"Since everyone is fine, let's go!" After Shangguan Xuanyi said this, he walked back to his horse and got on it.

"Miss Ming's coachman was seriously injured. I gave him medicine just now and he woke up. I'm afraid he is not suitable for driving a carriage now." Jingrui said after thinking that the coachman was still angry just now.

Uncle Qian knew his physical condition, so he also said: "Miss, I really can't drive now."

The three men looked at each other because of these words.

"I don't know how to drive a carriage." Jingrui reminded the two of them that even if he wanted to, there was nothing he could do.

"Shao Wei, please drive the girl's carriage and take her back to the house." Shangguan Xuanyi said decisively.

"Me?" Di Shaowei glanced at Ming Jingya worriedly. What if she couldn't think about it and started crying again on the way?

Thinking of this, he looked at the carriage in the distance like a scourge.

"Otherwise? Me?" Shangguan Xuanyi said lightly.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Di Shaowei's eyes and raised his eyebrows: "What happened just now that I don't know about?"

"No, absolutely not! What could happen?" Di Shaowei quickly glanced at Ming Jingya, asking if this person is so sensitive!

That is related to Miss Ming's reputation. If he continues to ask, she will probably cry again.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at the two of them and couldn't figure it out, but he didn't continue to ask.

Ming Jingya's face couldn't help but turn red again.

Dishaowei quickly sat in the driving position in front of the carriage.

"Miss Ming, get in the car quickly and I'll see you off!"

"Here we are, Mr. Lao Di." Ming Jingya bowed again, and then the maid helped her get into the carriage.

Cuihong's hand happened to touch Ming Jingya's elbow. She hissed and couldn't help but shrink her hand.

"Miss, is your hand injured?" Cuihong quickly retracted her hand, worried about touching her lady's wound again.

After hearing this, Di Shaowei turned his head and glanced at Ming Jingya, his brows furrowed unconsciously. He must have been injured when he landed on the ground. He didn't know whether it was serious or not.

"It's just a little scratch on the skin, it's okay." Ming Jingya said disapprovingly, then she supported the carriage wall and got on the carriage.

"Miss, where else are you injured?" Cuihong asked worriedly.

"No, get in the car quickly!"

After both of them got on the carriage, the coachman tremblingly sat down next to Di Shaowei: "It's all my fault that I didn't pay attention and got myself injured. This time I'm going to trouble Mr. Di."

Mr. Di, who must be the son of the Zhongyong Hou Mansion, asked a person with a more distinguished status than his own young master to do his own job. The coachman said that he was under great psychological pressure.

"It's okay, save people to the end, and send Buddha to the west. Besides, your girl and my godson are familiar with each other, and your young master and I have also met each other. It's only right to help with this small favor. You don't need to worry about it." Di Shaowei's words were not so much meant for the coachman as for explaining to Ming Jingya that because he knew her identity, he sincerely rescued her and had no intention of taking advantage. In short, the kiss was definitely an accident!

After hearing this, Ming Jingya paused while wiping the water stains on her body with a cloth, and then continued wiping.

Since she didn't have to worry about it, it would be best to forget about it. He was so cautious, and it was difficult for her not to remember the accident just now!

Wan Jingya didn't know that Di Shaowei was frightened by her tears.

Meijijie now has a three-entry compound in Imperial City, which he just moved in not long ago.

Shen Nirui gave birth to a fat boy last year. Meijijie's grandfather came to the imperial capital to attend his great-grandson's full moon party. He saw their family of three crowded in a small courtyard, while he, a man weighing nearly 200 pounds, stood in the main room. It’s even more difficult to turn around!

He said he couldn't stand it anymore. He was a wealthy businessman, and his business had grown bigger and bigger in recent years. So with a wave of his hand, he bought a three-story courtyard in the imperial capital as a meeting gift for his great-grandson.

Di Shaowei drove the carriage to the gate of Xinming Mansion and stopped.

He jumped out of the carriage: "Miss Ming, my brother's mansion has arrived."

Cuihong jumped out of the carriage first, and then helped Ming Jingya, who had already leaned half of her body out of the carriage.

"Be careful not to touch Miss Ming's wounds." Di Shaowei couldn't help but remind this clumsy-looking maid.

"Master Di, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me! Thank you, Master Di, for reminding me." Cuihong quickly moved her outstretched hand to support Ming Jingya's palm.

Di Shaowei rolled his eyes, how could such a careless maid take care of her master!

This man was really attentive. After hearing this, Ming Jingya couldn't help but look up and saw him rolling his eyes impatiently.

Ming Jingya couldn't help but blush again. This was because she was sorry. She really brought him too much trouble today. It was normal for him to be impatient.

After getting off the carriage, she said happily: "My little lady, I would like to thank Mr. Di again for your great kindness. I am really sorry for causing trouble to Mr. Di. I will let my brother come to express my thanks some other day."

Dishaowei shook his head: "There's no need to say thank you. It's a small effort and not worth mentioning."

"Miss Ming, even if it's just a small scratch, Miss Ming should apply medicine regularly. The weather is hot now, and the wound can easily suppurate." Di Shaowei pointed at her elbow.

"I will." Ming Jingya nodded.

"Then I'll take my leave." Di Shaowei's horse has been following the carriage. He waved to the horse, and the horse came to his side.

"Master Di, walk slowly." Ming Jingya was blessed.

He got on his horse, grabbed the horse's belly and left quickly.

"Cuihong, go and knock on the door!" Ming Jingya said to the maid who looked at the retreating figure and couldn't recover for a long time.

"Miss, Mr. Di is so good-looking and attentive. It would be great if he could be your husband-in-law!"

"What are you talking about! If these words spread, I will lose my reputation!" Ming Jingya couldn't help but scolded after hearing this.

Fortunately, the scene just now was not seen by this maid, otherwise she would have said more shocking things.

Cuihong knew she had said the wrong thing and hurried forward to knock on the door.

Ming Jingya ran away from home because her aunt, Mrs. Ming, wanted to marry an eldest son of a Qian family to fill her house. She had already changed her marriage certificate and came to the capital to join her eldest brother.

The eldest son of the Qian Mansion had a flowery building at home, so he stayed among the flowers all day long and stayed away from home at night.

His wife, who was nine months pregnant, got into an argument with a brothel girl because he openly brought her home. She was so angry that she had fetal gas, had dystocia, and died leaving behind a young son.

A month after the lady's death, her body was still cold, and the Qian Mansion was making arrangements to marry the eldest son.

Who dares to marry such a family and such a man! Whoever marries someone is like jumping into a pit of fire!

Ming Jingya's mother asked her to come to the imperial capital to find her brother and escape from the marriage! Then the eldest son of the Qian Mansion should let the legitimate daughter of the Ming Mansion marry!

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