Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei came together. They were ushered in by the concierge without any communication.

When the servant who was hiding far away saw that the Sixth Prince had really arrived, he quickly ran back to tell his master.

The moment Shangguan Xuanyi stepped into the door, he turned his head and took a look, and then looked back indifferently.

"Who is it?" Di Shaowei saw Shangguan Xuanyi turning his head, and he also looked over.

"We'll find out soon." Shangguan Xuanyi walked in.

Although it was still very early, Mei Zhijie, Li Zhewei, Shen Chengzu and Shen Chengyao were already sitting in the main room in the front yard chatting.

When several people saw Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei walking in one after another, they hurriedly stood up and saluted.

Di Shaowei's eyes lit up when he saw Ming Zhijie coming. Miss Ming must be here too.

After Shangguan Xuanyi sat down, he saw something like a map on the table, picked it up, and asked casually: "What is this?"

"Back to the Sixth Prince, this is a treasure map." Shen Chengyao stood up and replied.

"Young Master Hou, there is no need to be formal, just sit down and talk. I am here to congratulate you on your birthday as a junior." Shangguan Xuanyi quickly asked his future father-in-law to sit down. Then he opened the treasure map and lowered his head to look at it. The map seemed messy, but... Shangguan Xuanyi's eyebrows gradually gathered together.

"Where did this picture come from?" Shangguan Xuanyi's tone was a little serious.

This picture shows that the location of the treasure is clearly the basement full of gold and poisonous spiders that they accidentally fell into in the desert.

"You can buy them on the street for one tael of silver. The man had a hundred of them, and they were all sold out at once. I thought this was a bit strange, so I bought one." Li Zhewei said, this He brought the picture.

Shangguan Xuanyi did not expect such an answer.

"Do you know the location of the treasure map?" Di Shaowei asked after seeing his expression.

"I know, this is a trap. There are many poisonous spiders in this so-called treasure, and every time a poisonous spider is killed, the mechanism inside will be triggered. For those who don't know, even those with strong martial arts will escape death if they enter," Shangguan Xuanyi explained calmly.

There was indeed wealth inside that was unparalleled, but it was a pity that he took it all away! The rest cannot be moved.

So not a treasure, but a trap!

However, the well in Yizhuang was not drawn, and the person who wanted to draw the picture failed to enter it.

"The person selling the treasure map said that this treasure map was passed down from the northwest border town. I heard that someone actually found the entrance to the treasure. The door was made of gold! But no one has been able to successfully walk through it yet. Go in. There are already many people in other states and counties going treasure hunting.”

Shangguan Xuanyi frowned after hearing this: The rumor was not wrong this time. There is indeed a golden gate. Maybe it is because of this truth that some people are willing to die!

Shangguan Xuanyi put the treasure map away, "I have to send someone to investigate this matter."

"If it is really what the Sixth Prince said, then the person who took out the treasure map in the first place must have done it to attract more people to hunt for the treasure, so that the treasure hunters who came one after another could kill all the poisonous spiders, and then he could just sit back and collect. Good luck!" Shen Chengyao expressed his guess.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded, he thought so too.

At this time, a servant came to report: "The Minister of the Ministry of Revenue has come to congratulate the master on his birthday."

Shen Chengyao was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn't invite anyone other than relatives today!

But since the person is here, no matter what, he should be invited in quickly.

After the Minister of Household Affairs arrived, some of the officials who had secretly supported the eldest prince also came one after another.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei looked at each other when they saw these people.

It seems that these people took this opportunity to surrender?

It's a pity that he is not the eldest prince, and he is really not interested in that position.

However, if you are not interested, you can't take advantage of people who shouldn't be cheaper, so it's good that these people can turn around in time.

But these people are of no use. After all, who knows when I will be the one abandoned by them again!

When Ms. Liu received the news, she was dumbfounded to know that so many people had come. The cook at home was overwhelmed by the large number of people coming. Fortunately, there was enough food at home.

Xiaoer decisively asked two chefs from Four Seasons Restaurant to come and help.

The officials who came not only came by themselves, but also brought their wives and daughters.

Sisters Liu and Xiaoer will greet them personally.

The eldest prince heard that the officials had taken their families to the Shengping Hou Mansion, and he was so angry that he threw down the teacup on the table.

Liang Yanli happened to walk in. Seeing this, she hurriedly walked to the eldest prince, sat on his lap, held his neck with both hands, and asked with a clear breath: "Why is the eldest prince so angry? It's not worth it to be so angry." .”

The eldest prince originally wanted to push her away, but he was in no mood to flirt with her now.

But thinking that she already had a child of her own, he pushed her hand away and touched her belly instead: "They are all just a bunch of wallflowers. Seeing my father's attitude towards me, I finally couldn't bear it anymore. Now I can do it openly and honestly." I went to congratulate Marquis Shengping on his birthday, because I wanted to fall into the arms of the sixth child! But you don’t have to worry about these things, you just need to give birth to a son for me."

Liang Yanli rolled her eyes after hearing this and had an idea.

"First Prince, I have a way to teach those people you don't like."

"What can we do? We have to keep a low profile these few years. Don't cause any trouble for me and make my father dissatisfied with me again." The eldest prince reminded him insincerely.

"The eldest prince will decide whether he agrees or disagrees after hearing this. If the eldest prince doesn't agree with this, I won't dare to do it!"

The eldest prince was quite satisfied with her obedience.

Liang Yanli leaned into the eldest prince's ear and spoke out her idea in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"This,..." The eldest prince hesitated in his heart.

"Eldest Prince, it doesn't matter if you don't want to. I can still go to Shengping Hou Mansion to embarrass those snobs. However, I remind the eldest prince that if you don't want to have children, you can't trap the wolf." Liang Yanli couldn't help but rub against him. , fingers drawing circles on his chest.

If you can’t bear to let go of your children, you can’t trap the wolf! The eldest prince's heart trembled after hearing these words.

When he thought of Lan Yue's appearance, it really turned his stomach. If...

He doesn't want it!

"Okay, I'll do everything as you said, but don't screw it up, or I won't let you go!" The eldest prince grabbed her restless hand.

"Don't worry, First Prince, it won't happen! I'll go down and make arrangements right now." After saying this, she stood up, and before leaving, she couldn't help but give the First Prince an angry look.

The eldest prince nodded, and after she left, he found that he was ignited with desire by her!

This little goblin!

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