As soon as Lan Yue said these words, the expressions of every lady present changed.

Liang Yanli raised her hand and used her handkerchief to cover the corners of her mouth that couldn't help but rise.

Mr. Liu’s face was very ugly! What happened to the eldest princess? Today is my husband's birthday. She started to get angry as soon as she came up and put such a big label on her family. What on earth did her family offend her?

Mrs. Liu suppressed her anger and said in a neutral tone: "The words of the eldest princess are wrong. Some of the ladies here were appointed by imperial decree, and some of them came from noble families. If we really want to fawn over them, they will not come to fawn over our family." ah."

After Mrs. Liu spoke, Xiaoer smiled calmly: "There is something wrong at home. Can't the matter be solved? Are you feeling unwell? Will you recover? You declined the eldest princess's invitation because you didn't want to spread your illness to the eldest princess. How come the princess doesn't take the eldest prince into her eyes? Doesn't she take the eldest prince into her eyes? Could it be that the invitation from the eldest prince is an imperial decree or an imperial edict? Others are not allowed to refuse? According to the eldest prince's concubine In this way, the eldest princess is really more noble than the queen! A few days ago, the queen invited me to come to the palace to play chess with her. It happened that my little day had come and I was feeling unwell, so I replied truthfully, and the queen took the initiative to say that we would meet again another day. After all, the Queen didn’t blame me for not taking her into consideration.”

"Besides, First Princess, do you think these ladies come to our residence just to curry favor with us? Then, by inviting them to the First Prince's Residence, do you want them to curry favor with you? I remember that forming cliques for personal gain is not allowed by law. First Princess, you Is it your intention to blatantly form a clique for the eldest prince, or the eldest prince's intention?

Lan Yue's face turned pale after hearing this. How could County Lord Rui'an talk about herself like this? Isn't the relationship between the two of them very good? Now, because she is not favored in the eldest prince's palace, does she not take herself into consideration?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but asked aggrievedly: "How could Lord Rui'an harm me like this! Forming a clique for personal gain! How dare you put such a big label on my head, such as being more noble than the queen? If this word spreads, will I still use it?" Live! Why are you so vicious! Didn’t we have a very good relationship before? Do you look down on me as much as they do now? "

Vicious? Each other! It was obvious that she was the first to place a hat that was more noble than the status of a prince on their family! No more resistance!

But when their relationship became good, why didn't she know?

And what is her expression? Are you still aggrieved?

"How dare I look down on the eldest princess?" Xiaoer looked at her expression and inexplicably remembered the scene at Guofu Temple, and the hairs on her body began to stand up!

Liang Yanli secretly cursed an idiot in her heart. County Lord Ruian only talked about Lan Yue. She could remain silent, but when it came to the eldest prince, she had to speak up: "County Lord Ruian made serious remarks. How could the eldest prince do that?" To form a clique for personal gain, the eldest prince’s concubine invited several ladies to have tea. This is just a woman’s business, and the eldest prince doesn’t know about it yet!”

"Of course I understand this truth, but I am also talking about the matter when the eldest prince concubine said, 'Is the status of Marquis Shengping more noble than the eldest prince?'! The eldest prince concubine doesn't understand, so I can only explain it clearly, otherwise Even my family can’t afford to wear such a big tall hat.”

I am just trying to repay others the same way as others! So don't try to cause trouble here, or you will make yourself miserable.

Xiaoer glanced at Liang Yanli meaningfully.

Liang Yanli's heart skipped a beat when she saw this.

Lan Yue wanted to say something more, so she quickly leaned over and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Sister, stop talking nonsense, don't cause trouble for the eldest prince. Otherwise, I won't help you!"

The real work hasn't been done yet, so it's useless to argue for words.

Who wants your help? Lan Yue pursed her lips, but did not dare to speak again.

She also discovered that she had originally planned to teach these idiots a lesson to the eldest prince, but it seemed that she had messed up as soon as she opened her mouth.

He also implicated the eldest prince in forming cliques and forming cliques for personal gain! This is nothing to joke about.

Liang Yanli looked around at the furnishings in the house and said: "The furnishings in Lord Ruian's home are really warm and elegant, with clever thoughts everywhere. I just walked all the way here, and it is even more picturesque. I wonder if you can ask Lord Ruian to take us there?" Walk around?”

"Yes, I want to see it too, it's so beautiful." Mrs. Tobe Shangshu nodded quickly after hearing this. She had just wanted to say it.

Other ladies and young ladies also expressed their interest in visiting.

The atmosphere finally calmed down and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After hearing this, Mrs. Liu and Xiaoer stood up and led everyone towards the garden.

Ms. Liu led the crowd and explained to everyone the origins of every flower and tree in the house.

As the eldest princess, Lan Yue was naturally at the forefront of everyone.

There is a huge glass greenhouse in the back garden of Xiaoer's home.

There was no flower house in the eldest prince's mansion. Before she got married, she was just the daughter of a county magistrate. Her family was not too wealthy, so this was the first time she had seen such a flower house.

"Wow! What a big glazed house! Lord Ruian, your family must be very rich. It cost a lot of money to build this glazed house, right? Isn't it a pity to use it to grow flowers?" Lan Yue said as she walked over.

Although the lady behind was also shocked by the glazed flower house, she was secretly disdainful after hearing Lan Yue's words.

He was born in a small family and was so ignorant that he would make a big fuss over a flower house.

If a glass house is not used to grow flowers, how can it be used to house people?

Besides, no matter how expensive glass is, it is not unobtainable, but many rare and famous flowers in the world are hard to find.

Xiao'er didn't look down upon her after hearing this. Everyone was born into a different family background, so they naturally come into contact with different things. Some things do require reaching a certain level before they can be exposed to them. People who have never been exposed to them will It's normal to be a little surprised when you're in contact.

Xiao'er: "I like to grow flowers. Some flowers must be planted in a greenhouse in winter to survive. It's hard to buy a flower that you like, so I don't feel it's a pity."

She has shares in the Liuli Shop, and she buys Liuli at cost price, how can it be expensive!

It's just that you don't have to tell her this.

"If the eldest princess likes flowers, we can go in and have a look." Mrs. Liu motioned to Zijin to open the door of the flower room.

Zijing stepped forward and opened the door.

A group of people filed in.

Most women like flowers, and there is no one here who doesn’t like them.

The daughter of the Minister of Honglu Temple couldn't help but said to her mother after seeing so many flowers: "Mom, I want to pick a flower and put it on my head. Is that okay?"

County Lord Ruian and Miss Yun'er both had flowers in their heads. She thought they were beautiful and wanted to put one in them too.

"Jie'er, please don't be rude. These flowers are very precious. They wither quickly after being picked. What a pity!"

Xiaoer smiled and said, "Which flower does the little girl want?"

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