The top of Yueyun Mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round. Being in it is like being in the sky and clouds.

Stretch out your hand and you can feel the white clouds flowing quietly between your fingers.

Among the layers of white clouds and smoke, overlooking the mountains, you are full of pride.

Although the scenery was beautiful and dream-like, after a few people stood on the roof of Yueyun Tower for a while, they felt that the cold was getting colder and the wind was getting stronger and stronger. It was so cold that no one was in the mood to look at the scenery!

Shangguan Xuanyi arranged for someone to bring some things up in advance.

He found a fiery red fox fur cloak from his bag and put it on Xiaoer.

As soon as Ming Jingya climbed up, she started sneezing again and again not long after standing.

Di Shaowei followed suit and pulled out a white cloak and handed it to her.

Dishaowei always does things as he pleases. Now that he understands what he wants and the reason for his irritability, he naturally follows his own heart.

Ming Jingya blushed and thanked her before putting it on her shoulders.

Xiaoer took out a bottle of pills to prevent colds and gave each person one pill.

"Although you may catch wind and cold, this trip is not in vain. I feel like I can say hello to the gods in the sky. It is no wonder that this place is known as a fairyland on earth." Ming Jingya tightened her cloak and said.

"The scenery here is also very beautiful in autumn and winter. If you like it, we can come up and have a look at that time." Di Shaowei glanced at someone with a surprised face, then looked at the clouds in the distance and spoke as if he couldn't help but road.

Ming Jingya looked at him in surprise after hearing this. Seeing that he was only looking into the distance, she thought he was not talking to her, so she continued to look back above the sea of ​​clouds without answering.

In autumn and winter, I should not be in the imperial capital at that time, so even if I wanted to see it, it would be impossible.

"Let's eat something first! After climbing the mountain for a long time, I'm hungry." After Xiaoer finished speaking, she walked into Yueyun Tower.

Someone has cleaned the place beforehand and all the tables and chairs are clean.

Xiaoer took out the food from the food box and placed them one by one.

The food is very simple, they are all simple and easy-to-carry pastries.

It's just that the temperature is a bit low, so eating these cold things here doesn't feel as delicious as usual.

Shangguan Xuanyi took out a bone china cup, poured a glass of water from the water bag, held the cup slightly, and applied internal force. Slowly, the water in the cup heated up.

Xiao'er had just finished eating a piece of cake when Shangguan Xuanyi handed her a cup of steaming tea.

"Is this heated by internal force?" Xiaoer took it in surprise and touched the cup. It was indeed hot.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded: "Be careful of burning."

Xiaoer raised the cup to her lips, opened her red lips slightly, and took a sip of water.

"It's a bit hot, but the weather is perfect for drinking. Brother Shangguan, you can also heat up a cup and drink it yourself!" Xiaoer said with a smile.

"Okay!" Shangguan Xuanyi followed suit and poured himself another cup of tea.

"Second Prince, it's not good for girls to drink cold water in this weather. You can also heat a cup for Sister Ming to drink." Xiaoer winked at Shangguan Xuanhao and then gestured to Di Shaowei with his eyes.

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanhao looked at Xiaoer with sorrow in his eyes.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to upset someone, but this was not that simple!

Girl, you are not picking up the pot this time, and you have harmed me!

Xiaoer drank a cup of slightly hot tea and felt that her whole body felt much warmer.

"What's wrong?" Sensing Shangguan Xuanhao's gaze, Xiaoer looked over, but felt that he was inexplicably sad.

"His internal strength is not deep enough." Shangguan Xuanyi said calmly.

Contempt, that is, naked contempt, he doesn't want to live anymore! Shangguan Xuanhao looked at Shangguan Xuanyi bitterly.

Is there any younger brother in this world who exposes his elder brother's shortcomings like this? Let no one live anymore!

"No, it doesn't matter if I drink cold water. I don't like drinking hot water." Ming Jingya said hurriedly when she saw this.

"It's not good for girls to drink too much cold water. Miss Ming, you're welcome. Their internal energy will regenerate when it's used up, so if you don't use it, it's in vain!"

Three men: "..."

"Second prince, if you are young and don't work hard, you will be sad for the boss. Work harder and try to make your wife a cup of hot tea when you bring her over next year!" Xiaoer encouraged.

Shangguan Xuanhao: Girl, if you encourage me, can you give me the second example as an example? Do you know how many years of skill it takes to warm a glass of water using internal force?

He has neither talent nor interest in this area.

"Girl, practicing martial arts requires talent. Some people are born with slow talents. You can't learn it!" Di Shaowei smiled. He now realizes that it is really good to practice kung fu well. He is really grateful to his general father. Forcing him to practice kung fu when he was young! .

Di Shaowei poured a glass of water, held it for a while and then put it in front of Ming Jingya: "Miss Ming, this is just warm water, not hot. Drink some to warm yourself up."

His internal strength only reaches this level! It seems that I have to practice martial arts diligently when I go back and try to be able to warm a tub of water to bathe my son next year.

Ming Jingya raised her lips slightly and smiled as she thanked her. She was actually curious about the taste of water heated by internal force.

The four of them had a cup of steaming water in front of them. Shangguan Xuanhao looked at his cup of cold water, and a hundred thousand Hedong lions were roaring in his heart!

Since when was the inner energy used to heat tea? He was really pissed off!

These two people are both opposite-sex and inhumane. How can they show off their advanced skills in front of a person like him who is not very advanced in martial arts?

If you really want to show off, why not heat up the water in the entire water bag!

Come one cup at a time, is it interesting?

"Brother Shangguan, why don't you heat up a glass of water for the second prince." Xiaoer looked at Shangguan Xuanhao and couldn't bear it.

They were allies just now!

"No need, how can a grown man drink hot tea! He's not a girl." Shangguan Xuanhao decisively rejected Xiaoer's kindness. He would rather have the guts to drink cold water than be laughed at.

"A man does not need to drink hot tea, but he must have the ability to make his wife and children drink a cup of hot tea. Is a man still a man if he cannot make his wife drink hot tea? Right!" Di Shao Wei challenged.

Wife and children? After Ming Jingya heard this, she glanced at the glass of warm water that she held up in the air. It was neither a drink nor a drink.

Shangguan Xuanhao was angry. Who is not a man anymore? This guy who crossed the river and flipped the plank must be taught a lesson.

"Di Shaowei, come with me! We need to strengthen our relationship!" Shangguan Xuanhao stood up.

Di Shaowei had already thought of this and followed him directly.

snort! Who is afraid of whom!

Ming Jingya was dumbfounded: "Is this going to fight?"

"Don't worry, the temperature is low. Relax your muscles and bones, and it will keep you warm, warm!" Xiaoer continued to drink hot tea and eat snacks.

Ming Jingya: "..."

Thank you for the tip from the youth-loving Miaozhi, and thank you for your votes~~

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