This action was really unexpected.

Shangguan Xuanhao glanced at Di Shaowei and was frightened by his invisible gaze that could kill people. He quickly retracted the hand on Ming Jingya's waist.

Xiaoer girl is right, someone is in love without knowing it.

Jealous men can be sour to death!

"Sorry, it's over the line." Shangguan Xuanhao retracted his hand and said to Ming Jingya.

"I want to thank the second prince for saving his life." Ming Jingya blushed.

She regretted agreeing to climb Yueyun Mountain. She didn't expect the mountain road to be so difficult to climb.

If the same situation happened one or two more times, she would be embarrassed to the point of shame.

Dishovi is in a terrible mood!

He didn't understand why he was looking at the two people in front of him, it was so annoying!

He was so upset that he really wanted to get past the two of them and go forward, so as to avoid seeing them.

But he was worried that Ming Jingya would accidentally slip and fall if there was no one behind her.

It’s so uncomfortable!

As Shangguan Xuanhao walked upward, he turned back to remind Ming Jingya to be careful.

Dishaowei looked heartbroken and his face became more and more disgusting, as if someone owed him one hundred and eight thousand taels of gold.

When did the second cousin become so considerate? Why didn't he know it before? What a hypocrite!

His cousin didn't care about him even after he died! someone thought angrily!

Shangguan Xuanhao turned back to see if Ming Jingya needed help, and by the way, he was concerned about the mood of his cousin whose emotional intelligence was not online.

Di Shaowei's eyes met Shangguan Xuanhao's.

Shangguan Xuanhao gave him a bright smile.

Dishaowei gave him a big roll of his eyes. Why are you laughing? what's so funny! So annoying!

Shangguan Xuanhao turned around in a good mood and blinked at Xiao'er who had just turned around to inspect the military situation: Someone was on the verge of going berserk.

Xiaoer glanced at Di Shaowei, and sure enough, she had never looked so dissatisfied with desire since she met him!

Shangguan Xuanyi also looked back at Di Shaowei, who was walking at the end, and shook his head.

Idiot, if you can't see your own heart clearly like this, don't blame others for playing tricks on you!

We are almost at the top of the mountain and this is the most difficult section of the road left.

Shangguan Xuanhao turned around and said to Ming Jingya: "Miss Ming, let me pull you up!"

Ming Jingya glanced at the mountain road and nodded.

Dishaowei wanted to step forward and wave away that stupid hand, but there was no legitimate reason, so he could only stare.

Shangguan Xuanhao glanced at Di Shaowei, brat, your chance has come! I'll leave him alone if he doesn't wake up!

Shangguan Xuanhao stretched out his hand in front of Ming Jingya.

Ming Jingya grabbed his clothes, and with the strength of his hand, she raised her right foot, stepped on the yellow soil above, and climbed up with one effort.

After all, the mountain road at this level was too steep. Ming Jingya pulled Shangguan Xuanhao's clothes hard to use it to gain strength and climb up.

Shangguan Xuanhao's body fell downwards due to his unstable center of gravity.

Ming Jingya was so frightened that she quickly let go and tried to push him back.

However, she had just climbed halfway, and her body was in a state of instability. The action of pushing Shangguan Xuanhao back was unsuccessful, but she fell down.

"Ah!" Ming Jingya couldn't help but exclaimed.

Shangguan Xuanyi, who was standing above Shangguan Xuanhao, quickly grabbed one of Shangguan Xuanhao's hands and pulled him back.

Di Shaowei quickly stood up, stabilized his body, and caught Ming Jingya who was falling.

Ming Jingya, who was hugged by Di Shaowei, looked pale, closed her eyes tightly, and her body was shaking slightly. She was obviously very frightened.

Ming Jingya like this made Di Shaowei feel inexplicably heartbroken.

The expected pain of rolling down the mountain did not appear. Ming Jingya felt herself falling into a warm embrace, and the familiar man's breath hit her nostrils.

Ming Jingya opened her eyes and met Di Shaowei's distressed eyes. Ming Jingya blinked: Why did she see Mr. Di looking at her with distressed eyes?

Di Shaowei saw that Ming Jingya's long eyelashes moved, and then they swept upward, revealing her big watery eyes. She looked at herself, confused at first and then confused.

Then the eyelashes that looked like a small fan swept again, and Di Shaowei felt that his heart was lightly fanned by the small fan, and then beat faster.

After Shangguan Xuanhao stood firm, he turned back to see his cousin: Brother, I have risked my life and the girl who made your heart beat has thrown herself into your arms! If you still can't embrace this beauty, you're so sorry for your life!

If you let this girl run away again, you will be a bachelor for the rest of your life, and he won't help you!

The baby was really scared to death just now!

"Miss Ming, are you okay?" Shangguan Xuanhao asked worriedly, doing all the tricks to prevent Miss Ming from getting the clues.

Hearing Shangguan Xuanhao's concerned words, Ming Jingya came back to her senses and struggled slightly to leave Di Shaowei's arms.

"It's okay!" Ming Jingya quickly replied.

Dishaowei reluctantly put her down and gently held her shoulders, letting her go after she stood firm.

"It's okay. Come up quickly and I'll pull you!" Shangguan Xuanhao breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out his hand again.

Di Shaowei rolled his eyes at Shangguan Xuanhao and said, "It would be really harmful if I didn't need you. You go up first and make room, and I'll take Miss Ming up."

"Miss Ming, Mr. Di is not a very good person, but his martial arts skills are still better than mine, so let her take you up!" Shangguan Xuanhao touched his nose, saying that he could help others like this and still shame himself, in this world There are not many left!

The most important thing is that I was helping a poisonous snake just now! After helping him, he wanted to eat the farmer himself! But I still have to continue to help!

God, a kind-hearted person like me must bless me with a long life!

Shangguan Xuanhao turned around and cursed while climbing up.

"Miss Ming, let me pull you up." Di Shaowei easily bypassed Ming Jingya, climbed up and stretched out his hand.

Ming Jingya didn't hesitate, she stretched out her hand generously and grabbed his sleeves. With a push, Di Shaowei slightly supported her elbows, and she climbed up easily.

Dishaowei felt complete. It turned out that he was the one who extended his hands to her along the way. He felt comfortable only if he did this by himself.

Di Shaowei was originally a smart person. Before, he had access to all nine apertures and still had none. Now that he has access to one aperture, he has access to all.

Shangguan Xuanhao must have missed on purpose just now, otherwise with his martial arts, although he was indeed a little bit behind, he wouldn't have missed such a small thing.

Although he was helping himself, it was too much to dare to make fun of Miss Ming's life.

Thinking of the pale and beautiful face in his arms just now, the tightly closed eyes, and the slightly trembling body, he felt that it was necessary for him to go to Shangguan Xuanhao to train his muscles later!

If a man's penis is unstable, it will cause serious problems!

Four hundred chapters~~~ This book really took a long time to write, but it has only been steadily updated in the past two months. Therefore, book friends who have accompanied this book all the way must be very patient and loyal people. Thank you, thank you for having you along the way...

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The author hereby solemnly says: Thank you!

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