like I haven't provoked her by sitting here! Why did she drag herself into this troubled water?

But since she wants to drag herself into their undercurrent, she won't be polite.

"The face of the royal family is still maintained by the royal family." Xiaoer replied lightly.

Liang Yanli's expression was almost distorted. Is this making fun of her for pretending to be a royal here despite not being a real royal? !

"County Lord Ruian, how could you bully Yan Li like this?" Chu Die said angrily.

Xiaoer blinked. When did she bully her? She is such a conscience!

"What did I say wrong? Could it be that the face of the royal family should not be maintained by the royal family, but needs to be maintained by outsiders?" Xiaoer asked innocently.

"You clearly didn't mean that! You were clearly mocking Yan Li for not being a member of the royal family!"

"It seems like you said this! Don't even think about blaming it on me!" Could she have spoken so poorly?

"You are quibbling!"

"It's because you think so in your heart that you misunderstood my words as your true words!"

"You are spitting blood!" After hearing this, Chu Die glanced at Liang Yanli nervously, she must not believe it!

"You must be blind, right? Where did you get the blood for me to squirt out?"

"You..." Chu Die was furious and couldn't think of how to continue.

"Master Ruian County, if you have a lot of money, don't argue with this little girl Chu Die!" Liang Yanli said when she saw this.

"Miss Liang, I'm younger than Miss Chu, but I can't afford a large number of adults! I just don't offend others if they don't offend me!" Xiaoer looked directly into her eyes and reminded her.

Liang Yanli was shocked by her eyes and words. She regretted a little. She shouldn't have tried to provoke her just now.

Thank you Lantianbaiyun for the reward, thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes

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