"Ah! It hurts! It hurts so much!" Lan Yue hugged her belly, shrank her body and kept crying out in pain.

"Oh my God! My sister is pregnant! Who broke the bracelet on purpose! This is a deliberate attempt to harm the royal bloodline!" Liang Yanli accused in a fierce voice.

After hearing this, Mrs. Liu raised her left hand with slight trembling, looked at her empty wrist, and then looked at the pearls on the ground. Her face suddenly turned pale!

Why did this pearl bracelet suddenly break!

Deliberately broke the bracelet? Xiao'er looked at the familiar pearls on the ground, then glanced at Liang Yanli, and her heart sank. No matter what, she had to ask the imperial doctor first! She said to Zijin who was standing next to Mrs. Liu: "Zijing, go and ask for the imperial doctor!"

After hearing this, the frightened Zijing came to her senses and ran out in a hurry.

When the ladies present saw this, they were so frightened that they did not dare to take a breath. Everyone secretly regretted coming here today.

Some ladies who had bead necklaces in their hands held their bracelets tightly, fearing that they would accidentally break them and make it even more unclear.

The eldest prince and others who were walking over also saw the situation in the greenhouse, and the eldest prince ran over at the lead.

The eldest prince's concubine was seen huddled on the ground, her lower body skirt was stained with blood, and her whole forehead was covered in cold sweat.

"Princess, what's wrong with you?" The eldest prince squatted down next to the eldest princess, stretched out his hand to hold her shoulders, frowned, and asked with worry on his face.

"It hurts! Child, eldest prince, help, our child." Seeing the eldest prince coming, the eldest prince's concubine quickly grabbed his hand and begged.

The eldest prince's hand was stained with the blood on Lan Yue's hand. He thought it was the child's blood, and he instinctively felt uneasy. He hurriedly shook off her hand, and then realized that many eyes were watching at this moment, and he He quickly grabbed her hand and comforted her: "Okay! Don't worry, I will vent your anger for you!"

After all, he couldn't stand holding Lan Yue's hand all the time. The blood made him feel uncomfortable.

The eldest prince let go of Lan Yue's hand and stood up with an angry face. His sharp eyes swept over everyone present one by one, and said sternly: "Who can tell me how the eldest prince's concubine fell! What if? There is something wrong with the baby in the princess’s belly, and I want all of you to be buried with it!”

He would vent her anger on her behalf, but he would not consider her life and the life of her unborn child first! Lan Yue begged him to save the child instead of venting his anger!

"The eldest prince should carry the eldest prince's concubine to the guest room first and wait for the imperial doctor to arrive! The ground is cold, and it is not good for the eldest prince's concubine to lie on the ground like this." Xiao'er saw the eldest prince's actions and expression just now, and thought about this in her heart People are even more disdainful.

What do you think of this man, how hypocritical he is! Your child is about to be saved. Shouldn't you call a doctor immediately? But he only cares about raising troops to investigate crimes! Not even the word imperial physician was mentioned.

"County Master Ruian, do you want me to carry the eldest princess away from the scene, and then destroy the evidence?" After hearing this, the eldest prince glared at Xiaoer fiercely.

Destroy evidence? Xiaoer glanced at the ground, it was empty! The pearls that fell on the ground just now have rolled away, and many of them have rolled to nowhere. When Zijing left just now, he was worried that she would fall, so he kicked away the two or three pearls at the door with his feet. Now there are only a few. The pearl that rolled to the edge of the flower pot can still see its shadow.

She had been paying attention to the eldest prince just now, and she didn't even see him looking at those pearls!

Now the eldest prince is directly talking about destroying the evidence, which proves that he thinks someone deliberately caused the eldest prince's concubine to fall! Why does he think that the eldest princess did not fall accidentally but was framed by someone?

Normally, who would dare to harm the eldest princess in public? Therefore, most people would subconsciously think that the eldest princess fell accidentally!

And the eldest prince directly said that he wanted to destroy the evidence! I feel that I am the one who caused the eldest princess to suffer! Plus he doesn't care about the lives of Lan Yue and her unborn child! The subconscious intuition of the eldest prince is really subtle!

Xiaoer quickly analyzed in her mind.

Liang Yanli took the handkerchief, wiped away her tears, and choked up: "The eldest prince, you have to make the decision for your sister! Just now, County Lord Ruian and her sister had a dispute, and her sister left angrily. The pearl bracelet on Mrs. Shengpinghou's hand happened to be It broke at this moment, and the pearls rolled to the ground. My sister stepped on those pearls and fell down."

"Mrs. Shengpinghou, what's your explanation? You are deliberately plotting to kill the royal heirs. Do you know your guilt?" After hearing this, the eldest prince cast his sharp eyes on Mrs. Liu and spoke in a sharp tone.

"I didn't! I was wronged!" Liu Shi calmed down and replied. There can be no chaos at this time! You need to be calm when encountering troubles, and even more so when encountering big things. This is what Aunt Rong taught her.

Besides, she can't bear such a serious crime! Otherwise their family will be destroyed.

"The eldest prince, please don't spit on anyone. The truth of the matter still needs to be found out!" Xiaoer finally figured it out! This was definitely designed by the eldest prince and Liang Yanli!

"No? Then why did your pearl bracelet break in the morning and in the evening, just when my sister wanted to leave!" After hearing this, Liang Yanli glared at Mr. Liu with a burning gaze.

Shangguan Xuanyi walked in, took a look at everyone present, and felt certain.

"Mrs. Shengpinghou, how did your pearl bracelet break? If you think about it seriously, the bracelet will never break for no reason." Shangguan Xuanyi's voice was soothing and calm, and Mrs. Liu was inexplicable after hearing this. I felt a lot more at ease.

Xiaoer walked towards Mrs. Liu and found Yang Mei blinking at her. Then she glanced at Liang Yanli's maid Qiluo and saw her standing there motionless.

Did Yangmei tap Qiluo's acupuncture points? !

Seeing this, Xiaoer's heart calmed down!

"I don't know, maybe it was worn off by the beads after wearing it for a long time! The eldest prince is aware of this! Even if I give you a hundred courages, I would not dare to harm the eldest princess!" Mrs. Liu thought for a moment. Her hand didn't hook the flower branches, nor did she touch anyone else. This could only be the reason.

"You don't know? You must have broken it on purpose! Prince, if the rope was broken due to wear and tear, then its break must be uneven! If someone cut it deliberately, then the break of the rope must be neat. . We just need to find the rope and take a look at its break to know whether Mrs. Shengpinghou did it on purpose."

"Even if the rope was cut by someone, it doesn't mean that it was my mother who cut it. Maybe someone deliberately framed her!" Xiaoer came to Liu's side and picked up the white rope on the ground and took a look.

It was indeed cut off!

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