"Brother Sixth Emperor, don't you go too far?" The eldest prince was so angry that his head was filled with smoke.

"That's too much? How come I don't know? Whenever this prince speaks, a concubine can interrupt! Who is County Lord Rui'an? A little concubine like her is not worthy of carrying Lord Rui'an's shoes! How dare she say that she is not worthy? ! Even if you don’t apologize, you are trying to slander the court official and my prince’s future concubine. I will pay for it depending on how many lives she has to lose!” Shangguan Xuanyi snorted coldly.

Who is the Lord of Ruian County? That is the future sixth princess to be married by the emperor himself! The person the Sixth Prince holds dear to his heart! The presence of the lady once again deepened the position of Lord Rui'an in the heart of the sixth prince.

County Lord Ruian is the future sixth prince's concubine. To slander County Lord Ruian and Mrs. Shengpinghou in front of the sixth prince is not a slap in the face of the sixth prince!

Slapping and kowtowing to apologize are considered mild!

The eldest prince hates Shangguan Xuanyi to death. This man always clings to people's faults and doesn't know how to be merciful and merciful! He glared at Liang Yanli fiercely and said angrily: "You still haven't apologized to Lord Ruian and Madam Shengpinghou!"

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi said to Yang Liu: "Stop it!"

Yang Liu then stopped and stood aside.

Liang Yanli's face was swollen like a pig's head, and her eyes were full of tears. After all, her father was a high-ranking official in the court, so marrying him as a concubine was already aggrieved, but she was slapped! Kneel down and kowtow to apologize! When had she ever experienced such humiliation since she was a child?

Even before Shen Xiaoer officially became the sixth prince's concubine, she was already protected by the sixth prince!

She stood there unscathed, and the sixth prince could have swollen his face just to vent his anger on her!

He has openly told everyone with his actions time and time again that he protects County Lord Rui'an, and if he offends County Lord Rui'an, he is offending him and will not end well!

And what about herself? She is pregnant with the eldest prince's child, and she helps him make suggestions but has to sacrifice her dignity to kowtow and apologize!

How could she not hate this!

Liang Yanli gritted her teeth, knelt down, and kowtowed. Her face was swollen and her speech was unclear: "Mrs. Shengpinghou, Lord Rui'an, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you just now."

As soon as she finished speaking, she stood up and walked out.

"Remember in the future, not everyone can be offended by you!" Shangguan Xuanyi warned lightly.

Liang Yanli paused for a moment before continuing to walk out.

The eldest prince was embarrassed and unwilling to stay, so he walked away.

"Brother, the eldest emperor, don't forget to send over the money to deal with the shock! And the eldest prince's concubine destroyed a pot of flowers I gave to the Queen Mother. Remember to compensate! Don't bother the eldest brother to use any compensation you want. Just use you. The piece of jadeite you got a while ago is ready! I heard that you have asked a master to carve it into a jade bonsai for the birthday boy to send peaches to the birthday boy? It just saved me a lot of trouble!"

The eldest prince staggered with anger after hearing this.

The eldest princess was forgotten by him. After the imperial doctor finished her diagnosis and treatment, she went back alone in a carriage, accompanied by her maid.

Some of the ladies present could see clearly. Today, the eldest prince's concubine and his concubine came to Shengpinghou Mansion to cause trouble. Part of the reason was definitely because they appeared in Shengpinghou Mansion, so they wisely left.

The next day, Xiaoer was summoned to the palace by the Queen Mother.

Before going out, Ms. Liu took Xiaoer's hand and said with worry on her face: "What should I do? The Queen Mother summoned you to the palace because she wanted to embarrass you about yesterday's incident, right?"

"Don't worry, mother. What happened yesterday has nothing to do with us. The Queen Mother is not an unreasonable person. She will not embarrass me." Xiaoer comforted her.

"But the eldest princess had a fetal contraction in our house. Why don't you go into the palace with me?"

"No, the Queen Mother cannot do anything to me. In terms of eloquence, I believe I am no worse than her. What mother has to worry about is whether I will make the Queen Mother faint!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Liu couldn't help but laugh: "You really dare to say anything."

At this time, a maid came to report: "Madam, girl, the sixth prince is here to take the girl to the palace."

After hearing this, Mrs. Liu didn't worry about anything. She helped Xiao'er tidy up the pearl flowers on her head: "Go, be careful on the way. When you come back, invite the Sixth Prince to your home for dinner, and my mother will cook it herself!"

"Mother, the Sixth Prince is your biological son, right? Why didn't you mention cooking by yourself just now?" Xiaoer teased.

"Why are you talking so much! Let's go! It's so hot, don't wait for the Sixth Prince!" Mrs. Liu pushed Xiaoer out!

Sure enough, he is not his biological child!

Cining Palace

The Queen Mother's face turned green when she knew that the Sixth Prince had come with County Lord Rui'an to ask for an audience!

The two of them saluted, and she just sat there drinking tea by herself without screaming.

The fifth princess came over in time and saluted.

The Queen Mother glared at the Fifth Princess, then put down her teacup and said, "No gifts!"

"Fifth girl, come and sit here." The Queen Mother waved to the fifth princess.

The fifth princess took Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer's hands and said, "Sixth Emperor Brother, County Lord Rui'an, please sit down quickly! It's not tiring to stand!"

The Queen Mother's face turned blue and white, white and blue again. She wanted to get angry, but she didn't want to offend the fifth princess, so she could only snort in frustration.

Shangguan Xuanyi pulled her aside and sat down expressionlessly.

Xiaoergang lowered his head and tried his best to suppress his smile.

The fifth princess is really a wonderful person.

After the two of them sat down, the Queen Mother said: "County Master Ruian, I heard that the eldest princess had fetal contractions in your house yesterday?"

"Back to the Queen Mother, yes." Xiaoer stood up and replied.

"Kneel down!" The Queen Mother suddenly became angry and slapped the armrest of the stool hard.

"I don't know why Grandma Imperial wants Lord Rui'an to kneel down." Shangguan Xuanyi stood up.

"Don't be angry, Grandmother Royal. Your health is important! Let's listen to what County Lord Ruian has to say first. People are required to kneel down at the beginning. People who don't know may think Grandma Royal is being unreasonable. Let's ask the situation clearly before punishing her. It won't be too late, we must punish her until she is convinced!" The fifth princess quickly helped the Queen Mother to obey.

"Okay, Aijia wants to ask you! Did you have a dispute with the eldest princess over a few flowers?"

"Back to the Queen Mother, it's not just a few flowers. It's the seven-color peony that my daughter and the Sixth Prince carefully prepared to give to me after searching through ancient books and finally finding a way. After countless failures, I successfully cultivated it. The birthday gift of the Queen Mother. Peony is the king of flowers. It has symbolized grace, wealth and good luck since ancient times. It is the flower of prosperity and longevity, and the seven-color peony symbolizes the prosperity of the country and long-term peace! The long-lost seven-color peony Being successfully cultivated, this is God's omen that our country is about to enter a peaceful and prosperous age! I saw that the eldest princess cut off two of the seven-color peonies that she had managed to cultivate without authorization, and wanted to cut off the third one. Such a good omen was ruined. "My daughter was excited and worried at the same time, so she spoke a little more fiercely." Xiaoer said nonchalantly.

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