Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 406 (Additional update)

Jie'er glanced at her mother, and then secretly glanced at the pot of blue roses, but she didn't dare to ask for them again.

Xiaoer wore a light purple skirt today, with a simple hairpin on her head, and a few small purple hibiscus pinned to it, which made her look more energetic and refined.

When the little girl saw Xiaoer dressed like this, she felt very beautiful and wanted to imitate her.

Seeing her expression, how could Xiaoer not understand that she wanted blue roses.

It's just that she is still young and her hair has not yet grown fully, so the bun looks very weak and is not suitable for inserting blue roses directly on her head.

She thought for a while and then gave Yang Liu some instructions.

Yang Liu nodded and exited the greenhouse.

Then Xiao'er squatted down and faced Jie'er face to face and said, "Does Jie'er like this blue rose?"

The little girl nodded timidly. It was her first time to see such a special flower.

"Let's do this. When you leave, my sister will give you a bouquet of blue roses. You are still young and your hair is not fully grown yet, so you can't insert the roses firmly. Can you please help me pick out a few small flowers and plug them in for you?" "

"Really?" The little girl's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"Really." Xiaoer smiled and nodded.

"County Master Ruian, you don't have to do this. This flower will wither very quickly after you pick it. It's such a waste." Mrs. Qing of Honglu Temple quickly stopped her.

"It doesn't matter. After Madam takes it back, those roses can be kept in a flowerpot with water for a few days. Arranging flowers in the house can not only play a decorative role, but also fill the house with the fragrance of flowers. Most importantly, it can make Jie'er The little girl is happy. This can hardly be said to be a matter of killing three birds with one stone. The flowers are fully used, so how can they be said to be a waste?" There are also some flower arrangements in her house for decoration, and the room is filled with the fragrance of flowers. Come here.

"How embarrassing is this?" Mrs. Honglu Temple Qing's face turned red.

She really didn't want to come over and take advantage.

"It's a small matter. If you don't mind, madam, just accept it."

After hearing this, how could Mrs. Honglu Temple refuse? If she refused again, it would be said that she disliked the flowers sent by County Lord Ruian, so she could only smile and thank her.

Willow soon came over holding several blue-purple double-petaled columbines.

"Do Jie'er like this flower?" Xiaoer took it and handed it to the little girl to see.

Jie'er took one look and nodded. In fact, she liked all the flowers. It’s just that the head is too small and can’t be plugged in all.

"Then sister will plug it in for you!"

Jie'er nodded again: "Thank you, sister!"

"So good!" Xiaoer gestured on her head, found a suitable position and inserted the flower.

"Jie'er is so beautiful." Xiaoer praised after placing the flowers.

The little girl looked at her mother. Mrs. Honglu Temple smiled and nodded: "Jie'er is the most beautiful!"

Jie'er laughed happily, and then whispered: "Thank you, Sister Rui'an County Chief."

Xiaoer touched her hair and stood up with a smile.

The flower room is very large, and other people are scattered everywhere admiring different flowers.

Xiaoer raised her head and looked around. When her eyes fell on the bouquet in Lan Yue's hand, her expression changed drastically!

At this time, Lan Yue was about to reach out and cut off a yellow peony flower.

"Stop!" Xiaoer couldn't help shouting loudly.

In the bouquet of flowers she held in her hand, two of the peonies were seven-color peonies cultivated by herself and her brother Shangguan. They were intended to be given to the Queen Mother on her birthday.

The Queen Mother’s favorite thing is peonies!

Lan Yue stopped what she was doing. Did Lord Rui'an just tell him to stop? She was a little unsure. With such a tone, it shouldn't be the case! So she continued to stretch out her hand holding the scissors.

"First Princess, stop it!"

Xiaoer walked quickly to Lan Yue's face, shook off her hand, her face was as cold as ice: "First Princess, what are you doing?"

"Cut the flowers!" Lan Yue raised the scissors in her hand. This is not an obvious thing, but it still needs to be asked!

"Who allowed you to touch my flowers!" This person simply doesn't have the most basic education!

Seeing this, Liang Yanli picked up the handkerchief and covered the raised corners of her mouth.

Now, things will become more logical later on.

"What do you mean, Lord Rui'an? Isn't it just a few flowers? How dare you talk to me like this. I cut these flowers as soon as I cut them, what can you do." Lan Yue saw that everyone else was looking at them, no, she had to Take advantage of this moment to show off your imperial concubine's aura, so that these people will not dare to look down upon others again.

"Yangliu, my family doesn't welcome people who pick up things without asking. Send me a guest!" What can she do? She could chase her away! After Xiaoer finished speaking, she snatched the flower from her hand.

Nine roses have thorns. Because of Xiaoer's action, Lan Yue's hand was scratched by the thorns of the rose.

"Ah!" She screamed in pain, and then she quickly opened her hand. A scratch appeared on her palm, and bright red blood came out.

"County Master Ruian, how dare you hurt me?" Lan Yue raised her hand and threw it towards Xiaoer's face.

Xiao'er stretched out her hand, grabbed the wrist she threw away, and shook it hard: "I'm just getting my flowers back."

Lan Yue was thrown away by Xiaoer and almost lost her balance.

Xiaoer looked at the two peonies above with heartache.

She barely made use of the space in this pot of peony and carefully cared for it to grow.

Later, I put it into a space so that it could bloom on time and let it produce buds as soon as possible.

As soon as little flower buds sprouted in the space, she quickly took them out and took care of them.

She never imagined that the flowers she cared for so carefully would be cut!

She was so angry that there were such uneducated and shameless people in the world!

"Lord Rui'an, this matter cannot be settled like this. Unless you kneel down and beg for mercy, I will have to ask the Queen Mother for comment!" Lan Yue threatened while holding her bleeding hand.

Xiao'er was unmoved, even if she went to the Queen Mother to argue with her, he wouldn't be afraid! This is her own home, and she is cutting her own flowers! Does she think it's still reasonable to destroy other people's belongings without the owner's permission? Even children know to ask if they want flowers from others, because this is basic courtesy and education! Everyone, no matter what their status, needs to have it!

She didn't expect the Queen Mother to be happy to see such an uneducated granddaughter-in-law, and the granddaughter-in-law who destroyed her favorite peonies!

"The eldest princess should go to the Queen Mother to argue!" Xiaoer said without any care.

Want to kneel down and beg for mercy? She doesn't deserve it!

"Huh, shameless!" Lan Yue turned around and walked out angrily.

Liang Yanli cast a look at Qiluo, who was standing next to Mrs. Liu.

Qiluo stood behind Mrs. Liu and quietly stretched out her hand, gently cutting off a bead chain on Mrs. Liu's hand.

The broken pearls fell down one by one, and then scattered on the ground.

Lan Yue stepped on a bead, and her whole body fell backwards, falling heavily to the ground.

Not far away, the eldest prince, Shangguan Xuanyi and others were walking over.

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