The days went on for a while, and more and more people went to the northwest to look for treasures.

Shangguan Xuanyi has asked various local government offices to issue announcements saying that the treasure is fake, but no one believes it. In other words, in the face of huge wealth, everyone would rather go in vain than miss the opportunity to get rich overnight!

Things got worse and worse, and some villages even organized an entire village of young men to search for treasures.

Many people go, but few come back.

But those who came back said that there were real treasures, and they also saw a fairyland in the desert, with many crops and beautiful houses.

Those people came back and took their parents, wives and children with them to move to the fairyland to live and work in peace and contentment.

After hearing such rumors, more people went there, and many poor people went to look for the fairyland.

The northwest side had to close the city gates to prevent people from going out to hunt for treasure or the so-called fairyland.

This behavior caused riots among those seeking treasure.

Those treasure-hunting people fought with the soldiers guarding the city! Even soldiers and civilians were killed!

When the memorial reached the emperor's desk, the emperor was so angry that he threw the memorial on the table with all his strength.

Simply stupid and ignorant! If there is really a treasure, will the treasure map be known to everyone in the world?

Who wouldn’t want to monopolize that wealth!

Well, although there is indeed a treasure, his son got it all back! But this matter cannot be announced to the whole world!

And fairyland is even more nonsense!

How stupid!

This kind of thing is definitely instigated by someone behind the scenes, but the purpose is unknown.

The emperor ordered Shangguan Xuanyi to go to the northwest to investigate the matter and resolve it.

Four Seasons Restaurant

Shangguan Xuanyi, Shangguan Xuanjun, Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Shaowei were discussing something.

"Could it be that the person behind the scenes deliberately lured a large number of people to kill those poisonous spiders? Then he reaped the benefits?" Shangguan Xuanhao guessed.

Shangguan Xuanyi shook his head. He had guessed the same thing at first, but now he felt that it was not that simple.

He has sent Feng Xing to investigate, but no news has come yet.

"Wonderland? A fairyland that disappears after chasing you? Are those people dazzled? I have been in the desert for so long, and all I have seen is sand. How can there be any fairyland! There really is a fairyland. People in Xiyue Kingdom will go there every year because of food. Do you want to rob the food of the people in the border towns because of the problem? They wish they could close the country and hide this matter tightly!" After hearing this, Di Shaowei was laughed at by those fools!

"They are simply stupid people looking for trouble. The soldiers in the border towns shed their blood and suffered all the hardships just to protect their homes and country so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment! But now they are beaten to death by these stupid people in vain. If you ask me, just say it!" City gate, let them go to the desert to find fairyland and never come back!" Shangguan Xuanjun was so angry that he punched the table with his fist.

Shangguan Xuanjun had a deep relationship with the soldiers in the northwest. When he heard that they innocently sacrificed their lives because of such things, he was very angry.

"Maybe they saw an illusion!" Xiaoer said after listening to their words.

"What illusion?" Dishaowei asked after hearing this.

"Mirage!" Xiaoer said her guess.

"What is a mirage?" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Xiaoer.

Others also looked at her, waiting for her explanation.

"A mirage, also known as a mirage, is a virtual image that appears in calm seas, rivers, lakes, snowfields, deserts, or Gobi. Occasionally, tall buildings, city outlines, and trees appear in the air or "underground." Waiting for illusions and illusions is just a mirage.”

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanjun bumped Shangguan Xuanyi's hand: "It's too profound, I can't understand it. Please explain."

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't say anything, and he didn't quite understand either!

Dishovi didn't understand either, but the Master taught us not to be ashamed to ask, so he asked: "Why does this illusion appear?"

Xiaoer thought for a while before speaking: "Do you know why it rains in the sky? Sometimes a rainbow appears after the rain, and sometimes it doesn't. Do you know what causes this?"

Collective: Shake your head!

This is a natural phenomenon. Wind and rain happen every year. We are used to it, but we have never thought about the reason.

Besides, it's God's business, it will blow when it likes to blow, and it will rain when it rains! Who can take care of this matter?

"A mirage, like a rainbow, is a phenomenon of refraction and reflection of light!"

The more you talk, the more profound it becomes!

Collective: A look of confusion!

Dishovi wanted to ask, what is the phenomenon of refraction and reflection of light, but he was afraid! What if he didn't understand what the girl said?

"What are the phenomena of refraction and reflection of light?" Shangguan Xuanjun asked shamelessly.

She was wrong, this was not a natural science class! How could she explain to the ancients what a mirage was!

"You don't need to worry about these. You just need to know that mirage is a kind of optical illusion! The fairyland those people saw in the desert is a virtual image! But the virtual image is completely reflected by light somewhere."

Optical illusion? What is this?

Shangguan Xuanhao was even more confused!

He threw himself at Shangguan Xuanjun: "Three Emperors, do you understand? I understand. Please explain it to me in human terms!"

Shangguan Xuanjun pushed Shangguan Xuanhao away, saying, "I don't understand either."

Xiaoer feels that she has encountered a problem in life!

"Can you not explain?" Xiaoer was discouraged.

Shangguan Xuanhao: "No! You have aroused my curiosity. If you don't explain it clearly, I won't be able to sleep."

Xiaoer: "It's none of my business whether you sleep or not!"

Shangguan Xuanhao's face was immediately full of grievance: "Girl, please explain! It's hard to have insomnia!"

"Isn't it like looking in a mirror? A mirage is the virtual image in the mirror. It cannot be touched or touched!"

"Brother Shangguan is really too smart, that's about it." Xiaoer gave Shangguan Xuanyi a thumbs up.

"The things in the mirror are real!" Shangguan Xuanjun said.

"The mirage is real, but we don't know its specific location." Xiaoer explained.

"Then there really is a fairyland?" Shangguan Xuanhao said incredulously.

"It's not a fairyland, it's a scene that exists in reality. It's just reflected! If what happens to be reflected is the palace you are familiar with, you probably believe that it is a virtual image." Xiaoer said that she was a little thirsty and wanted to drink some water.

Shangguan Xuanyi handed her a cup of tea.

After Xiaoer drank the entire glass of water, she continued: "Mirages are not easy to form and require specific conditions. So when you see this phenomenon, adjust your viewing height and it will disappear!"

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