Liang Yanli walked out of the door and signaled to the maid who was holding a tray outside the door.

The maid nodded slightly and went in holding a cup of tea on a tray.

The eldest prince stood up and hurriedly walked out in three steps at a time. He wanted to go out to find his lover in Hualou to solve his physical problems.

At this time, a maid came in with her head lowered, and the hurried emperor suddenly collided with her. The tea in the tray fell to the floor, and Nephrite's warm and fragrant body fell into his arms. He instinctively stretched out his hand to hold her slender waist.

"First Prince, I'm sorry, this slave didn't mean it." The maid wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy with a panicked look on her face. Her body was trembling slightly because of fear, and she gently pushed his body away with her hands, feeling a bit like she wanted to reject him.

The eldest prince's hand held her waist tighter.

The woman in his arms is like a timid deer, lovable.

The eldest prince's protective desire was instantly aroused. He was already so horny that he couldn't care about anything else. The fire in his body made him unable to control it anymore. Without saying a word, he quickly picked up the woman in his arms. , and then went to the soft collapse not far away.

After Liang Yanli returned to her yard, she sat in front of the dressing table and said to the maid Bingxue next to her: "Lv'e will come back in a while. Give her a bowl of Juezi soup. Remember to watch her drink it."

Juezi soup is not avoidance soup! Bingxue's heart couldn't help but tremble after hearing this, but she didn't dare to show any abnormality.

Liang Yanli picked out a beaded hairpin from the jewelry box and handed it to Bingxue: "Take two taels of silver and give it to her along with this beaded hairpin, and tell her that as long as she serves the eldest prince peacefully during my pregnancy, When this concubine gives birth to the eldest grandson, she will not be treated badly. If she dares to be restless, let her think about her parents and younger brother in the Liang Mansion!"

Bingxue took the pearl hairpin over, her face not showing, but her heart a little sad.

For those of them who were maids, this was the worst fate. They thought that they would be a more respectable maid beside the lady. When they were old enough, they would be matched with a steward or something. With good luck, they might be able to After getting the master's permission, she returned the deed of betrayal and found a farmer to marry, living a good life as a man farming and a woman weaving.

The most unfortunate thing is that he was chosen by his master and became a bed-warming tool like the girl in the flower house.

"I am going to Shengpinghou Mansion and asked Qiluo to come over and help me dress up. Go to the kitchen and ask the cook to stew a bowl of blood swallows for me, and tell me that I will eat it when I come back from Shengpinghou Mansion. If anyone asks about me Why did you go to Shengpinghou Mansion? Just say that I went to teach the eldest prince a lesson for those short-sighted snobs!"

"Yes." Bingxue came back to her senses, and then retreated.

After Qiluo helped Liang Yanli dress up, Bingxue came back and replied: "Miss, the eldest princess heard that the young lady is going out, and she is also preparing to go out."

Liang Yanli smiled after hearing this. Bingxue was smart. She only explained one sentence, and she understood her intention and gave her the answer she wanted when she came back.

"Okay! Bring your gifts and let's set off! Qiluo, you go with me, Bingxue, stay at the house, remember what I just told you." Liang Yanli took another look at her makeup in the mirror and was quite satisfied. , and stood up.

"Yes!" Both maids bowed their knees and responded.

As soon as Liang Yanli walked out of the house, she saw Lan Yue getting into the carriage and hurried away.

She showed a bright smile and gently stroked her belly with her hand. The maid helped her get into the carriage and followed Lan Yue to the Shengping Marquis Mansion.

After Liang Yanli left, Bingxue went to the kitchen to make Juezi soup. As long as she drank three doses of Juezi soup, she would no longer have to hope to conceive a child.

Xiaoer and Mrs. Liu were chatting with the guests in the flower hall in the inner courtyard.

The topic also revolves around that hidden picture.

Suddenly a maid came to report that the eldest prince's concubine and the eldest prince's concubine were here to celebrate his birthday.

The ladies present stiffened after hearing this.

Mrs. Liu sighed in her heart, and then said to the maid: "Go and invite the eldest princess."

Xiaoer stood up: "Mother, ladies and gentlemen, let's go to the second gate to welcome him!"

Lan Yue and Liang Yanli walked in side by side. Lan Yue's eyes couldn't see enough along the way.

Although she knew it was wrong to look around, she just couldn't help it.

Beautiful, really beautiful, poetic and picturesque everywhere, and every corner is a beautiful landscape painting.

It was also the first time for Liang Yanli to come to Shengpinghou Mansion. Although she looked intently all the way, she was not at peace inside.

The garden layout you see upon entering is so exquisite and perfect that you will be shocked!

The entire Shengpinghou Mansion seems to be surrounded by flowers, but it does not make people feel dazzled. Instead, it feels warm and elegant, returning to nature.

Every tree and every flower is in just the right place, perfect and impeccable.

Even a dry tree standing there quietly makes people feel poetic instead of decadent.

Therefore, it was no accident that Marquis Shengping, who was born in a mud-legged family, was promoted to Minister of Industry without taking the imperial examination. He was really talented and learned.

Therefore, the head of Rui'an County, who grew up feeding pigs, was able to win the affection of the Sixth Prince because of not only his appearance, but also his poetry and calligraphy. He was really talented and learned.

After everyone saluted each other, Lan Yue sat down at the main seat.

Lan Yue looked at the person sitting below her, feeling full of pride!

So what if you are all prettier and more talented than me? You are not good enough for me, so you all have to bow to me!

Xiaoer looked at her arrogant expression, this person could easily get carried away.

Lan Yue remembered that Liang Yanli was here today to give this group of snobs a chance to act according to the prevailing circumstances.

This should be the instruction of the eldest prince, and she must not let her get there first this time.

She gave up the wedding night and took advantage of her husband first!

The child was also conceived by her first, and her own child was conceived more than a month later!

Now, if there are any good things in the house, she will pick them first, and then it will be her turn!

She was almost doubting who was the real concubine!

The eldest prince is his serious husband. Of course, he does his things for him. Why is she so nosy as a concubine?

Lan Yue glanced at the ladies and ladies present, picked up a cup of tea, took a sip and put it down before saying: "Madams, I posted a post a few days ago inviting you to have tea at the First Prince's Mansion. You have nothing to do at home. It’s just physical discomfort! Why did everyone show up at Shengpinghou Mansion today? Do you not take this imperial concubine seriously? Do you not take the eldest prince seriously? Or do you think that Shengpinghou is more noble than the eldest prince? ! Let both of you rush to fawn over me!"

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