After Xiaoer saw the eldest prince holding the eldest princess and leaving, she said to Liang Yanli: "Concubine, you think my mother deliberately caused the eldest princess to fall. What evidence do you have?"

"The neatly broken rope is the best evidence." Liang Yanli picked up the rope in her hand and waved it up.

Xiaoer nodded: "That's right! This can be considered evidence. I just looked at the rope, and there was still a touch of green at the break of the rope. This proves that the rope was indeed cut, and the rope in the greenhouse was used. Cut with scissors!”

"The Lord of Rui'an County also thinks that Mrs. Shengpinghou deliberately broke the rope, so things will be easier to handle..."

"Concubine, don't worry!" Xiaoer interrupted Liang Yanli: "I just said that the rope was indeed cut with scissors in the greenhouse, and this person was not my mother, but someone who was standing behind my mother at that time. personal."

After hearing this, the faces of the ladies present changed. The ladies standing next to Ms. Liu now walked away as if Ms. Liu was a savage beast.

Everyone is thinking about where they were standing at that time. Where is Mrs. Shengpinghou standing? It seems that I am not standing next to Mrs. Shengpinghou!

After hearing this, Liang Yanli looked at Qiluo subconsciously, and then she realized that Qiluo was looking at her with a worried look on her face.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Xiaoer glanced at Liang Yanli, then said with a smile: "Yang Mei, come and tell the concubine who is the real murderer!"

"Yes, girl!"

Yang Mei raised Qiluo's right hand, revealing the scissors she held in her hand.

Some people also remembered that Qiluo was one of the people standing behind Liu just now.

Then they looked at Liang Yanli with different eyes!

If there is anyone in this world who doesn't want the eldest prince's child to be born safely, it is definitely the eldest prince's concubine!

The people present were a little doubtful that Liu would intentionally cause the eldest princess to fall, but they immediately believed that Liang Yanli would cause the eldest princess to fall?

There is no way, most families have concubines, and they themselves are hard to guard against.

"Just now I saw this girl approaching my wife. A small section of the scissors was exposed under the cover of her clothes. She quickly cut off my wife's pearl bracelet. I immediately stepped forward and tapped her acupoint. At first, the slave didn’t understand why she cut off my wife’s bracelet, but then the eldest princess fell, and I finally understood.”

"You are talking nonsense! How could Qiluo deliberately cut off Mrs. Shengpinghou's bracelet! You are trying to frame her!" Liang Yanli's face turned pale, but she firmly refused to admit it.

"There is only one pair of scissors in the flower room. Because the eldest princess had just cut the flowers, the scissors were still stained with some green flower stem juice, so the break of the rope in your hand was dyed a little green! There are both witnesses and physical evidence. , the evidence is solid, what else do you have to say!”

Yangmei unlocked Qiluo's acupuncture points.

Xiaoer looked at Qiluo: "Qiluo, you deliberately approached my mother and cut off the bracelet in her hand. Did your master ask you to do it?"

Qiluo closed her eyes, she knew that now she could not argue, she would definitely die today!

She opened her eyes and said: "The eldest prince's concubine is making things difficult for our concubines and their maids in the palace. The servants have long held a grudge and are looking for opportunities to take revenge. If something happens to the eldest prince's concubine in the palace, everyone will definitely... I suspected that it was the concubine who did it, so I didn’t dare to harm the eldest princess in the house. I just saw the quarrel between County Master Rui’an and the eldest princess. I finally saw the opportunity and made the mistake. All of this is my fault. I did it myself, and my concubine doesn’t know.”

Liang Yanli was shocked when she heard this: "Qiluo, how could you do this? My sister usually does this to educate us and do it for our own good. How can you hold a grudge?"

"The concubine is kind to her slaves. I just can't see the eldest prince bullying the concubine like this."

Xiao'er looked at them indifferently, showing a deep love between master and servant.

The eldest prince hurried back at this time.

Xiaoer then said: "First Prince, the real culprit has been found, and it is Qiluo. Qiluo is the concubine's maid. Qiluo has already confessed. Speaking of which, this is also your family matter. How to deal with Qiluo is up to you. The prince."

The eldest prince glanced at Liang Yanli with a livid face, idiot! Such a simple thing cannot be done well! Incompetent bungler! There were so many people present who did not slander him, but they singled out the most difficult person to deal with, the head of Ruian County!

Originally, if something happened to Lan Yue in Shengpinghou Mansion, Shengpinghou would not be able to escape responsibility, but now that County Lord Rui'an pointed out that it was their own internal strife and wanted to slander Mrs. Shengpinghou, how could he have the nerve to hold Shengping accountable? The responsibility of the Hou Mansion!

If he still dared to hold the Shengpinghou Mansion responsible, he would probably be told by the Sixth Emperor that they had directed a play to frame the Shengpinghou family!

"Someone come here and kill this bitch with a cane!"

"First Prince, please be patient. I have no control over how the First Prince punishes this maid, but please return to the First Prince's Mansion and punish her again. Well, I fainted from seeing blood!" Killing that maid with a stick in your own house? ! She doesn't want to dirty her house!

People who have been on the battlefield are fainting from blood? Who believes it!

The eldest prince's face turned even darker after hearing this! He originally wanted to keep Qiluo's wronged soul in the Shengping Marquis Mansion before he killed them, but he didn't expect County Lord Rui'an to be so shameless and refuse directly.

"Brother Emperor, Mrs. Shengpinghou and County Lord Ruian have suffered so much injustice, so you just let it go?"

The eldest prince was so angry that his lungs were about to explode after hearing this. He clenched his fists and his veins were exposed.

Wronged? Why can't he see it at all? It’s true that he himself was so angry that he was so angry!

"What do you mean, Sixth Emperor Brother?" Do you think he, a noble prince, should apologize to the family of a minister?

Where would he put his face like that!

"The concubine of the First Emperor Brother has to kneel down and kowtow to apologize. As for the First Emperor Brother, your housework almost caused the Marquis Shengping and his family to be charged with murdering the royal bloodline. You have to pay one hundred and eighty thousand in compensation no matter what. Qian Liang will be enough to calm Mrs. Shengpinghou and Lord Ruian County."

After hearing this, the eldest prince's blood surged, and he was so angry that he almost burst his blood vessels!

shameless! So shameless!

It takes one hundred and eight thousand taels to settle the surprise! Mrs. Shengpinghou and County Lord Ruian are no longer mortals! This body is too precious!

"Let me kneel down and kowtow to apologize? Sixth Prince, are you right? Are they worthy of it?" Liang Yanli's voice became sharper after hearing this!

"Yangliu, Palm Mouth!"

Yang Liu flashed forward and said, "Bah, bang, bang!"

He hit Liang Yanli in the face so fast that she couldn't even scream.

"Stop!" The eldest prince's face turned livid with anger.

Willow did not stop.

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