Seeing Liang Yanli's expression, Xiaoer knew that her words had worked.

She didn't want to stay here anymore, so she took out two wooden hairpins that she bought at a stall on the road and gave them to the two of them.

"I carved this with my own hands based on the wooden hairpin I bought at the stall. It looks very similar, right? As the saying goes: etiquette is light but affection is heavy, so please don't dislike it. I have something to do in the academy, so I'll leave first. !”

Originally, she wanted to spend a few pennies to buy two wooden hairpins to watch the show, but now she feels that the wooden hairpins are too expensive! I should buy a steamed bun to plug Liang Yanli’s mouth!

Lan Yue: With her relationship with the head of Ruian County, how could she give away this old wooden hairpin? She could use her own purse to buy a dozen of these wooden hairpins! She really suffered a big loss!

Liang Yanli: It turns out that the Lord of Ruian County is a shameless person, and he can handle this kind of rags. The Sixth Prince was blind so he could hold this kind of person in the palm of his hand and love him like a pearl!

Seeing this, Fu Ranhui also asked the maid to take out two purses embroidered by the maids, gave them to two of them respectively, and then stood up: "I have something to do in the college, so I'll say goodbye! Xiao'er, let's go there together!"

Di Junya, Li Ruoqing...and others also left after seeing this.

Many people came here for Fu Ranhui, the daughter of the eldest princess. Now that she was leaving, others also left one after another.

Half a month has passed since the eldest prince's marriage, but people are still talking about it.

First of all, the eldest prince's concubine's dowry was so poor that it only amounted to thirty-two cents.

The dowry for the eldest prince's concubine was seventy-six tons.

Secondly, the eldest prince's concubine waited in the boudoir until dawn but did not wait for the eldest prince to come. Then she went to the concubine's yard early in the morning, pulled the still naked concubine out of bed and beat her violently.

The dowry of a side concubine was more than that of the main concubine, and the eldest prince abandoned the main concubine on his wedding night and had sex with the side concubine in the bridal chamber. These two things were criticized by the officials and he spoiled his concubine and destroyed his wife.

These are nothing! The eldest prince's marriage was really simple, and the prince's wedding was more grand than his. After this incident, all the officials finally understood the emperor's attitude towards the eldest prince.

Many officials who originally stood by the eldest prince but were not firm enough began to gradually become alienated from the eldest prince.

In the end, the eldest prince had no choice but to use his body as an excuse to stop interfering in political affairs and live a solitary life.

He wants to hide his power and bide his time.

This year's imperial examination began, and after careful consideration, Jingrui decided not to take the provincial examination for the time being.

"Rui'er is still young. It doesn't matter if the exam takes another three years." Shen Chengyao somewhat agreed that Shen Jingrui would take the provincial exam in three years.

It’s not that he doesn’t believe that his son can pass the exam, but he feels that his son will definitely pass the exam!

But if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them!

"Since Rui'er is sure, why don't you take the exam?" Ms. Liu disagreed this time.

She wanted her son to win the imperial examination as soon as possible, and then she would have more support by saying goodbye to him!

"Mom, I want to be the number one scholar! I think my mother has a son who will be the number one scholar!" Jing Rui felt that he was certain to win the lottery, but his heart was more greedy. He wanted to win three yuan in a row.

Winning three yuan in a row is still beyond his reach now.

He has little experience in dealing with people. He wanted to use these three years to learn to take care of the family business, and learn how to handle some political affairs with his eldest brother Shangguan.

Insight into worldly matters is knowledge, and understanding of human feelings is knowledge! What he lacks is insight into worldly affairs and a grasp of the ways of the world.

Shangguan Xuanyi also suggested that he should not rush to take the Juren exam first, but should get the best result in the first exam! This can really be the icing on the cake for their family.

Ms. Liu was pleased and moved after hearing this. She thought that if her son could win the top prize in three years, more women would be available to him, so she nodded her head and agreed.

That day, Jingrui, Di Shaowei and Shangguan Xuanyi were on their way back from doing business in a neighboring county. The sky was covered with dark clouds and there was a strong wind.

The three of them rode horses and rushed towards a populated place.

Soon heavy raindrops began to fall, and the summer rain was like a downpour of water, soaking the clothes of the three of them in the blink of an eye.

"The rain is too heavy, let's find a place to take shelter first!" Di Shaowei wiped the water on his face with his hand and said loudly.

"I remember there is a broken house ahead, let's go there to take shelter!" Shangguan Xuanyi said after hearing this.

There was lightning and thunder in the sky, and from time to time a bolt of lightning would fall in the distance.

Soon they saw a carriage bumping forward in front of them.

Deshawe led the horse and was trying to speed up the horse to overtake the carriage.

A bolt of lightning came down from the front and hit a tree, and then a big tree branch fell down and hit the driver of the carriage!

The horse was frightened and ran wildly.

"Hello!" Di Shaowei quickly tightened the reins of his horse.

Depend on! The only thing that almost hit him was himself! Dishaowei couldn't help but patted his chest.

Jingrui and Shangguan Xuanyi also quickly asked their horses to slow down.

"That seems to be a carriage from the Ming Dynasty." Jingrui said uncertainly.

The rain was so heavy that it blurred his vision and he couldn't see clearly.

"Let's catch up and take a look." Shangguan Xuanyi squinted his eyes so that he could see more clearly.

After hearing this, Di Shaowei pinched the horse's belly again and made the horse run.

From a distance, they saw the horse pulling the carriage like crazy and running forward as hard as it could.

In the carriage

Ming Jingya was knocked dizzy while sitting in the carriage.

With great difficulty, she grasped the wall of the carriage and stabilized her body.

The maid also got up at this time. She opened the curtain of the carriage and saw that the coachman had hit his head with a branch. His life or death was uncertain, and the horse was so frightened that it ran around like crazy.

"Miss, Uncle Qian was hit on the head by a branch! The horse was so frightened that it went crazy." The maid turned back to Ming Jingya and said.

"You try to stop the horse. I dragged Chamber in before he fell off the carriage."

"Okay!" The maid responded and stuck her head out of the curtain.

"Ah! Miss, Chamberlain has rolled off the carriage!"

"Find a way to stop the horse!" Ming Jingya became anxious after hearing this.

"Oh!" The maid opened the curtain again and leaned out.

But the scenery in front of her shocked her!

"Miss, jump out of the carriage quickly, there is a cliff ahead!"

After hearing this, Ming Jingya quickly climbed behind the carriage and jumped out.

Di Shaowei, who was catching up, saw a figure jumping out of the carriage. He immediately flew over from his horse and caught the person. Then they both fell to the ground and rolled several times in a ball.

When he stopped, Di Shaowei happened to be lying on Ming Jingya's body, and his lips also happened to press on her lips.

When Shangguan Xuanyi used Qinggong to fly out to pick up people, he also used Qinggong to fly out and landed in the riding position of the carriage. He tightly reined in the horse and stopped the horse dangerously on the edge of the cliff.

Jingrui stopped beside the coachman Qian Bo, jumped off his horse, and walked to him to check on his condition.

It’s so dangerous, I almost couldn’t update twice today!

This chapter is a bit late, sorry book friends!

Also, thank you book friends Heise??qing for your reward, and thank you book friends for your votes~~

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