The Queen Mother did not expect such an answer. Her favorite flower is peony, because it has a good meaning. Peony is the king of flowers, and as the queen mother, she is not the most respected woman in the world!

Peonies have always been a symbol of wealth and good fortune.

The Seven-Colored Peony Queen Mother has never been heard of, let alone seen.

Just thinking about it, she thought it would be beautiful.

"Yi'er, have you really cultivated seven-color peonies?" The Queen Mother's face looked much better. Her grandson knew that she liked peonies. He searched through ancient books and even cultivated peonies that could bloom in seven colors. This filial piety , so moved her!

"Going back to the Imperial Grandmother, it was County Master Rui'an who knew that the Queen Mother liked peonies, and accidentally discovered that there were seven-color peonies in ancient times. The birthday of the Imperial Grandmother was coming soon, so County Master Ruian said he would try to cultivate a pot of seven-color peonies and give it to the Emperor. Grandmother made a birthday gift, and the imperial grandmother must be happy, so the two of us searched through ancient books and tried hundreds of times before we successfully cultivated a pot, and there were seven flowers of different colors waiting to bloom. It was really a blooming flower. Wealth and prosperity!" This was the first time Shangguan Xuanyi said such a long sentence.

There is no way to deal with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law across generations is not optimistic! My father has been dealing with this relationship all his life. Even though he has left the palace and built a mansion, and Xiaoer will marry him in the future, he will not have to pay greetings every day. But the two of them still need to meet frequently, and it would be bad if they were unhappy every time they met!

Xiaoer glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi and saw that this man was no worse than herself when it came to making fools of herself.

Shangguan Xuanyi understood the teasing in Xiaoer's eyes and replied, "I learned this look from you."

After hearing this, the Queen Mother's face became a little brighter: "Everyone, please sit down and answer."

Only then did the palace maid give it

"The seven-color peonies must be very beautiful when they are in full bloom!" the fifth princess said after hearing this. Not to mention the Queen Mother, she was also curious about what the seven-color peonies looked like!

"That's natural. The peony is the king of flowers, and it's not for nothing. It is the representative of the national beauty and heavenly fragrance. The single-color peony is so, and the seven-color peony is unimaginably stunning! The day before yesterday, the seven-color peony was slightly blooming. , is still in bud, when the courtier saw it, she only thought: The peonies in front of the court have no character, the hibiscus on the pond is pure and unloving, only the peonies are the true national beauty, and when the flowers bloom, they move the capital." Xiao'er should try her best to use that pot. Peonies are said to exist in the sky but not underground!

Only in this way can the Queen Mother, who loves peonies, feel sorry for herself!

That pot of flowers was originally intended to be given to the Queen Mother. The more beautiful and rare the peonies were, the more the Queen Mother wanted them!

Now that the eldest princess had ruined such a beautiful thing that was about to belong to her, how could she not be annoyed!

She was in a bad mood, how could she still be in the mood to meddle in the business of people who made her feel bad.

Originally, the Queen Mother didn't really care about the eldest princess. She probably just wanted to take this opportunity to cause trouble for herself, Xiaoer thought to herself.

"Only peonies are the true national beauty, and when they bloom, they shock the city!" the Queen Mother murmured, this really spoke to her heart!

After returning to the imperial capital, she also heard some rumors that Bingxue, the head of Rui'an County, was smart and could write poems freely. She didn't believe it yet. Now, she had to admire that the emperor's son really had better vision than herself.

The eldest prince's concubine... don't mention it! So uneducated! It's really abominable to destroy that pot of seven-color peonies!

"County Lord Ruian, your poem is really the best poem I have ever heard praising peonies. It makes me want to go to your house to see that pot of peonies! Come to think of it, even peonies with only five colors are unique in the world and are still more beautiful than any other. Bar!"

"The princess is right. Although the five-color peonies are not as good as the seven-color peonies, which make people feel that they are in full bloom and have no flowers at all! But they are still more beautiful than others! I am always waiting for the princess to visit."

There will be no more flowers after all the flowers have bloomed! The Queen Mother was moved after hearing this. Although there were only five colors left, which was not perfect, the five colors of flowers blooming on a pot of peonies were indeed unique in the world! She has never seen it before either!

Just go to Shengpinghou Mansion by yourself, Shengpinghou is too shameless, this simply makes Shengpinghou Mansion shine!

However, she really wanted to watch closely, and the Queen Mother couldn't help but ask: "How are the remaining five-color peonies blooming?"

After hearing this, Xiaoer didn't understand anything. The Queen Mother was moved. Even if there were only five colors left, she still wanted it.

"Thanks to the Queen Mother's love for the pot of flowers, after leaving the palace and returning to the palace, I ordered people to send the five-color peonies to the palace for the Queen Mother and the fifth princess to see, so that the fifth princess would not have to make a special trip."

The Queen Mother nodded, she was sensible.

The Queen Mother couldn't wait to see what the peony looked like, so she picked up the tea and said, "The Ai family is old. After talking for so long, I feel a little tired. Please step aside."

"Queen Mother, this is the picture I drew for the pot of seven-color peonies the day before yesterday." Xiaoer guessed last night that the Queen Mother might cause trouble for her, so she drew this picture!

The purpose was to deepen the Queen Mother's regret that she could not bet on the seven-color peonies with her own eyes, and then she would be even more in no mood to interfere with her and the eldest princess's business!

After the painting was presented, the three of them stood up, bowed and left.

The Queen Mother opened the painting and couldn't come back to her senses for a long time. It was so beautiful that it was simply breathtaking!

For such a beautiful thing to be ruined by the eldest princess, the Queen Mother expressed her heartache!

The three of them left the Cining Palace, and the fifth princess said: "The sixth emperor asked me to help you, because I am afraid that the queen mother will deliberately make things difficult for you. I think the princess of Rui'an County can handle it by herself. It is unnecessary for us."

As soon as County Lord Rui'an opened her mouth, she turned the Queen Mother's attention away and asked her to focus on her favorite things. After talking about it, the Queen Mother simply forgot her original purpose and did not mention the matter of the eldest princess. I want her to return home quickly and send Peony to the palace.

"The princess praises my daughter so much. If the princess hadn't appeared in time, we would still be saluting right now! My daughter thanks the princess for helping."

The fifth princess was happy after hearing this: "Lord Ruian County, you can come to the palace to play with me when you have time. It's boring for me to stay in the palace all day! You are here, we can play chess!" At this point, the fifth princess I remembered that my mother had told me about the chess skills of Lord Rui'an. She was a figure even more powerful than my mother! Forget about playing chess now!

"Okay!" Xiaoer agreed happily.

"That game of chess is too boring, let's play something else!" The fifth princess quickly changed her words.

Seeing her eager look, Xiaoer thought that the queen must have told her about her "chess piece"!

It was really a lifetime of fame that was completely gone! It is estimated that no one will dare to play chess with me in the future!

"That's fine." Xiaoer responded less cheerfully.

Shangguan Xuanyi was walking beside Xiaoer, listening to the conversation between the two, and remembering what happened before, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

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