Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 397 (Additional update)

In the dark night, the billowing dark clouds that had gone away during the day came back again, and the sky was filled with lightning and thunder.

Dishovi was startled by a thunder and jumped out of bed.

God! He actually dreamed about the scene during the day!

Thinking of the sweet scent that penetrated his nose, he couldn't forget it, and he turned over a little irritably.

At this time, another bolt of lightning fell outside the window, and a deafening thunder sounded.

Dishaowei wanted to run out and let lightning strike him to death! He must be crazy! crazy! crazy!

He lifted off the quilt, quickly ran to the bathhouse, took a cold shower, came back and lay down again, but he couldn't fall asleep even though he tossed and turned.

He always felt that there was a hint of sweet smell looming at the end of his nose, which made him even more irritable.

He reached out angrily and fanned his nose vigorously, trying to get rid of the lingering sweet smell.

After tossing and turning like this for most of the night, he couldn't fall asleep.

The next day, the sky cleared up, the sycamore leaves washed by the heavy rain were glowing green, and the air was much fresher than usual.

Dishaowei, who had been tortured all night, couldn't help but take a deep breath of fresh air, and then he seemed to smell a faint sweet scent!

God! Help me!

What a hell!

He got up with panda eyes and went to greet the old lady and his mother.

"Did you not sleep well last night? Why are the circles under your eyes dark?" The old lady said heartbrokenly when she saw her grandson looking listless.

"Is it too hot to sleep? My mother-in-law asked me to put two more basins of ice cubes in." The general's wife thought for a while and asked.

"The thunder was too loud last night." Di Shaowei sat down, and then remembered the heat in his body, and continued: "Let's put two more basins of ice cubes tonight."

"Okay!" The general's wife nodded in agreement.

"Shao Wei, grandma has some portraits here. Can you take them to see which one you like?" Mrs. Di gestured to the maid behind her and held out the portraits she had carefully selected.

It has been some time since the grandson and the girl from the Li family broke off their engagement, and it was time to choose a new marriage for him.

Dishaowei picked up a scroll and opened it, and found that it was a portrait of a woman, and he understood what his grandmother and mother meant.

He immediately rolled up the picture and put it down: "Grandma, mother, I don't want to discuss marriage yet."

"Why? You still can't let go of that girl from the Li family?" Mrs. Di is not a person who would force her grandson, so she didn't force him when she saw his attitude.

"No, I just don't want to get engaged for the time being! Aren't most of the people around me not yet engaged?"

"That's why you have to decide quickly! Otherwise, all the good girls will be chosen, who will you choose in the end!" the general's wife said matter-of-factly.

"Your mother is right. A good girl like this is always wanted by every family. If you meet a good girl, you must make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise others will take advantage of you."

Dishaowei didn't take it seriously after hearing this. There is no grass anywhere in the world. If there is no grass here, just look for it elsewhere.

"That's right, I think County Lord Rui'an's girl is one of the best in a hundred. Do you think the emperor has already arranged for her to be married to the sixth prince?"

"If mother finds a second woman like Lord Rui'an, I will immediately agree. Well, if I have something to do, I will go out first. Grandma, remember to tell me as soon as mother finds you!" Di Shaowediu After saying this, he hurried out.

"This..." The general's wife was dumbfounded!

Find a second woman like Lord Ruian? Where does this leave her? What if I can’t find it? Don't you want to kiss me?

Why does she feel like shooting herself in the foot?

"Isn't that kid Shaowei having an undue desire for County Lord Rui'an?" The old lady frowned, then thought about it seriously and felt that she was wrong.

"That's not true. He is clearly using us as an excuse." The general's wife was still confident about this.

"How about we give him a choice first, and then ask him for his opinion." The old lady said, looking at the scroll above reluctantly.

She is old and has nothing to do all day long. Finally, she has something to do, and she doesn’t want to give up!

"That's fine!" The general's wife nodded. As people get older, they want to have grandchildren as soon as possible. When their children grow up, they don't come home all the time. It would be nice to have a grandson at home to play with them.


Dishaowei discovered that he had been entangled by a dream demon recently! He wakes up from the same dream every night and has trouble falling back to sleep!

That day he invited Shangguan Xuanyi to the Four Seasons Restaurant for a drink.

Private room on the second floor

Before Shangguan Xuanyi arrived, Di Shaowei sat at the window and started drinking one cup after another.

He absolutely had to stay drunk today, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sleep well.

Xiaoer happened to have an appointment with Ming Jingya for shopping today. She took Ming Jingya to a small shop selling ramen and sat down.

"The ramen in this shop is very chewy. Every time I go out on the street, I like to come here to eat a small bowl. It's still early and not many people come to eat. When lunch time comes, there are so many people coming to eat noodles that I can even eat in the shop. There was a long line outside.”

Ming Jingya nodded, looked around and said, "Although this shop is small, it is quite clean and comfortable."

"The boss lady is a bit of a germaphobe. She can't stand greasy food everywhere, so she asked the waiter to wipe everything clean, so we don't have to worry about hygiene when eating here." She also said Shangguan Xuanyi came here to eat, and Shangguan Xuanyi was not picky at all.

Xiao'er ordered two small bowls of mutton ramen. She couldn't eat too much. There were too many delicious things, so she had to leave room for other things.

Since it was not dining time and they were the only two customers, the noodles were quickly prepared and they walked out after finishing the noodles.

Xiaoer is going to take Ming Jingya to an alley to eat donkey meat barbecue. The donkey meat barbecue there is very authentic, fragrant and delicious.

Dishaowei was drinking and watching the people coming and going on the street.

He saw Xiaoer's figure as soon as she appeared. Just as he was about to call her up, he saw Ming Jingya next to her.

Feeling guilty, he quickly retracted his head and closed the window immediately.

Xiao'er seemed to be aware of it. She looked up and saw Di Shaowei closing the door and window with his head closed.

I really thought that if he exposed the top of his head, she wouldn't recognize him, how naive!

Why did Dishovi close the window?

Xiaoer glanced at Ming Jingya next to her, and then remembered that on the day Jingrui explained that Jingya came to the imperial capital, it was Di Shaowei who flew over to save her from jumping out of the carriage.

She dared to guarantee with her head that Dishaowei closed the window just because he saw them.

Di Shaowei clearly saw Ming Jingya, why did he hide?

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

She must have missed something.

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